Spatiotemporal Evolution and Coupling Coordination of Socio-economic Level and Ecological Resilience in Fuzhou Metropolitan Area
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    [Objective] The coordinated state of socio-economic level (SEL) and ecological resilience (ER) in the Fuzhou metropolitan area (FMA) and its development trend were analyzed in order to provide regulatory suggestions and theoretical references for high-quality and sustainable development of this metropolitan area. [Methods] Data were obtained for 27 county cities in FMA, and a three-dimensional ecological resilience evaluation model based on the "resistance-recovery-adaptability" characteristics of resilience was constructed. A universal social and economic level evaluation index system was also constructed. The entropy weight method, coupling coordination degree model, kernel density model, scissors difference method, and gravity center migration model were used to determine the temporal and spatial evolution trends of SEL, ER, and coupling and coordination level of FMA. The main factors affecting the coordinated development were determined by Pearson correlation analysis. [Results] ① The mean value of SEL for FMA increased from 0.181 2 to 0.320 8. The spatially high SEL areas were distributed as "one core and three centers" with FMA as the core. ② The mean value of ecological environmental resistance (ER) decreased from 0.429 4 to 0.349 4, and the high ER areas were mainly concentrated in the inland mountainous areas such as "Yanping-Gutian", while the low ER areas were located in the coastal area of "Mawei-Meizhou Island", and formed a resilience "depression" in and around FMA. ER and its subsystems exhibited strong positive autocorrelation in space. ③ The mean value of coupling coordination degree steadily increased from 0.51 to 0.56. The speed of development in terms of the SEL and ER of counties tended to be balanced, and the scissor angle difference generally decreased. The center of gravity of coordinated development moved to the central part of FMA, and the number of counties entering a type of coordinated development increased significantly. The main factors hindering the coupled coordination were the risk resistance index, per capita GDP, and the number of hospital beds per thousand people. [Conclusion] The SEL and ER of FMA showed a trend of "misaligned" development in space-time, and the coupling and coordination level of both still has much room for improvement.

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  • Received:February 23,2023
  • Revised:May 18,2023
  • Online: January 29,2024