Spatial Difference and Influencing Factors of Cultivated Land Resource Value in Jinzhong City of Shanxi Province During 2015—2020
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    [Objective] The spatial-temporal variation characteristics and influencing factors of cultivated land value in Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province were analyzed in order to provide a scientific basis for the rational utilization and scientific management of cultivated land resources. [Methods] The value of cultivated land resources in Jinzhong City from 2015 to 2020 was calculated by using the value accounting system for cultivated land resources. The spatial variation characteristics and influencing factors of the overall mean value of cultivated land resources in Jinzhong City were analyzed by hot spot analysis and geographical weighted regression. [Results] ① From 2015 to 2020, the overall average value of cultivated land resources was high in the north and low in the south. The high value area (396.57—490.3) was located in Shouyang County and Yuci District, and the low value area (95.01—101.87) was located in Heshun County and Zuoquan County, with large regional differences. ② The comprehensive value of cultivated land resources in Jinzhong City exhibited spatial agglomeration, with low value areas located in Zuoquan, Heshun, Yushe, and Lingshi County, and high value areas located in Yuci District and Shouyang County. [Conclusion] The factors influencing cultivated land value had obvious spatial heterogeneity characteristics in Jinzhong City. Positive correlations were found with market town impact degree, road accessibility, irrigation guarantee rate, rural road network density, multiple cropping index, and per capita cultivated land area, while a negative correlation was found with topographic position index.

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  • Received:March 13,2022
  • Revised:April 17,2022
  • Online: November 22,2022