Effects of Water Supply Location in Anegative Pressure Irrigation System on Tomato Growth and Water Use Efficiency
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    [Objective] The specific effects of negative head irrigation system on tomato growth, irrigation method, and water utilization efficiency were studied in order to provide scientific references for improving the technical system of negative head irrigation and for improving the efficient utilization of water resources.[Methods] A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of water supply location on tomato growth, water requirement, yield, and water use efficiency by using negative pressure irrigation technology.[Results] The location of the negative pressure water supply location had a significant effect on the growth and water use efficiency of tomato. The yields of plants irrigated with a single water-supplying disc buried vertically on one side of the root system and with a single water-supplying disc buried horizontally at the bottom of the root system were 14.3% and 0.5%, respectively, lower than the yield per plant irrigated with a water-supplying disc buried on each side of the root system and alternately supplying water. The growth and dry weight trends of above ground parts of tomato plants with alternate water supply on both sides of the root system were relatively small, but the root-shoot ratio was 33.3% greater than observed with the other two water supply locations. Moreover, the total water requirement of per plant for tomato plants irrigated with the alternate water supply on both sides of the root system was 24.7% and 17.4%, respectively, lower than with the other two water supply locations, and water use efficiency of single plant was 43.8% and 14.8% greater, respectively. Roots tended to grow more at the water supply source.[Conclusion] Different negative water head buried irrigation water source locations significantly affected tomato growth parameters. In terms of effective utilization of water resources, promotion of tomato plant growth, and increase of tomato yield, the optimal treatment was the system of disks buried on both sides of the root system and supplying water alternately. This system can effectively reduce irrigation water amount and improve water utilization rate, and should be promoted as an effective production practice.

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  • Received:September 22,2022
  • Revised:January 28,2023
  • Online: August 16,2023