• Volume 0,Issue 1,1988 Table of Contents
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    • >Thesis
    • An approach to establishinga sound agroecological model for the seriously eroded loess hilly region

      1988(1):1-7. CSTR:

      Abstract (1004) HTML (0) PDF 566.31 K (1087) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For a long time it caused soil erosion serious relatively and the peoplein Guyuan County with quite low living level for the increasing population,rare plantation,poor soil and shortage of a Three Materials ". Having beenadjusted during 1983 to 1985 in Guyuan County for the rational land usestructure, the region is now with a higher productivity,an increased grainoutput and soil loss reduced greatly, the net income of the mass there hasbeen increased for two times. In accordance with the comprehensive work,the ratio for optimized structure of land use of farming, forestry andhusbandry is determined as 1:1:3. The key step to establish a soundagroecological model is to develop an available and efficient ecologicaleconomic structure of farming, forestry and husbandry.But if the soilconservation is performed only for soil conservation,it is impossible to solvethe problem as a whole.

    • Analysis on econonic bcncfits of soil and water conservation plan on part of loaes platean in innec mongolia

      1988(1):8-16. CSTR:

      Abstract (1228) HTML (0) PDF 547.14 K (1388) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The purposes.es of the plea of soil and water ocns, rvation on tine part of loess plateau are far tare reasonable development and comprehensive of i:hhe natural resourca cn looms plsteau,eontrollin te soil d caters la.a giving out sugg.stisns to m9..o the loe xIateau The benaats discus3 in tzis paper are tn direct oooacr!uc benefit bar oseritg sail and water a the benefit from reducing silt in :"lxi 0r ,.lein the flcad,end thr eni."0onment and social bonefit. this paper discusses the feasibility of the plan of soil and water plan of soil and water consorvation on the part of loess plateau in lnner mangolia during two periods,from 1986 to 1990 and from 1991 to 2000

    • Application of multifactor balancing system in land use planning

      1988(1):17-26. CSTR:

      Abstract (1085) HTML (0) PDF 694.11 K (1427) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The multifactor system is a method to research land use state and toevaluate soil resources,using the theory of ecology and economy and thesystimatic thoughts,taking the unity of the benefits of ecology, economyand society as a goal, based on enough investigation and data collection.Then, various kind of factors related to land use planning are divided intosix categaries,computed in order of grade, balanced in times, and optimizedto get solution in linear programming. Secondly,planning programmersare evaluated comprehensively, the optimal land use programmer is chosenand put into use. When used, returnning information is gotten,and itis corrected frequnetly until the final goal is realized.

    • Practices and approaches to land resources investigation methodology

      1988(1):27-33. CSTR:

      Abstract (1190) HTML (0) PDF 2.61 M (1315) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a scientific way of land resources research, it should bo the toppriority to build up a general framework,i.e.,land classification system,which can imbody distribution and evaluation of land resources. In thiscase, common land features can be definited and described, and land typesspatially departed can be linked.Being a kind of renewable resources, landalways is in variation due to influence of social and natural conditions.Onlyland dynamic law was studied deeply, all land features can be ascertained and reasonable land use plan can be worked out. A series of romotelysensed data of multitimes, spectra and platforms supply abundant information to land resources investigation. It is one of the most importanttask in the future land research to give a full play of remote sensing potentialities.

    • Control Soil Erosion to Promote the Virtuous Cycle fo the Rural Economy in Fujian Province

      1988(1):34-39. CSTR:

      Abstract (788) HTML (0) PDF 554.53 K (1073) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Factors causing soil erosion are in many aspects,the natural factors areonly potencial ones, the excessive disturbance or damages to nature fromhuman being is the principal causes to produce serious soil erosion, whichis thought as the greatest obstacles to the development of the economy inFujian Province. The controlling measures are presented in the paper asfollows: 1, determine a "policy favorable to mass" to stimulate the activityof the mass; to harness mountainous region, and to plant trees or grasses;2, regarding the small watershed as the basic unit to harness in accordancewith local conditions and comprehensively, 3, developing multiple kind ofrural energy; and 4, strengthenning scientific research to raise the level incomprehensive harness.

    • Evaluating the Resultant General Soil and Water Loss Survey in Zhangzhou City of Fujian Province

      1988(1):40-44. CSTR:

      Abstract (1180) HTML (0) PDF 426.09 K (1016) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dur g 19831985, a general soil and water conservation survey was made in Zhangzhou City. It was determined that the loss of soil and water hasbeen severe, the damage is extreme,and the city sustained heavy natural resource losses. The main, naturally occuring factor that was responsible forthe loss of soil and water was the great amount and high intensity of rainfall;the range of highest rainfall varied from 160.3 to 273.7 mm. In addition,the steep slopes and undulating topography make plant and vegetation growthalmost impossible in this red soil area. Human factors were as dostroyingas the nature one in destroying vegetation, including inappropriate methodsof conserving soil and water, poor cultivation methods,careloss planting andunreasonable changes in the topography. A scientific plan to prevent soiland water loss is presented in this paper,and prevention system is suggested,in which biomeasures are emphasized.

    • The soil loss and its control strategy in Southern Anhui Province

      1988(1):45-50,55. CSTR:

      Abstract (848) HTML (0) PDF 583.72 K (1170) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the mountainous region southern to Yangtzi River in Anhui Province,it is developed rapidly in a short time, but the rough farming andbad management produced serious soil loss, thus, being a special regionwith the worst quality of agricultural environment and the conspicuousimbalance in ecological balance. In the initiate time after liberation, aprotruding result was gained. But the harnessed results were lost awayand new soil loss expanded sharply, which gives the terrible threatenand great loss to the safty of life and property of local residents because of a serious of distruction from "Great Steelmaking", "InternalDisorder in Ten Years" and" Learn from Dazhai in Agriculture" and so onsince 1958.The harness strategy in the days to come is, first of all, to determine a clear and definite guideline and stable policy; secondly, toovercome various kind of limiting factors in economy and society, to solve the practical difficulties for the people in mountainous region inact; and thirdly, to hold up correct harness guideline principle and eachkind of technical measures, and popularizing scientific management.

    • Lower cost and notable results in harnessing Hupanhe Watershed

      1988(1):51-55. CSTR:

      Abstract (1142) HTML (0) PDF 429.58 K (1257) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The soil and water in Hupanhe watershed used to loss very heavily.The ecosystem went wrong, therefore, the disaster occured frequentlyand the agricultural yield was low and unsteady. In whole watershed,the area lossing water and soil was about 25.8 km2, being 97.3% of thewhole area. From 1981,the area is focused to harness by the Water Conservancy Committee of Huaihe River under Ministry of Water Conservancyand Electric Power. By comprehensive harnessing in 5 to 6 years, the Aegeation cover rate has been raised to 78.4%. The water resource is conservedobviuosly and ecological environment is getting better; the total outputvalue and the average income per capita is doubled; and the total output will be four to five million yuan, it is as much as four times of thetotal investment.

    • The Effects of Connector on water and Soil Conservation

      1988(1):56-61. CSTR:

      Abstract (1031) HTML (0) PDF 536.58 K (1346) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Effects of Connector.Water and Soil Conservatlan" (the abbreviation "ECC") is a fact which exists everywhere.Its power source of movement is the difference of potential energy between social middle level line of water and:conservation determined by productive forces and productive latent capac determined by the state of land. water and sot conservation.Its dynamic pros includes five: exploitation,destruction imminent danger. oonstrwcti and recovery.It has three patterns of mov.msnt i . e . "U" shape,"fishook" shy and "cresoent" shape . "ECC" may be used to rationally adjust the strategy water and soil oonservati}on. As presented in this paper. the "cresoent" shape the moat desirable pattern to put into use.