Effects of different sea buckthorn plantation patterns on soil aggregate sta-bility and organic carbon recovery in quasi-energy open-pit mine

1.Xi'2.'3.an University of Science and Technology

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    [Objective] The coal mining process also causes a series of ecological and environmental problems such as the reduction of biodiversity, the destruction of soil structure and the loss of nutrients. The severe disturbance to the soil structure in the mining area results in the exposure of organic carbon protected by soil aggregates, which is de-composed and mineralized by soil microorganisms, resulting in the loss of soil organic carbon. Vegetation recon-struction in disturbed open pit dump is considered to be an effective measure to improve soil structure and increase biodiversity. In recent years, microbial restoration technology (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) has been widely used in ecological restoration of mining areas, and has achieved obvious ecological improvement effect. In addition, exogenous substances such as weathered coal and green fertilizer are also considered to have a positive role in soil improvement. However, the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi combined with weathering coal and green fertilizer on vegetation growth and soil improvement is still unclear. [Methods] Therefore, based on the sea buckthorns demonstration base in the open pit of Hedaigou, Inner Mongolia, this study analyzed the effects of the combined action of fertilizer modes such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and other factors (weathered coal and green fertilizer) on the stability of soil aggregates and organic carbon recovery in the early vegetation resto-ration area of the open pit dump by investigating vegetation populations and collecting soil aggregate samples. [Result] The results showed that under the six treatment modes, the experimental group inoculated with AMF, applied green fertilizer and added weathered coal (sand and green wind) had the best effect on the improvement of understory vegetation diversity, and the diversity index was significantly improved compared with the control treatment. The experimental group inoculated with AMF and applied with green fertilizer (sand green) had the most significant effect on the development and stability of aggregates. The crushing rate of the experimental group was significantly lower than that of the control group, while the mean diameter of aggregate weight and geometric mean diameter were significantly higher than that of the control group. The analysis of the effect of organic carbon and total nitrogen in aggregates showed that the organic carbon and total nitrogen in aggregates treated with sand green were significantly higher than those in the experimental group inoculated only with AMF (sand grafting). [Con-clusion]:Overall, these results evaluated the effects of weathering coal, green fertilizer and AMF inoculation on improving vegetation diversity, aggregate stability and aggregate organic carbon recovery in field trials, and had important reference significance for optimizing artificial ecological restoration strategies in open-pit mines and accelerating soil carbon pool recovery.

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  • Received:October 23,2023
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