Regional Runoff Characteristics in Zhengzhou City Based on SCS-CN Model
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    [Objective] The causes of waterlogging in Zhengzhou City were studied in order to provide a reference for risk prevention and operation management of rainstorm waterlogging disasters in important parts of the urban infrastructure.[Methods] The SCS-CN hydrological model was used with meteorological data from 2016 to 2020, and with soil, slope, and land use data in 2020 to calculate the underlying surface runoff in Zhengzhou City and to study the relationship between slope, soil, land use and runoff.[Results] ① The distribution of surface runoff in Zhengzhou City from 2016 to 2020 showed patterns of "high in the northeast, low in the southwest" and "high in urban areas and low in mountainous areas". Runoff was mainly located in areas with more intensive human activities, except for water areas. ② Runoff was greatest on the gentle slopes. Slope contribution rate was positively correlated with area. ③ The soil in Zhengzhou City was divided into four categories:A (coastal aeolian sandy soil), B (loess soil), C (fluvo-aquic soil, etc.), and D (cinnamon soil). The runoff of category D soil was the largest, and the four categories of soil all exhibited a gradual upward trend in runoff. There was a positive correlation between soil contribution rate and area. Zhengzhou City has primarily category C (fluvo-aquic) soil with low infiltration rate. ④ The SCS model showed that drier soil in the early stage leads to greater rainfall infiltration and less runoff. The larger the CN value, the smaller the S value (potential maximum retention or infiltration), and the larger the runoff.[Conclusion] Surface runoff in Zhengzhou City was more concentrated in the northeast construction area. Greater runoff was more likely to cause waterlogging. Sponge bricks and green belts should be added to areas where runoff is concentrated, and drainage pipes should be repaired in a timely manner. Development of southeastern Zhengzhou City should be promoted to alleviate the impact of human activities on surface runoff in Northeastern Zhengzhou City.

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  • Received:December 29,2021
  • Revised:March 11,2022
  • Online: September 23,2022