Characteristics of soil aggregates and organic carbon content in ecological restoration slope of Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station

1.College of Biology and Pharmacy,China Three Gorges University,;2.Engineering Research Center of cement based Ecological Restoration TechnologyChina Three Gorges University

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    [Objective] To explore the effects of ecological engineering restoration technology on soil aggregate stability and organic carbon distribution, and to provide scientific basis for improving soil structure stability and carbon sink function of different ecological restoration slopes in Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station. [Method] In this paper, four different ecological restoration slopes of Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station were studied: vegetation concrete (CBS), thick base material spraying(TB), frame beam covering soil (FB), and external soil spraying (SS). The distribution and stability of soil aggregates and the characteristics of organic carbon content were studied by wet sieve method two natural restoration slopes of natural forest (NF) and abandoned land (AS) as control. [Result] The results show that: (1) The soil of each slope is dominated by large aggregates > 0.25 mm. The content of macroaggregates in natural forest is the highest (81.83%). The vegetation concrete and thick base material slope are the second, and the content of waste residue land is the lowest, only 55.19 %. The MWD and GMD of the four artificial ecological restoration slopes are lower than those of the natural forest and higher than those of the waste residue land. The value of the thick substrate slope is the highest, which is 2.96 mm and 1.47 mm, respectively. The fractal dimension ( D ) of the soil spray seeding and slag field is significantly higher (p< 0.05) than the other four slopes. (2) The organic carbon content of large aggregates with particle size > 0.25 mm is the highest in all ecological restoration slope measures. In addition to soil spray seeding and waste residue land, other restoration measures and natural forests have the largest contribution rate of > 2mm soil aggregates. (3) Correlation analysis shows that soil SOC is significantly positively correlated with MWD, GMD and R0.25(p< 0.01), > 5mm and 5-2mm aggregates are significantly positively correlated with soil MWD, GMD, R0.25 and SOC (p< 0.01), and significantly negatively correlated with D (p< 0.01). [Conclusion] In the study area of Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station, the improvement effect of thick substrate spraying technology and vegetation concrete ecological restoration technology on soil structure and organic carbon pool is close to that of natural forest, and the improvement effect of external soil spraying technology is poor.

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