• Volume 0,Issue 1,1992 Table of Contents
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    • >Thesis
    • Discussion on the Problem of Eco-environmental Construction on the Loess Plateau


      Abstract (1174) HTML (0) PDF 693.77 K (1609) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The problem of eco-environmental construction on the Loess Plateau is avery important and protruding problem in comprehensive control over the loessplateau at present. Based on many years' scientific research and experimental data,the author analysed the urgency of eco-environmental construction of the loess pla-teau, and pointed out the severe damages caused by soil and water erosion on theLoess Plateau. Also, this paper deals with rogional behaviors of eco-environmentalconstruction on the loess plateau with actual examples cited concerning eco-environ-mental construction in such three experimental areas as in Anzai, Changwu andGuyuan counties. This paper finally suggests several key scientific and technologicalproblems needed to be studied urgently.

    • General Situations and Brief Introduction of Scientific Research Achievements at Xiaoliang Water and Soil Conservation Experiment Station


      Abstract (1154) HTML (0) PDF 601.72 K (1487) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since its establishment in 1957, with the attention paid to and concern showed bythe Party and Government leaders at provincial, prefectural, county levels, and withthe support from other related branches Xiaoliang Water and Soil Conservation Experi-ment Station in Guangdong Province has, for more than 30 years, not only improvedits scientific research, office and living conditions, but also obtained fruitful re-sults in water and soil conservation scientific research through hard work by itsscientific and technological personnels. This station has obtained several rewards atthe national, ministerial or provincial levels. At present, Xiaoliang Station has hadfrequent foreign academic activities, and external and internal academic exchangesare very active.

    • Design of Data Management and Analytical System of Xiaoliang Water and Soil Conservation Experiment Station


      Abstract (1101) HTML (0) PDF 566.42 K (1606) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper briefly introduces some basic conditions of users' wants,environmentalexploitation, system design and system implementation. With Xiaoliang Water and Soil Conservation Experiment Station of Guangdong Province as the basic user, amanagemental software applicable to every water and soil conservation st tion inSouth China has been developed. The system was programmed using FOXBASE+database language and QUICK BASIC language. The system consists of data management,data retrieval, three subsystems of statistic analysis and one universal full screendata query and editing tools. This system has all the functions, and is reliable inoperation, rational in analysis and easy to handle.

    • Application of Universal Soil Loss Equation At Xiaoliang Water and Soil Conservation Experiment Station


      Abstract (1263) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (1546) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Universal soil loss equation(USLE) is a widely-used equation in studying soilerosion in different locations under different conditions. In applying this equation,it is necessary to make some modifications to each factor affecting soil erosion. Some related data from No.2 testing fields (by pure eucalyptus forest) and No.3 testingfields (by bare land) collected for many years were used in this paper. Based on theestablishment of data base,multiple regression analysis method was employed to makesome practical modifications to each factor in the equation successfully thereby toobtain an empirical equation applicable to predict and pre-estimate soil erosion inthis region. This paper stresses the importance of R-factor in universal soil lossequation,and holds that it is more practical to estimate the amount of soil loss in thisregion using rainfall intensity in 5 minutes (EI 5 method) or rainfall intensity in 30minutes (EI 30 method).

    • Research on the Kinetic Energy of Rainfall Erosion At Xiaoliang water and Soil Conservation Experiment Station


      Abstract (1136) HTML (0) PDF 663.78 K (1311) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With some rainfall erosion data measured in 7 years from 1983 to 1989 in No.3 Te-sting Field (by bare land) at xiaoliang water and soil conservation station as theresearch contents, computer techniques are used to make a rather detailed analysisof kinetic energy of rainfall erosion at xiaoliang water and soil conservationStation. Also, a benefit discussion was made on rainfall types, erosion kinetic energy produced by instant rainfall, intensity thereby to cause soil erosion in thispaper. At the same time, the critical rainfall intensity to cause soil erosion i.e. thebottom value (X) of erosive rainfall was described quantitatively, i. e. X = 9.4mm(rainfall in one time), I30 = 8.7mm/h or I5 = 20.6mm/h. When using universalsoil loss equation,the necessary modification was made to rainfall factorat XiaoliangWater and Soil Conservation Station, and also the coefficients of comprehensiverainfall typs in various cases were given. Meanwhile, based on the regressionanalysis, the simulation equation between instant rainfall intensity and the amountof corresponding soil erosion was established with a high reliability.

    • An Analysis of Comprehensive Control Benefits at Xiaoliang Water and Soil Conservation Experiment Station


      Abstract (1057) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (1304) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper deals with the actual economic benefits in comprehensive control oversoil erosion at xiaoliang water and Soil conservation station. The static and dynamicstate analytical methods were used to make a quantitative or qualitative studiesof economic returns, ecological benefits and social benefits at xiaoliang water andsoil conservation station with the reference to some related technical specific-.ations. The results showed that the ratio of expenses on compre hensive controlwas 1.33; internal recovering rate was 34%; soil conservation efficiciency was 82%; the existing forest cover percentage reached 51%. These results showed the eco-nomic returns of comprehensive control over soil erosion at xiaoliang water. and soil conservation station are apparent and so the better of ecological and economicalreturns. Based on the analysis of economic returns and fi ances, the scient ificestimation or prediction for the future was made as well,

    • The Construction and Study of the System of Forests for Soil and Water Conservation in “Three Belts in One System” in Zhaojiahe Small Watershed


      Abstract (1248) HTML (0) PDF 364.45 K (1413) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Starting from natural,,social and economic conditions and the actualconstruction of forests for soil and water conservation in Zhaojiahe smallwatershed, this paper suggests the planning principles and matching mo-dels of the system of forests for soil and water conservation in"threebelts in one system". Also, this paper introduces some achievements,economic returns, ecological and social benefits from the fruit trees forsoil and water conservation belt gained from the models. applied to Zhao-jiahe small watershed.