Abstract:The systematic sampl ing of near surface wind-blown sediment and corresponding upper soil in Bashang region, Hebei pro vince is co nducted.The result showed that the quantity of wind-blown sediment decreased exponent ially with the incr easing heig ht above ground level.The content of f iner part icles( ≤0. 25mm) , or ganic matter and plant nutrient incresed significantly in wind-blow n sediment in comparison with that of corresponding upper soil surface. As the sample size increased, the percentage of sand increased but the silt and clay decreased, and the content of organic matter and plant nut rient decreased. However,the percentage of finer particles ( silt and clay ) and the content of or ganic matter and nutrient increased with the increasing height abov e soil sur face, it indicates that the amount of fine particles and plant nut rient lost f rom soil during higher er osive w ind environment . In addition, tillage methods af fect the soil wind erosion through changing surface properties and then influence the physical and chemical characterist ics of wind-blown sedment .
Kang Shaozhong , Zhang Shuhan , Zhang Fulun , Hu Xiaotao , Shi Shibin , Gou Zhihong , Ni Guangru
Abstract:Observation of soil moisture dynamic state during infiltration period and after infiltration has been made in natural condition by Time Domain Reflectometer(TDR)and Neutron Probe,and the soil moisture content data measured by TDR,Neutron Probe and drying oven have been compared,the laws of soil water dynamic state during infiltration period and soil water redistribution after infiltration have been analysed.
Abstract:The climatic resource in Shaanxi province is systematicly analysed.The climatic productive potentialities are estimated,and the actual productivity level is evaluated.Taking the index of grain bearing capacity for population as the distinguish criterion of land bearing capacity for population.The grain bearing capacity for population in the province has been estimated.These results play a macroscopic guiding role to soil and water conservation comprehensive administration and sustained development of economy in the province.
Abstract:The field position fertilization test was conductd on new terraced field in the case of natural rainfall,the results showed that(1)in the different treatments,the most significant treatments on yield increase was the mixture of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer,the next was the mixture of nitrogen and phosphours,the yield of only apply phosphours was equivalent to the ckeck experiment.(2)the effects of crop biological characters on the different fertilization were similar with yield's.Because fertilization may increase the amount of stems and leaves,it would increase the biomass.(3)on the new terraced fields,increasing the amount of fertilizer,especially organic fertilizer applied and paying attention to its mixture with chemical fertilizer were the main way for improving water used efficiency and yield of the crops.
Abstract:The Qaidam Basin is the biggest interior basin of China, influenced by natural and social factors for a long time past,specially the inrational social and economic activaties of man kind in recent tens years, natural resources are destroyed seriously,the eco environment deteriorated gradually,the productive conditions of agriculture and animal husbandry chanaged abnormally,and it makes the runoff decreased,the water level droped,the wind erosion aggravated,the desertification extended and so on.It not only directly hindered the development of agriculturial and animal husbandry production,and the improvement of people's life in Haixi county;but also brought some difficulties to the resource exploitation in the basin.In order to exploit the resources of the Qaidam basin,improve the eco environment and promote the economy of Qinghai province,people should heighten the education in legality;protect the forestry and vegetation of sandy areas,speed up the construction of “the three north”protective forestry system;strenthen the protection of existing forests and praires,and use the natural grasslands rationally;and establish and amplify the organization of protection and supervision.
Abstract:The main types of mulchs on soil surface and it's effects on conservating soil moisture and raising soil temperature briefly are discussed.The application state or mulchs techniques and it's extension in loess plateau region is expounded.It is put forward that the mulchs of soil,straw or stubble and plastic film will be applied extensively in the region in the future.
Abstract:A Survey of the Hill side Land Development and Util ization in China
Abstract:Based on sumarizing the research and investigation data of late years in southern Ningxia mountainous region,the technological approaches of orchard construction have been provided,which are selecting fine species,planting tree in gully,establishing fruit garden with no virus seedling,choosing proper tree density,covering plastic film on trees, ameliorating tree species by grafting ,water saved irrigating and developing according to different local conditions.There is a good development prospect by utilizing a series advanced techniques.It is thought that leaders of each district and county in this region should take developing fuit production and economy as a strategy of developing economy in poverty region.Not only is this view possible,but it is also feasible.Finally,the suggestion of base construction of pear,apple and core of apricot has been put forward.
Jiang Jun , Liu Goubin , Liang Yimin
Abstract:The Design and applicat ion o f a cross plate meter for measuring shr ub biomass is introduced.The results show that there is a significant correlation between the plate meter height and biomass index of Caragana microp hylla.The plate meter can be used for indest ructible and successively measuring the grow ing pro cess of Caragana microp hylla,and it isof higher efficiency and easier to operate.
Abstract:The characters and special nutrients for health protection of Asparagus of ficinalis are introduced. The author considered that the plant is of high conservancy and economic benefits, it should be developed rapidly in loess plateau region.
Abstract:The significances of program and design in soil and water conservation are expounded.It is considered that under new conditions,people should make great efforts to the programing work as follows:(1)the regional program and the small watershed comprehensive harness and development planing;(2)the protection and supervision program;(3)the urban program of soil and water conservation;(4)the program of soil and water conservation industry and the industry concerned to shake off poverty and build up a fortune.Morever,the author presents some specific suggestions about how to construct the program and design system for soil and water conservation ,and some problems needing attention.
Abstract:The relationship between the population and the food production in China is analyzed based on two distinct concepts of‘the eco optimum population’ and `the theoretical maximum carrying capacity for population'.The authors emphasized that,in order to keep the agriculture developing smoothly,we should economize on resources,controll the unchecked growth of population and conduct intensive farming in accordance with the national conditions of China.
Huang Zhanbin , Shan Lun , Zhang Suiqi , Wu Pute
Abstract:Rainfall is a main water source for dr yland farming in north western loess plateau.The aver age total amount of annual precipitation( 443mm) is 2. 757×1011m3, which is about 9. 2 times of annual surface water and ground water used at present.Because of the uneven distr ibution on time and space, and “being easy to lose and changable”of rainfall,soil and water loss and drought are seriously. T he precipitat io n use rate is about 40%,the w ater use ef ficiency of crops is only 3. 0~4. 5 kg / ( hm2·mm) . The collecting and regulating of rainfall by eng ineer ing project s is a link point of soil and water conservat io n and farming production, it is also a way of water-saving agr iculture. Not only can it reduce soil and water loss by collecting rainfall,but it can also make rainfall tog ather to produce great effect on raising yield by irrig at ing at critical growth stage of crop.There is a long histo ry on collecting rainfall in north western region,and there are small reser voirs,dams,pools,wells,terraces separated by slopeland and other ways, water har vesting cellar is more than 1 million. The problem is these ways have not formed a system, and shortage of a good plan. Many problems on rain water collecting, storing and high efficient use need to be solved.
Abstract:The precipitation on dry slopeland of loess plateau region is approximately distributed as follows: the ground runoff makes up less than 5%~10%,the ground evaporation accounts for about 45%~ 50%;and the plant transpiration amounts to 45%~50%.So the work of soil and water conserv ation on dry slopeland should not only consider the infil tration and retaining of ground runoff,the reducing of evaporation from the earth 's surface should be more valued.The eco-ag riculture system on dry slopel and of“ ground covering+ bio bar rier”could reduce the ground evaporation effectively, and control soil erosion and raise the crop yield by a big margin. It calls for small investments and yield quick returns, and it is sui table for larg-scale spreading.
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