Research progress on the effects of erosion and sedimentation on the form, concentration and enrichment of heavy metal(loid)s in soil

Guizhou University

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Fund Project:

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), "Mechanism of soil erosion on Cd migration in sloping farmland in Karst high background Area" (42367047); Key Laboratory of Karst Ecosystem and Rocky Desertification Control, Ministry of Natural Resources/Project of Karst Dynamics Major Science and Technology Innovation Base of Guangxi "Mechanism of influence of soil leakage in shallow karst Fractures on Cd migration in Karst Area" (YRSW-2023-086); State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Agriculture in the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Ministry of Water Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Foundation of Surface/Subsurface Soil Erosion on Cadmium Migration in Sloping Farmland in Geochemical Anomaly Area, F2010121002-202416

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    [Objective] To investigate the effect of erosion and sedimentation on the form, concentration and enrichment characteristics of heavy metals in soil, so as to further understand the mechanism of the influence of erosion and sedimentation on the form, concentration and enrichment of heavy metals in soil, and provide scientific reference for the prevention and control of soil heavy metal pollution in river basins. [Methods] Based on the relevant articles about the influence of erosion-deposition on heavy metals in soil, the key factors affecting heavy metals in soil during erosion-deposition were systematically studied. [Results] (1) Erosion causes differences in the spatial distribution of heavy metal content in soil through runoff erosion, rainfall promotes the transformation of the form of heavy metal from granular to soluble, and the form of heavy metal may be transformed under sedimentation. Soil aggregates and clay contents in sedimentary environment affect the distribution and enrichment of heavy metals. (2) Organic matter has dual effects on heavy metals, which can adsorb free heavy metal ions, reduce the exchange state content of heavy metals in soil, and can also be complexed with heavy metals to increase the organic binding state content of heavy metals. (3) Soil hydrogenionconcentration (pH) and cationexchangecapacity (CEC) have significant effects on the transformation of heavy metal forms. Under acidic conditions, the complexation and precipitation between heavy metal ions are promoted, while under alkaline conditions, the positive charge on the surface of soil particles increases and repelling the positive charge carried by soil heavy metal ions, thus affecting the adsorption between the surface of soil particles and heavy metal ions. (4) Generally, the higher the soil moisture, the greater the solubility of heavy metals, but excessive water will lead to insufficient oxygen and reduce the redox potential, thus affecting the reduction release of heavy metals. Changes in the redox potential (Eh) directly affect the stability of iron and manganese oxides and sulfides in the soil, and then affect the concentration change of heavy metals. [Conclusion] The form, concentration and enrichment characteristics of heavy metals in soil during erosion-deposition process are affected by various environmental factors, showing significant differences from the erosion area to the deposition area. Future studies should further explore the mechanism and mechanism of soil heavy metal form transformation under different environmental conditions, and clarify the specific influence of soil aggregate and texture on the enrichment characteristics of heavy metals. A more accurate model of heavy metal migration in soil was established.

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  • Received:July 03,2024
  • Revised:August 27,2024
  • Adopted:August 27,2024