Native forest conversion reduces soil organic C lability and enzyme activity in northwestern Hunan province

College of Resources Environment,Hunan Agricultural University

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    [Objective] Understanding the response of soil labile organic C fractions and enzyme activities to native forest conversion is of great significance for predicting regional soil health and environmental change. [Methods] Hereby the native evergreen broad-leaved forest and the converted conifer plantation, orchard, sloping tillage, and paddy with similar geographical background and clear land use history were selected. The responses of labile organic C fractions and enzyme activities in topsoil to the native forest conversion were investigated using various physical, chemical, and biochemical techniques. [Results] The native forest conversion to orchard, sloping tillage, and paddy significantly lowered the soil organic C content, labile C fractions contents, and enzyme activities by 42% ~ 67%, 47% ~ 88%, and 36% ~ 89%, respectively. Notably, the readily oxidizable organic C, microbial biomass C, and invertase activity had the highest reduction with the native forest conversion, sensitively indicating the reduction in soil organic C content and its lability. The readily oxidizable organic C was a practical index. The reductions in soil labile organic C fractions and enzyme activities were lower by the native forest conversion to plantation than by the native forest conversion to orchard and sloping, showing the preservation capacity of soil labile C in plantation. The ratio of labile organic C to total organic C in soil reduced significantly after the native forest conversion to plantation, sensitively reflecting the reduction in soil C quality. [Conclusion] The native forest conversion led to substantial reductions in labile organic C quantity, C quality, and related enzyme activities in soil, suggesting the degradation of soil biological health and decline in soil quality.

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  • Received:December 21,2022
  • Revised:February 08,2023
  • Adopted:February 09,2023
  • Online: November 09,2023