Importance Evaluation of Ecological Protection and Spatial Pattern of Urban Agglomeration Around Poyang Lake
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    [Objective] The spatial change characteristics and spatial aggregation characteristics of important ecological protection areas in the Poyang Lake urban agglomeration were analyzed in order to provide a basis for delineating “three districts and three lines” and rational planning of territorial space, and to provide a theoretical reference for promoting the coordinated development between high-quality economic development and ecological protection in the Great Lake Basin. [Methods] The study area was the urban agglomeration around Poyang Lake. Land use data for 2000, 2010, and 2020 were used with the InVEST model, the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE), and a GIS spatial analysis method to select types of ecological services (such as water conservation, soil conservation, biodiversity conservation, water purification, soil erosion sensitivity, and water environment sensitivity) to identify the important areas of ecological protection in the study area, and to analyze their spatial variation characteristics. [Results] ① In 2000, 2010, and 2020, the areas of important ecological protection in the urban agglomeration around Poyang Lake were 6.34×104, 6.35×104, and 6.28×104 km2, respectively. The land use types were dominated by forest land and water areas, showing the distribution characteristics of “high on both sides and low in the middle”. ② At a grid scale of 2 km×2 km, the importance of ecological protection in the urban agglomeration around Poyang Lake was significantly clustered in space, and the high and high clustering areas were mainly located in the eastern and western mountainous areas with fewer anthropogenic activities and good ecological protection. Low and low agglomeration areas were mainly located in the plain area around the Poyang Lake (where human activities are intensive), and some functions and structures of the ecosystem itself were damaged during economic development. ③ From 2000 to 2020, the changing and stable areas of ecological protection importance were located in the Huaiyu mountain area and the Poyang Lake Plain, and the enhanced areas were located in Fuliang County, Wuyuan County, and the Poyang Lake District; and the weakened areas were located in Yichun City, Pingxiang City, and Yingtan City. [Conclusion] For extremely important and highly important areas, stabilizing forest coverage and improving forest quality is the first task. Secondly, measures should be taken to effectively promote wetland restoration and the construction of nature reserves in order to curb habitat degradation. For medium-important, moderately important, and less important areas, the relationship between high-quality economic development and ecological protection should be properly handled. Especially in areas with intensive human activities, urban green space coverage should be increased, and ecological buffer zones should be established around cities to alleviate the pressure of ecological space survival.

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  • Received:May 04,2022
  • Revised:June 15,2022
  • Online: April 08,2023