Investigation and Analysis of Typical Rainstorm Erosion and Flood Disaster on Loess Plateau in 2022
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    [Objective] The current situation of soil erosion during typical rainstorm events in different regions of the Loess Plateau was investigated, and the characteristics of soil erosion in the catchment and the flood inundation disaster in the downstream were analyzed in order to provide reference for the prevention and control of rainstorm erosion disaster in the region. [Methods] Taking the four typical heavy rainstorms that occurred in different areas of the Loess Plateau from July to September 2022 as the background, through field investigations, and based on drone aerial photography to obtain high-definition images of small catchments after the rainstorm, the erosion characteristics and flooding disaster of different land use types in small catchment under heavy rainfall conditions in different regions were analyzed. [Results] Under the condition of heavy rain, gully erosion is easy to occur in sloping farmland, and mainly rill erosion, with the erosion modulus ranging from 22 588~46 244 t/km2; There is no obvious gully erosion in the grassland. Gravity erosion dominates the catchment and is prone to occur on both sides of roads and channels. The production roads increase the hydrological connectivity of the catchment, resulting in serious road erosion and damage. The erosion of roads with drainage facilities is significantly smaller than that of roads without drainage facilities. The destruction of terraced fields sill is prone to collapse, the length, width and depth of the damage are 10~30 m, 0.35~2.3 m and 0.1~1.9 m respectively. The erosion and damage of newly built terraces are significantly greater than those of old terraces, and the erosion and damage of terraces built before the rainy season of that year are also significantly greater than those built after the rainy season of the previous year. The check dams in the catchment have obvious effects on sediment retention, but there are still many damage and flooding overtopping dam phenomena in the case of heavy rain, and the siltation of most of the check dams has reached the upper limit of the storage capacity. Unreasonable occupancy of river channels, engineering construction, lack of storage and drainage measures in small watersheds, and inadequate management and protection of some soil and water conservation facilities will aggravate watershed erosion and flood disasters. [Conclusion] Under the general rainstorm conditions, the current soil and water conservation measures in the small catchment can better resist the rainstorm erosion. The erosion disasters in the catchment are still serious under the heavy rainstorm, and it is easy to cause serious siltation and flood disasters in the downstream. Optimizing the design and layout of the overall “storage and drainage coordination” facilities in the watersheds is an urgent problem that needs to be solved for the high-quality development of soil and water conservation work in the Loess Plateau.

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  • Received:October 30,2022
  • Revised:December 01,2022
  • Online: February 13,2023
  • Published: December 20,2022