Characteristics of Soil Water Distribution at Interface of a Double-Ridge and Furrow-Sowing Film Hole Under Sprinkler Irrigation
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    [Objective] Water infiltration characteristics at the ridge, furrow, and film hole interface under furrow seeding and sprinkling irrigation on double ridges of inland area of Hexi Corridor at Minqin County, Gansu Province were determined, and the relationship between water transfer and the utilization of agricultural water-saving and farm technology coupling were discussed in order to provide a theoretical basis for the development of efficient agricultural water-saving technologies. [Methods] Four sprinkler irrigation treatments of 24 mm (G1), 30 mm (G2), 36 mm (G3), and 42 mm (G4) were established in a field experiment, and the HYDRUS-2D model was used to simulate the soil moisture at different positions of the double-ridge and furrow-sowing sprinkler irrigation ridge film hole. Differences and two-dimensional distribution characteristics of soil moisture were determined. [Results] The accuracy of the HYDRUS-2D model to simulate soil moisture for the sprinkler irrigated double-ridge and furrow-sowing system at the film hole was high (average relative error was 6.46%—9.08%, and the coefficient of determination was 0.85—0.95. One day after irrigation, the saturated and humid soil area was mainly concentrated in the 0—30 cm soil layer, and the saturated area of the G1 treatment was the smallest of all of the treatments due to water deficit. In the 0—20 cm soil layer, the saturated area increased with increasing irrigation amount (i.e., G234). However, there was no significant difference in water content between different treatments below the 50 cm soil depth. [Conclusion] Sprinkler irrigation of farmland at the inland arid area of Hexi Corridor mainly affected the upper soil layer. Simulations of soil water distribution by the HYDRUS-2D model were acceptable and the parameters were reliable. The model can be used to formulate sprinkler irrigation system technology for the double-ridge production system.

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  • Received:October 13,2021
  • Revised:March 20,2022
  • Online: November 22,2022