A Study on Pore Structure and Erosion Resistance of Soil Column Based on CT Scanning Technology —Taking Bahiagrass Plantation as an Example
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S154.4, S157

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    [Objective] The relationship between soil column pore structure and soil erosion resistance for soil columns with Bahiagrass was analyzed in order to provide a scientific basis for the optimal arrangement of plants for soil and water conservation and to assess the benefits of planting Bahiagrass. [Methods] This study was conducted using long-term experiments of Bahiagrass grown in soil columns. Four pore indicators (pore length density, bulk density, surface area density, and pore number density) of Bahiagrass soil columns were quantified by CT scanning technology. Flushing tests using a flume with variable slopes were carried out to quantify soil erosion resistance at three slopes (10°, 20°, and 30°) and five runoff rates (0.8, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, and 4.0 L/s). The relationships between pore structure characteristics and erosion resistance factors were then determined. [Results] Bahiagrass root system development increased during the growth period, but decreased with soil depth. The values of four pore structure indicators in 0—5 cm soil layer were much higher than those in 5—10 cm soil layer, and the average soil rill erodibility (0.026 s/m) and critical shear stress (7.0 Pa) in 0—5 cm surface layer were 0.33 and 1.54 times the values of those respective parameters in 5—10 cm lower soil layer. [Conclusion] The pore characteristics of plant root development indicated soil erosion resistance. The four pore structure indicators obtained by CT scanning were significantly related to factors such as rill erodibility. The pore surface area density was most closely related to the erosion resistance factors.

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  • Received:October 25,2022
  • Revised:January 01,2023
  • Online: November 30,2023