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    [Objective]To explore the effects of different soil and water conservation measures on soil nutrients and plant diversity in open pit coal mine dumps, and to provide feasible technical measures for ecological restoration of mine dumps and other abandoned lands.[Methods]Eight soil and water conservation measures combining soil and water conservation engineering measures and plant measures were deployed on the exposed slopes of the grassland open pit coal mine discharge site, with no measures (CK) as the control, using sample methods to investigate the characteristics of the plant community and to determine the main physicochemical properties of the soil, to compare and analyze the differences in the changes in the characteristics of the plant community and soil properties of the different soil and water conservation measures, and to analyze the redundancy method to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of the plant community and the characteristics of the soil. The redundancy method was used to analyze the correlation between plant community characteristics and soil properties.[Result]The soil and water conservation measures taken on the slope of the discharge site had different degrees of influence on the main physicochemical properties of the soil, in which the soil quick-acting nutrient content changed significantly (P<0.05), and the soil quick-acting phosphorus content of the two measures, spreading mixed grass + ecological bag spacing 1m (Ⅱ) and spreading mixed grass + ecological bag spacing 2m (Ⅲ), reached 3.38 mg/kg and 3.13 mg/kg, which increased 53.6% and 42.3% compared with that of the control (CK) (2.20mg/kg) respectively. 2.20 mg/kg) increased by 53.6% and 42.3%, respectively. The soil quick-effect potassium content of the three measures of spreading mixed grass + ecological bag spacing 2 m (Ⅲ), spreading mixed grass + geocell (Ⅶ), spreading mixed grass + grass curtain (Ⅷ) was 108.25 mg/kg, 126.25 mg/kg, 124.00 mg/kg, and the soil quick-effect potassium content of the control plot was only 53.25 mg/kg. The effects of soil and water conservation measures on plant community characteristics were mainly manifested in the Simpson's dominance index, which was significantly higher than that of the control (CK), except for the insignificant differences (P>0.05) between the spreading of sedge + salix psammophila sand barriers (Ⅵ) and the spreading of sedge + geocell (Ⅶ) (P<0.05). The results of redundancy analysis showed that Margalef richness, Simpson dominance index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index were all significantly positively correlated with soil quick-acting phosphorus; Louie evenness index was significantly positively correlated with soil total nitrogen, quick-acting potassium and slow-acting potassium.[Conclusion]The implementation of soil and water conservation measures in open-pit coal mine dumps can improve the soil nutrient content and plant diversity, which has a positive effect on ecological restoration; the soil and water conservation measures of spreading mixed grass + ecological bag with an interval of 2m (Ⅲ) and spreading mixed grass + salix psammophila sand barriers (Ⅵ) have a better ecological restoration effect, which can be popularized and applied as the main measures for ecological restoration of dumps in the mining area.

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