Experimental Study on Microbial Mineralization Reinforcement and Erosion Resistance of Loess Slope Surface
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    [Objective] The microbial mineralization reinforcement and erosion resistance of loess slope were studied in order to provide technology for the prevention and control of slope soil erosion in this region. [Methods] Microbial mineralization technology was used to reinforce a loess slope. The mechanism of microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) technology on the mineralization and reinforcement of a loess slope was determined from a microscopic point of view with the use of an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope. Erosion resistance of the reinforced slope was analyzed combined with an indoor simulated rainfall test. [Results] The erosion resistance of a loess slope could be effectively improved by using microbial mineralization technology to solidify the loess slope. As curing times increased, the thickness of the cured layer gradually increased. The permeability of the slope gradually decreased, and the total production flow gradually increased from 38.5 to 44.4 L/h, with an increase ratio of 15.6%. At the same time, total sediment yield gradually decreased from 480.64 to 17.1 g/h, with a decrease of 96.5%. No obvious soil erosion occurred on the slope after seven solidification treatments and one hour of continuous scouring with a rainfall intensity of 120 mm/h. The runoff and sediment concentration on the slope hardly changed with increased rainfall duration, and were stable between 0.72 and 0.74 L/min and between 0.001 and 0.002 g/ml, respectively. When the number of curing treatments reached seven or more, the number of curing treatments had a significant effect on total sediment yield, and total sediment yield decreased with increasing number of curing treatments. [Conclusion] MICP technology provides a new method and technology for reinforcement of loess slopes in the loess hilly and gully region that will prevent and control soil erosion on temporary and permanent slopes. This technology would be certain to have practical applications.

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  • Received:March 02,2022
  • Revised:March 29,2022
  • Online: November 22,2022