Spatial Differentiation and Dynamic Evolution of Carbon Emission Efficiency in Grain Production in North China

Shandong academy of Macroeconomic Research

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    [Objective] Under the background of “double carbon”, exploring the carbon emission efficiency of grain production in North China and quantifying its spatial differentiation and dynamic evolution, and analyzing the current situation of carbon emission efficiency of grain production in North China are conducive to promoting green and low-carbon grain production in North China. [Method] The carbon emission coefficient method and the three-stage super-efficiency SBM model were used to measure the carbon emission and carbon emission efficiency of grain production in North China from 2011 to 2020, and then the Theil index and kernel density estimation were used to explore the regional differences and dynamic evolution of carbon emission efficiency of grain production. [Result] ①During the study period, the carbon emissions of grain production in North China showed an “M” type fluctuation downward trend, but the decline was slow. Among them, the use of chemical fertilizers is the main cause of grain carbon emissions. ②The carbon emission efficiency of grain production in North China showed an evolution trend of decreasing first and then increasing. The average efficiency of the first stage was 0.59. Excluding the influence of environmental variables and random errors on the efficiency value, the average efficiency of the third stage was 0.48, which was 18.6 % lower than the efficiency value of the first stage. Chuzhou, Zhumadian, Dezhou and other places have higher efficiency values, while Huangshan, Weihai and other places have lower efficiency values. ③The spatial difference of carbon emission efficiency of grain production is on the rise, and the regional difference is the main factor affecting the overall difference, among which the difference among cities in Henan Province is the most significant. ④During the investigation period of the sample, the kernel density function. changed from “single peak” to “double peak”, the main peak showed a fluctuating rise and a slight right shift trend, and the side peak uplift was small. [Conclusion] The overall level of carbon emission efficiency of grain production in North China is low, and there are obvious spatial differentiation characteristics. In the future, all regions should reduce the redundancy of material input such as chemical fertilizer, and adopt the strategy of “counterpart assistance ” to promote the benign interaction of grain production technology, so as to narrow the regional differences in carbon emission efficiency of grain production among regions.

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  • Received:May 18,2023
  • Revised:August 09,2023
  • Adopted:August 10,2023
  • Online: June 28,2024