Factors Influencing Recessive Transformation of Land Use in Fujian Province During 2000-2020
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    [Objective] The spatio-temporal characteristics of the dominant driving forces and influencing factors of county land use transition in Fujian Province were analyzed, and a logical analysis framework of influencing factors of land use transition was constructed, in order to provide a reference for the high-quality development of land use in Fujian Province. [Methods] Based on land use data and socio-economic data for Fujian Province in 2000, 2010, and 2020, we constructed a logical analytical framework of the factors influencing land use transformation by using a theoretical analysis method, a land use transfer matrix, a comprehensive index method, and geographically weighted regression. Based on these methods, we conducted a systematic analysis on the dominant driving force of land use transformation, the shift of land classes, the spatial and temporal characteristics of implicit land use patterns, and the influencing factors in Fujian Province. [Results] ① Regions of Fujian Province showed a development trend with economic-ecological security as the main driving force; ② The area of construction land in Fujian Province increased by 2 897.45 km2 during 2000-2020, being mainly converted from arable land, followed by forest land and grassland; ③ Land use recessive morphology in Fujian Province showed a "strip-like" spatial characteristic, forming the Fuzhou-Putian-Xiamen high-level zone and the Fuding-Minhou-Xianyou-Anxi-Zhaoan and Wuyishan-Nanping-Sanming-Longyan intermediate morphology zones; ④ Traffic density and urbanization were the main factors influencing land use transformation in Fujian Province. [Conclusion] Fujian Province should strengthen transportation construction between inland and coastal areas, and between remote and urban areas. Fujian Province should also implement a new urbanization strategy, and at the same time further promote mountain-sea cooperation in the new era, and give full play to the leading role of coastal cities such as Fuzhou City and Xiamen City.

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  • Received:June 01,2023
  • Revised:September 25,2023
  • Online: January 29,2024