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    [Objective] Analyzing the spatial-temporal evolution and influencing factors of carbon emissions in Qingdao City is of great significance for ecological protection and high-quality development.[Methods] Based on the land use data, nighttime light data, and social and economic data of Qingdao city from 2000 to 2020, carbon emissions from land use were calculated. By constructing a fitting model between carbon emissions and nighttime light values, the spatial distribution difference and trend of carbon emissions of different land use types in Qingdao city were revealed. The decoupling status between carbon emissions and economic development in Qingdao city was analyzed through the Tapio decoupling model. The contribution degree of various influencing factors of land use carbon emissions was analyzed by using Kaya decomposition and LMDI models. [Results] ①The net carbon emissions from land use in Qingdao city generally showed an increasing trend from 2000 to 2020. From 13,096,400 tons in 2000 to 36.4820 million tons in 2020, an increase of nearly 1.79 times;②The overall carbon emissions in Qingdao city presented a spatial distribution pattern of "high in the middle and low around", and industrial energy consumption was the main source of carbon emissions from construction land, with high carbon emission areas mainly concentrated in the Jiaozhou Bay area;③The relationship between economic development and carbon emissions in Qingdao city has undergone a transition from "expansion link to weak decoupling to strong decoupling";④The factors that promote the growth of carbon emissions in Qingdao are population size and economic effect, and the factors that inhibit the growth of carbon emissions in Qingdao are energy structure and energy intensity. [Conclusion] In the future, it is necessary to further adjust the industrial structure, accelerate the development of a low-carbon economy, and reduce carbon emissions from the source through measures such as technological innovation and energy structure adjustment.

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  • Received:November 16,2023
  • Revised:January 27,2024
  • Adopted:February 02,2024