• Volume 0,Issue 1,1989 Table of Contents
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    • >Thesis
    • Soil erosion control be both active and stable—Speaking at a meeting on soil and water conservation of the upper reaches of Yangtze River on Nov. 16, 1988

      1989(1):1-2. CSTR:

      Abstract (1121) HTML (0) PDF 226.13 K (1114) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soil loss on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is becoming grievous, the harm of which is expanding gradually, it is thought that if it isnot in action to solve the consequence would not only influence agriculture but also industry and cities; not only effect the upper reaches but alsothe middle and lower reaches, producing bad results to the current andendless troubles for the future. The controlling policy, it suggests, is toadopt measures according to local conditions and harness in multiple way; to combine harness with prevention, taking the latter as leading action;to perform in stress and push foreward actively; it is also raised to be active and stable in the harness of soil and water loss, and to combine thecentral with local authorities, masses with state on the implementation.The country should increase input adequately from the central and localauthorities, and organization be complete, responsibility system be clearand definite and plan be well done. We must take responsibility for thepeople of current and coming generation, and be determined to put thesoil and water conservation into major work schedule,be persevere in doing for years in order to get better results.

    • Discussion on the rationality and avalability of the soil and water conservation plan in the major harness area of the middle and lower reaches of Jialing River

      1989(1):3-8. CSTR:

      Abstract (1444) HTML (0) PDF 460.76 K (1408) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The major harness area in the middle and lower reaches of JialingRiver is related to 48 counties and cities, covering an area of 6.97 millionha. with serious soil and water loss, being 63% of the local area, theannual average amount of soil loss is 321 million ton. The area is lookedwith naked rock and red soil everywhere, and is thought as the typicalone in vicious cycle of ecological environment. A harness plan was advanced in July, 1988, the leading idea, planning principle, target, rationality and availability of the benefit criterion as well as the reliability toarrange each measures and the notabillty to increase yield and incomewere discussed., which heightens the believe and determination to harness.

    • Reverse the deeprooted habit of slashburn farming method and the way of extensive cultivation with little harvest

      1989(1):9-14. CSTR:

      Abstract (1288) HTML (0) PDF 488.11 K (1429) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the Wanchang valley of the middle and lower mountain on theupper reaches of Jialing River, there exist damaged forest and scatteredvegetation. The farming method of slash and burn, reclaiming of steepslope and extensive cultivation with little harvest have been a habit. Thedevelopment of the agricultural economy is seen single and the diversification rare, the consciousness of commodity economy blunted. Thus, soiland water loss there is severe considerably and the living state poor.Undoubtly, its existence and expanding would result in the continuousdeteriorating of ecological environment, poorer life and greater loss ofsoil and water. It is suggested that the fundamental way to harness theregion is to raise crop yield, to develop diversified economy using ownsuperiority, and to convert product into commodity for the agriculturaleconomy to be alive.

    • Malpractice of current organization aud its reform on soil and water conservation

      1989(1):15-20. CSTR:

      Abstract (1232) HTML (0) PDF 534.12 K (1549) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The organizations on soil and water conservation of the conutry mainlyinclude those as a division or subdivision of water conservancy department,the committee or office in semiindependence and service independent relatively. As science and technology progress, the work of soil and waterconservation is to develop in high grade of system and comprehension.Due to its malpractice the old organization is becoming obviously intothorny unit, which looks unnecessary. The reformation of it is to setconcerned department or section under agricultural committee when thelegal system of it has not been complete,the function of the organizationis to take charge of the soil and water conservation work of the areaadministered, and to harmonize the activity of farming, forestry andwater conservancy. At present conditions it is thought that be better toproduce bases actively for the establishment and completion of the legalsystem, and to work hard for the second plan to be carried out as earlyas possible.

    • Why the ecological environment of the loess plateau is destroyed thoroughly

      1989(1):21-27. CSTR:

      Abstract (1588) HTML (0) PDF 618.48 K (1995) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Before Qin and Han Dynasty the loess plateau was with dense forestand grass, dressed in picturesque scenery, and praised as "How beautiful place it is. There are large lake and clear water" in many ancient booksand inscriptions on tablet.But since the War Period of the Spring andAutumn (770476 B. C. ) the ecological enviroment of the area has beendamaged by human being frequently through war destroyment. denudationto build palace, firewood gathering and taking off forest to reclaime,etc. It is thought that the main trouble root is in extensive cultivationwith little harvest, farming with rotate wasteland, which result in loessto be naked. crisscross gullies, serious soil and water loss and poor economy. The controlling policy suggested includes "taking vegetation construction, halting soil and water loss,developing forestry and husbandryas the main tasks, in order to realizethe grain selfsuficient". It couldbe expected soon that the goal of green hill and clear water, dense forestand rich harvest and prosperous economy is achieved if the policy isupholded.

    • Soil and water loss is the trouble root of the natural disaster in Shanxi Prvince

      1989(1):28-32. CSTR:

      Abstract (1268) HTML (0) PDF 452.97 K (1609) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The soil and water loss area of Shanxi Province i8 100,000 km~2, soilerosion makes land productivity lower, reservior deposited, river bedlifted, salinity, flood and drought frequent.However, significant resultsof both economy and ecology havd been obtained from the construction ofthe structure model in "fivefloorbuilding" and level terrace for 249 ha.forestation for 906.4 ha, planting grasses for 154.5 ha, etc. based on localnatural conditions, the way out to develop mountain areas is to harnesssmall watershed through development of animal husbandry by plantinggrasses and trees, construction of capital farml to increase yield andproduction, and growth of economic forest and so on, it is also suggestedthat the first of all is to build bases of grain and diversifiedeconomy,and to develop farming actively.Attention must be paid to the problemthat while it is harnessed it is destroyed.

    • Reversing the dynamic objective inferiority rearranging forestry strategy

      1989(1):33-37. CSTR:

      Abstract (1045) HTML (0) PDF 449.00 K (1135) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There is static superiority and dynamic inferiority of nature in ShanxiProvince, the former could not be lost in certain period, however thelatter is not diminishing or changing gradually but increasing greatly.The dynamic inferiority is the lower cover rate of forest, serious deficiency of water resource and fierce soil erosion, which of the three aspectsare connected and restricted for each other, becoming the objective factors retarding the development of Shanxi's economy. To reverse these inferiorities needs adjustment of the current. development strategy, noticing the position of forestry and to speed up the growth of forestry bythe way of systematic engineering method.

    • Having a prospect to development with distinguishing feature and enlightenment—Summary of the inspection to the experimental base on ecological economy structure in Guyuan county

      1989(1):38-40. CSTR:

      Abstract (1128) HTML (0) PDF 274.18 K (1214) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The experimental base on ecological economy structure in Guyuan County has some distinguishing features, which accords with the farmer'swill, focuses on economic benefits, harnesses poorness and get rich; alsoit suits natural principles, takes prevention for production, and initiatesthe turn of smallscale peasants economy to the commodity economy inthe adjustment of the agricultural structures and makes close cooperationamong the county government, scientific research organization and research personnel.All those above have produced plentiful and substantialresults of the comprehensive experiments, from which much enlightenments are available, first of all, experiments of soil and water conservationon loess plateau ought to be large scale, to which the governments mustgive special guide; secondly, agricultural scientific experiments should becombined with socialist commodity economy; and thirdly, in the development of northwest China, soil and water conservation work shouldbe acceleratd, the scientific experiments of which go further. To servethe development of northwestern China is the historical mission of theNorthwestern Institute of Soil and Water Conservation under theChinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Water conservancy, andhas extremly great prospect in development.

    • The effect of different measures of cultivation on raising the usage rate and translation efficiency of water in the soil

      1989(1):41-44. CSTR:

      Abstract (1149) HTML (0) PDF 303.80 K (1362) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the field and artificial simulation condition the experiment was conducted in order to raise the usage rate and translation efficiency of precipitation in droughtland. Results indicated that under the conditionwhen there is lack of water in the soil, deep ploughing will lead to decrease yeild before sowing, deep ploughing will aggravate the dispellingof the soil water when the field is fallow in the summer. Overburdenlayer 510 cm in the field can reduce eva pbration,at the same time,canraise soil temperature and increase the nutriment content in soil. It canincrease fertilizer of winter wheat and make the roots widedeveloped,toreduce freeze injury and increase grain yeild. To heighten fertility ofsoil, to use more manure and fertilizer can raise the translation efficiency of precipitation, change the potential of limited moisture to theproductivity of soil.

    • Relationship between yield and trigonometry figure including the ratios of oxygen to heat for wheet roots, stems and leaves

      1989(1):45-48. CSTR:

      Abstract (843) HTML (0) PDF 267.03 K (1098) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using differential balance, the thermalspectrogram of roots, stems andleaves in three stages of growth and development of wheet is analysed.The trigonometry figure composed of the ratios of oxygen to heat forwheet shows the relationshiop for wheet,it is found that a tangent valueof one angle is negotively related to yield per plant,and the sum of averageenergy for activation positively with ultimate yield.It is thought that it ispossible to use the two values as new criterions for wheet breeding.Althoughthe values cannot indicate substantial meaning,it could demonstrate theultimate state of yield from the relationship among root,stem and leavesof wheet,which provides basis for directional cultivation and breeding.The use of the criterions not only shorten the period to breed but alsoexpand the range for application of the"differential balance".

    • Much disasters and barren land in the past splendid forest and rich harvest at present—Initiation of the controlling of wind and sand endangerment in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain in Shandong Province

      1989(1):49-52. CSTR:

      Abstract (874) HTML (0) PDF 370.71 K (1066) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The northand southwest of Shandong Province lies in theHuangHuaiHai Plain with very serious endanger ment of sand and wind. It issaid in the locality that rising wind brings sand all over the sky,and thatthe halting wind results in the removing of the land. The consequencefrom that is land resource damaged, soil fertility decreased, river deposidied, benefits of both drainage and irrigation reduced, crop seedlings hitand covered with sand, villages attacked and the health of man and animal harmed.The suggested measures to harness include adjustmant of agfricultural production structure for the land to be utilized rationally,unified plan for comprehensive harness, wind prevention and sand fixed, establishment of protective forest, it is also suggested to expand artificialgrassland actively, to develop animal and husbandry greatly, to cofferdam and level land, to accelarate the construction of small rectangularland. It is found that more crop land, little grassland and great inputproduce little income with much disasters and poor land before the harness,on the contrary, after it is harnessed splendid forest and rich harvest are obtained from less land,more grassland and little input with moreincome. Great amount of grain and cotton and the products from farming,forestry and animal husbandry are contributed to the country every year.

    • Future in forest and potentiality in mountain—Benefits of the biological measures for the soil and water conservation in Sanmen River watershed

      1989(1):53-56. CSTR:

      Abstract (1205) HTML (0) PDF 344.90 K (1193) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Before harnessing the Sanmeng River watershed is characterized withvegetation damaged, a large amount of soil and water lost, the farmlandlost of water, soil and fertility, tillage layer becoming thinner and thinner, productivity gone down and lower ability to fight against drought.Also, river bed is raised and deposited greatly, large area of lower lyingfield created, which reduce the benefits. The harness measures adopted are as these: 1、to regulate the structure and distrbution of forestry,to expand vegetation; 2、to persist in the steep land returned from tillage to forest and husbandry, and reclamation not to be permitted; 3、to develop economic forest for the increase of commodity products based on the superiority of the lower hill or gentle slope. The result is thatthe cover rate of forest is increased from 38% to 56.5%, the cubic meter amount stored of the standing trees from 18,000m3 to 59,00 m3,being2.3 tims in increase,the net income from them is 6.21 million yuan, andaccumulated ratio of output to input 17.22.

    • Sediment reducing benefits of soil and water conservation in Changwu and Chunhua counties

      1989(1):57-62. CSTR:

      Abstract (894) HTML (0) PDF 481.61 K (1137) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In both Changwu and Chunhua counties obvious benefits in economyand sediment reduction are obtained because of the better implement ofsoil and water conservation. For the Yargou watershed in Changwu,Yeyuhe River and Renzhengou watershed of Chunhua county, etc., it isdemonstrated, from analysis of the observed data, that the sediment loadin the thirteen years after 1972 has been 3070% less than the value in theeleven years before 1971. The reduction is due to the effects neither fromreservior retarding nor from less rainfall, but the decreasing of soil eroson as a results of various soil and water conservation measures.