Effect of mixed application of three environmental materials on slope soils in alpine mining areas
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Qinghai West Copper Limited Liability Company Scientific Research project"Research on the preparation and application technology of slope greening and spraying substrate in alpine mining area"(2641-ZC-2022-00094)

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    [Objective] In order to solve the problems of poor soil structure and serious soil erosion in the process of soil reclamation in the alpine region of Qinghai-Tibet, [Methods] the Delni copper mine in Qinghai was taken as an example. Using the local serpentine residue soil and the original soil, the effect of mixing and applying three kinds of materials—binder, long fiber, and rice husk—on the improvement of the soil of the side slopes was investigated through an orthogonal test of soil cultivation simulation. The proportion of the mixing materials with the best effect was determined. [Results] Orthogonal polar results showed that the binder had a stronger effect on soil aggregates, total porosity, field water holding capacity, and soil bulk density, while long fibers and rice husk had a stronger effect on pH and total salt content. Binder incorporation increased soil bulk density but decreased soil pore space compared to the control (CK). Long fibers and rice husk significantly decreased soil pH, increased total porosity and field water holding capacity, and appropriately increased total salt content. The optimal combination for soil aggregates and pH was A2B2C3 (binder 0.074 g·kg-1, long fiber 2.96 g·kg-1, rice husk 11.11 g·kg-1). Soil bulk density, total porosity, and field water holding capacity regulation were optimized with the combination A1B2C2 (binder 0.037 g·kg-1, long fiber 2.96 g·kg-1, rice husk 7.41 g·kg-1), and the optimal combination for total salt content was A3B1C2 (binder 0.111 g·kg-1, long fiber 1.48 g·kg-1, rice husk 7.41 g·kg-1). [Conclusion]Taken together, the optimal formulation for soil matrix restoration in alpine mining areas was obtained by the median method as A1.5B2C2, i.e., A (binder) 0.0555 g·kg-1, B (long fibers) 2.96 g·kg-1, and C (rice husk) 7.41 g·kg-1. This formulation is conducive to the restoration and stabilization of soil structure in the Qinghai-Tibet alpine mining area and plays an important role in soil and water conservation in this region.

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  • Received:May 31,2024
  • Revised:September 12,2024
  • Adopted:September 12,2024