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    [Objective] In order to clarify the diversity of herbaceous plants in the herbaceous felt layer in Ngoring Lake area, and the measures to prevent and control the damage of landslides, this study was conducted to investigate the diversity of herbaceous plants in Ngoring Lake area. On this basis, further carry out the experimental study on the single-root tensile strength characteristics of the root system of the dominant herbaceous plants, so as to provide theoretical basis for the quantitative evaluation of the indexes of single-root tensile strength characteristics of the herbaceous felt layer and the study of the destruction mechanism of the herbaceous felt layer slides in the Ngoring Lake area. [Methods] Based on the results of the sample survey in the study area, single-root tensile tests were carried out on the dominant herbaceous plants in the area; the differences in single-root tensile strength, single-root tensile strength, single-root ultimate elongation and single-root modulus of elasticity of the different herbaceous plants and their relationship with the root diameter were analysed comparatively in different root-diameter levels. [Results] The dominant herbaceous plants in the study area were Carex moorcroftii Falc. ex Boott, Astragalus polycladus Bur. et Franch., Artemisia frigida Willd., Poa annua L., Leontopodium pusillum (Beauverd) Hand.-Mazz. and Lagotis brachystachya Maxim. Under the condition of root diameter range of 0.10~0.60 mm, the single root tensile force and single root tensile strength of the above six herbaceous plants showed the trend of power function growth and power function decrease with the increase of root diameter, respectively, respectively, and there was no significant functional relationship between the single root ultimate elongation and single root elastic modulus and root diameter. Considering the mechanical property indexes of single root tensile resistance, species importance value and root type of different plant types, Poa annua L. had the best soil fixation capacity in Ngoring Lake area. [Conclusion] The root systems of the six dominant herbaceous plants in the study area have better soil-fixing potential, among which the Poa annua L. has the strongest soil-fixing ability, and the results of this study can provide a certain basis for the soil and water conservation project in the Ngoring Lake area.

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  • Received:July 05,2024
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  • Adopted:August 24,2024