• Volume 0,Issue 4,1992 Table of Contents
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    • >Thesis
    • A Study on the Soil Loss Equation in Heilongjiang Province

      1992(4):1-9,18. CSTR:

      Abstract (1491) HTML (0) PDF 697.69 K (1858) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By means of the statistical analysis of a large amount experimental data over 7 years, the soil loss equation in Heilongjiang province has been developed as follows, A=RKLSCP. The algorithm and data for every factor in the equation as well as the capacity for permitable loss of soil in Heilongjiang province have been determined, which provided the necessary technological data for furture use of the equation. At the same tune, the authors have made a test to the equation. The results indicate that the data accuracy by calcultaing exceeds 900o when compared with the practical data, and which proved that the equation may has a higher reliablity in furture application, The development of the equation may provide a series of scientific methods and base for monitoring and predicting soil and water loss, and for working out programmes of soil and water conservation,

    • A Study on Cropping system of Dryland Farming in Loess Hilly Areas

      1992(4):10-18. CSTR:

      Abstract (1096) HTML (0) PDF 620.68 K (1210) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to discuss productive potentialities and technical ways of dryland faiming in Loess hilly areas, a study on cropping system of dryland farming was carriedout in the eroded tadaeland hilly areas located in Pengang County of the South Nongxia during 1986-1990. According to the study, it is concluded that the croppirsystem of dryland farming is taking the comprehensive measures of grassanimal husbandry nutrients grain as a centre, and building a system of the drought ressistance and presereation of soil moisture, selection and introduction for fine varieties ofcrops, optimal tillage and cultivation. This system is the foundation and guarantee toobtain high- and steadyyield for dryland farming in Loess hilly areas.

    • The Action of Raindrop Splash on Sheet Flow Erosion

      1992(4):19-26,47. CSTR:

      Abstract (1190) HTML (0) PDF 657.70 K (1595) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The simulated rainfall tests have been carried out to approach two stages of raindrop splash and runoff erosion on sheet flow, It was obtained that the main stress of slope surface erosion is sheet flow stress (z=rhsina) where the action of raindrop splash is eliminatecs and the relationship between runoff erosion (Sa) and sheet flow stress is as Ss=92}1.497T1”3 (r=0. 876, a = 0.01).Based on this equation the runoff erosion (Sa) and raindrop erosion (SRe) can be calculaled from the total erosive amount which is caused by the action of raindrop splash .The results show that rain drop erosion(Saa)accounts for more than 700 of total erosion, and the maximum may reach 95%of that .It was indicated that the sediment of sheet flow erosion is mainly caused by raindrop splash .There fore,the authors hold that the lcey'measures to control sheet flow erosion,occurring at the land segment of Less steepness are to reduce or eliminate the raindrop splash,

    • Study on Geographical Zone Feature of Precipitation in the Loess Plateau

      1992(4):27-32. CSTR:

      Abstract (1385) HTML (0) PDF 2.55 M (1381) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The measured data of precipitation for many years in 230 meteorological statiomshow that the mean annual precipitation is 492mm, in the Loess Plateauand about 52% of that is concentrated in summer. The annual prcipitation in theLoess Plateau is small, and its distribution is more centralized than that in the samelatitude regions. The precipitation has a distinct feature of level zone that reducesexponentially with inerease of latitude and increases gradually with increase of longitude. The mean level variation rates of annual precipitation are 60mm per latitide.and 26mm perlongitude. Within the different level zones, the less the precipitationis, the bigger the level varing rate of precipitation is, In respect to the verticaldistribution of precipitation, the relationship of the precipitation and elevtion is a parabola in the mountains, and the elevation of maximum annual precipitation is from 2300 meters to 2700 meters. The vertical increasing rate of precipitation is verydifference in the different mountains. As to the Loess Plateau, the relaionship of theprecipitation and elevation is negative correlation and the precipitation reduceswith the increase of the Elevation. that is lower than 1800 meters

    • Present Situation aud Harm as well as Its control Tactics of Soil and Water Loss in Jilin Province

      1992(4):33-37. CSTR:

      Abstract (1265) HTML (0) PDF 434.71 K (1327) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The present situation and harm of the different types of soil and water lossareas in Jilin Province have been dealt dealt with in this paper. In accordance withthe province' s actual condition,social and economic situation as well as characteristics of soil and water loss, the wtole province has been divided into four regions ofsoil and water loss. They are mountainonous region; hilly region; overfood plain andhillock region, sand drift and lump as well as pasture region. Based on this regiona-lization, the authors purposed the counter tactics to control soil and water loss inJilin province.

    • Analysis on the Benefit of Decreasing Flood for Comprehensive Control on Fanggan Small Watershed

      1992(4):38-42. CSTR:

      Abstract (1256) HTML (0) PDF 345.99 K (1313) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Taking Fanggan small watershed of Laiwu city iu shandong Province as an example, the benefit of decreasing flood for comprehensive control over watershed wasanalysed and discussed in the case of without actual measuring data on rainstorm ersosion. The decreasing flood benefit mainly inculdes two indices that are efficiency toreduce the peak flow of flood and total amount of flood rspectively.

    • Utilization and protection of the Hillslope Land in Guizhou Mountainous Reglon

      1992(4):43-47. CSTR:

      Abstract (1152) HTML (0) PDF 387.70 K (1044) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By anlysis of the utilization situation and existing problems about the hillslopeland in Guizhou mountainous region, the utilization directions and improving waysof that were presented in this paper.

    • A Primary Study on Benefit of Soil and Water Conservation of Eulaliopsis Binata

      1992(4):48-52. CSTR:

      Abstract (1090) HTML (0) PDF 458.47 K (1382) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The biological characteristics of ulaliopsis Binata and situation of its croppingand popularization in Henan province have been dealt with. Meantime, the benefit ofsoil and water conservation of Eulaliopsis binata, and advantage condition as well asperspective to popularize it in whole Henan province were analysed according to theresults of expeiments.

    • Coronilla Varia L. as a Fine Plant Variety for Soil and Water Conservation

      1992(4):56-59,63. CSTR:

      Abstract (874) HTML (0) PDF 439.23 K (1100) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The characteristics, features, cultivatable techniques and breeding ways of Coronilda Varia L.as well as its functions in soil and water conservation were systematicallydealt with in this paper.Moreover,the existing problems for its extension have beendiscussed and the fine features of Xifu Coronilla Varia L.with lower toxicity havebeen briefed.

    • Scientific Research of Soil and Water Conservation in India

      1992(4):60-63. CSTR:

      Abstract (1171) HTML (0) PDF 348.95 K (1264) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper has been witten on the basis of the academic visit to India for soil andwater conservation and with reference to related information The prosent situation ofsoil erosion,the assignments and contents of research and important achievements init as well as the future research directions of soil and water conservation were discussed in detail, meanwhile, the main experience was summaried for our reference.