Sustainable Utilization and Obstacle Factors of Water Resource in Jiangxi Province
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    [Objective] The sustainable water resource utilization in Jiangxi Province were evaluated and its main obstacles were analyzed in order to provide theoretical references for optimizing water resource governance policy. [Methods] The DPSIR model was used as a framework to construct a sustainable water resource utilization evaluation index system (including 29 secondary indicators) for Jiangxi Province. The trend of changes in the level of sustainable water resources utilization in Jiangxi Province was evaluated using the entropy-weight TOPSIS method, and the main obstacle factors hindering the sustainable water resources utilization were identified using the obstacle degree diagnosis method. [Results] The sustainable water resource utilization level in Jiangxi Province from 2011 to 2020 (except for 2013 and 2018) increased with increasing years. The average sustainable water resource utilization level after 2015 (0.375 8) was 10.15% greater than before 2015 (0.340 8). The main obstacle factors included the treatment capacity of wastewater treatment facilities, total water resources, surface water storage capacity, number of wastewater treatment facilities, and per capita GDP. [Conclusion] Insufficient investment in governance and low management efficiency due to low economic development and science and technology level continue to hinder the sustainable use of water resources in Jiangxi Province. It is suggested that water resource governance policies should be optimized by adhering to the measures defined in "one policy for one river", focusing on innovative technology, upgrading industrial structure, and establishing policy communities.

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  • Received:February 26,2023
  • Revised:June 06,2023
  • Online: January 29,2024