ZHANG Yuan run , CAI Jin jun , HUO Yong , DONG Li guo , WANG Yue lin
Abstract:On the basis of investigation and analysis in field,soil bulk weight,soil organic matter and quick effect nutrient were measured in apricot and peach bush forest in different rebuild ways.The result shows the content of organic matter and nitrogen are obviously increasing in hillland soil which are through artificial hillside rebuilt engineering,the incensement of organic matter and nitrogen content increasing are higher than others,but the soil quick result potassium has small increasement in forestry root active layer of 40—60 cm deepth.
MA Run yong , PENG Jian bing , LIU Li nian , PAN Ai fang
Abstract:Qinghai-Tibet Plateau uplift has caused great changes in Asian and global climate.Planetary wind system was changed and monsoon effect appeared around 22 Ma B.P.in East Asia;The monsoon effect of East Asia became stronger,aridity and desertification was intensified,widely spreading Aeolian dust began to accumulate in the Chinese Loess Plateau;The global climate change was droved and intensified by the plateau uplift since 3.6 Ma B P;The monsoon effect of Asian present-day climate was increasingly intensified since 1.2 Ma B P.Since Quaternary,the uplift and structure deformation taken place in the Chinese Loess Plateau and caused geological hazard and soil erosion due to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau uplift.And the uplift of Loess Plateau induced gravitational erosion,backing up erosion and water erosion;The structure deformation resulted in loess collapse and landslide;The soil erosion is most intense in great tectonic deformation zones,active fault zones and seismic zones.
PANG Xue yong , BAO Wei kai , ZHANG Yong mei
Abstract:There is a large area of low-quality and benefit forest in middle-mountain of the upper reaches of Minjiang river.High density root-sprouts which are not obvious stem formed shaded condition where there are low light and dry soil of forests.These low-benefit and quality forests are improved by root-sprout regeneration technique for 2 years.Soil ecological functions are ameliorated significantly.Soil bulk density of improved woodland decreased 9.6%~32.6% than that of control.Soil total porosity of improved woodland was also significantly ameliorated.Soil total porosity and capillary porosity of topsoil in improved woodland increased 30.9% and 31.5% than that of control,respectively.Ratio of capillary porosity and non-capillary porosity became even more rational.As a result of melioration of soil porosity condition,the capacity of water-holding was also ameliorated.The maximal,capillary capacity of water-holding and natural moisture content in improved woodland increased 87.5%,(94.6)% and 64.0% than that of control,respectively.The non-capillary capacity of waterholding also increased 72.3% after 2 years.Root-sprout regeneration technique accelerated material circulation,root activity and plant growth and ameliorated soil ecological function through the control of plant structure and function.Root-sprout regeneration technique that increased the capacity of water-holding is a good technique,and it should be popularized in middle-mountain of the upper reaches of Minjiang river.
Abstract:According to the data of observed points in Zhuanyaogou watershed in the typical gully region of the loess plateau,spatial distribution characteristics of soil total carbon(STC) content were discussed by geo-statistical approach.The reserve of STC was calculated by modeling on the base of the spatial distribution maps of STC in the watershed made by Kriging.The results indicated that the STC content decreased with the increase of depth.At the same depth,the STC contents were highest on the tops of the hills and were lowest in the gullies.The reserve of STC in the range of 0—100 cm was 51.8% of that in the range 0—200 cm depth in the watershed.The STC storage in the depth of 100—200 cm is important for predicting the total STC reserve in the area of Loess(Plateau.)
LI Miao , SONG Xiao yu , SHEN Bing , LI Huai you , LI Chao
Abstract:The variation of water and sand is studied under the influence of the rainfall and human activity,in the fore and after management of small watershed in gully region of the loess plateau.The analysis shows that the average annual runoff volume has a little increase due to human activities after management,but the average annual sediment production has greatly decreased.
JIANG Ting an , WANG Sheng qi , XUE Zhi de
Abstract:The study is carried out at Liulin and Ziaoyuan towns of Yan'an city in the loess plateau,Shaanxi province in July to September 2003.The vegetation coverage and zoker density were surveyed in seventeen one plots by random sampling.The result showed that there is a extreme significantly negative correlation between them.The higher vegetition coverage,the lower zoker's density as well as the rodent damage.The ecological threshold limit value of the vegetation coverage for forest growing safely is 64.14%.The time alignment during the vegetation renew and the regularity of growth and decline of the zoker's population on forestry-land there from the farmland in loess plateau is showed.
DONG Tie shi , DANG Hong zhong , ZHAO Yu sen , YANG Hongxue , MENG Lin
Abstract:Based on analyzing soil physical properties,water-holding capacity,infiltration rate and the dynamics of soil moisture of 5 main forest types in east of Heilongjiang province,the hydraulic ecologic effects have been studied comprehensivly.It was indicated that the water resource conservation function of natural forest and shrubs were better than that of the coniferous plantation and young forest.Strengthening the protection of natural forest,enhancing the structure regulation and tending management of coniferous plantation are the effective methods to improve water conservation function.
HAN Shu cheng , XIE Yong sheng , HAO Ming de
Abstract:The land use status of 1994 and 2002 in Wangdonggou watershed of Changwu county is analyzed,the main land use change styles and the spatial pattern characteristics of land use changes in recent years are explored.It is concluded that cultivated land,orchard and forest land are the main land use styles,but cultivated land and orchard changed significantly in recent years and the changes concentrated on table-land.The driving forces of land use changes were also discussed.Finally some advices are given from the view point of sustainable development.
CHEN Hai , KANG Mu yi , CAO Ming ming , FAN Yi da
Abstract:The regionalization of eco-productive paradigm is to delineate and reveal precisely the spatial differentiations within a region based on the thorough analyses of the natural ecological condition,the social-economic-technological development level,and the comparative advantages for farming,livestock husbandry and forestry production.The regionalization of eco-productive paradigm is also to design a blueprint for guiding the development of integrated agricultural production according to the regional differentiations and giving priority to the ecological conservation at the same time.The blueprint drawn by the regionalization should be related to specific spatial areas of the region.Based on synthetically analysis of the characteristics of ecological environments of the farming-pastoral zone in North China,the principles of eco-productive paradigm regionalization are discussed,and indices and nomenclature of eco-productive paradigm regionalization are proposed.The results show that there are 3 domains,7 regions and 21 districts.
ZHANG Shao hong , KANG Shun xiang , LI Yong hong
Abstract:Influence of rainfall density,rainfall duration and perviousness of soil on changes of soil moisture are analyzed qualitatively.Relationship between the shear strength of loess and changes of soil moisture is also analyzed quantitatively.After the calculation on influence of different percolation depths on loess slope stability,a decision was gained that a certain slope carried with a certain critical percolation depth.One can estimate the stability of existing slope by compare critical percolation depth with the potential percolation depth that calculated by critical rainfall density and rainfall duration.One also can choose proper slope style by the calculating result.
ZHAO Peng xiang , HAO Hong ke , LIU Guang quan
Abstract:The spatial analysis is an important function or a characteristic of GIS.The article chooses the project of converting farmlands to forestry or grass land in the small watershed on Loess Plateau as an object of studying,aiming at researching new methods for applying GIS spatial analysis into the project.Firstly,a new scheme of converting farmlands into forests or grass adapting to the areas based on GIS spatial analysis and rules of geocodes were made.Secondly,using the functions of GIS spatial analysis including slope analysis,aspect analysis,overlay analysis attributive analysis finished the whole process of planning.Finally,the planning map and area statistis tables about converting farmlands into forests or grass land in the small watershed were obtained.The results show that the method may be used in the course of carrying out the project of converting farmlands into forests or grass on the loess plateau with the characteristics of thesmall watershed.
DUAN Tao , ZHAO Qi hua , ZHANG Zhi long
Abstract:With the real project of reservoir right shore to an electricity station dam at southwest,and topography,geomorphology on the spot,beginning with geological qualitative analysis,we can initially ensure the upstream and downstream boundary,the front and back boundary of the deformation and fracture mass.According to the heterogeneity and something unknown of the geologic body,we located three measuring circuits which contain lower road,higher shortcut and ordinate on the boundary referred above,then we use two scientific ways of RaA radon survey and VLF survey to test.Ultimately we can get the every observation point radon columnar sections and the VLF apparent resistivity diagrams after coordinating the data in doors,and on the foundation of principium we quantitatively identified them with geological circumstances.As a result,the information we had gotten from those diagrams accorded with the boundary in geological qualitative analysis by and large.It is obvious that the boundary determination of the deformation and fracture mass was illustrated sufficiently on the basis of these two testing method.
ZHANG Wei jun , WANG Wen ke , KONG Ji ling , HUANG Jin ting , WENG Xiao peng
Abstract:A new method of tracing precipitation isoline is introduced in term of the character of rain spot and iso-line. The method, firstly, grids the precipitation amount by conicoid, then judges and traces isoline and brings forward a way of how to avoid connection uncertainty of isoline. Lastly, jumping-off and end point of opening-curve,and close isoline were judged. The method improves the precision of the precipitation isoline and is important to count the surface precipitation of the drainage area.
HU Jian min , ZUO Chang qing , YANG Jie
Abstract:Model of pig-methane-fruits is a new means of soil and water conservation,which uses the small watershed as a unit,methane as a link, and combines breeding industry,rural energy construction with plant industry as a material circle system.The model is of great significance to preventing soil and water loss,improving eco-environment,providing rural energy,constructing eco-agriculture,developing small watershed economy,solving the three problems concerning agriculture,rural areas and peasants.The article explains the main technical principles of pig-methane-fruits ecological-management model,summarizes and analyzes the main measures and benefits of the model in Hezibei and Baishuyuan watershed.
WU Zhen , WANG Xin jun , ZHANG Xiao hu , DENG Han shuang
Abstract:According to modern Chinese medical industrial base and construction in Shangluo mountain area,and from the local condition of Chinese medical materials,using data analysis and field investigation and combined with analytical test,soil types,distributing law,property characteristics,nutrient and right kinds of crude drugs of Shangluo mountain area are studied.Soil background system form and confirm traditional(chinese) medicinal materials best right important meaning of person who catch to Shangluo traditional chinese medicinal materials genuine are studied.Right kinds of crude drugs are suggested on the base of different background of soil solutions and suggestions on the problems of land utilization of chinese medical planting in Shangluo area.
LI Zhi xi , LIAO Yun cheng , BAI Gang shuan
Abstract:There are 1 106 species of high vegetation in Maowusu sandy land and they belong to 98 families and 420 genuses.The main families are Compositae,Gramineae,Leguminosae,Rosaceae,Chenopodiaceae; the main genuses are Artemisia,Astragalus,Allium,Salix,Populus;and the main species are Artemisa ordosica,Psammochloa villosa,Pycnostelma lateriflorum,Salix cheilophila,Salix microstachya. There are 7 types of vegetation communities in this region.They are grassland vegetation,grassland and desert shrubbery,sandy vegetation,meadow vegetation,halophyte vegetation,marsh and swamp vegetation.Among these vegetations,sandy vegetation is the dominant vegetation;meadow vegetation is the second vegetation.The main communities are Form.Artemisia ordosica, Form.Artemisia ordosica+Caragana korshinskii, Form.Salix microstachya, Form.Salix cheilophila + S.microstachya, Form.Hippophae rhamnoides+ Salix cheilophila. The vegetation distributing characteristics has been briefly stated.Shrubberies should be the chief vegetation for vegetation construction in Maowusu sandy land,shrubberies, arbores and grasses should be combined with other measurements.
Abstract:After a review of the ways of measures and calculations on the surface roughness,the methods of D.L.Brough,D.R.Linden and D.M.Van Doren could satisfy the requirements of micro-relief features by artificial tillage management in the Loess Plateau.
LIU Zhe min , ZHANG Yong xiang
Abstract:Beipo is an important area of Baoji city.With the rapid urbanization,its ecological functions become more and more important.However,it is one of the factors which have restricted urban development due to severe ecological problem in this area.Based on practical investigation and research,soil erosion,mainly gravitational erosion and water erosion,was identified as the main ecological problem.The causes of gravitational erosion and water erosion and suggested countermeasures are also discussed.
XU Yang ling , LI Huai en , JIA Hai Juan , NI Yong ming
Abstract:To control effectively non-point pollution of the Heihe basin and improve water quality of Heihe river basin,the basin was partitioned to nine zones based on basin district.The expert judgment model was adopted to estimate the soil erosion intensity,and the absorbed nitrogen and phosphorus estimating model were used to estimate absorbed nitrogen and phosphorus loads.Houzhenzi county,Chenhe county,Ganyuwan county and four village of Mazhao county are the key regions of non-point source pollution control.Returning farmland for forestry and pasture,decreasing tillage land,increasing vegetation cover ratio and rationally land use plan would be the effective measures of controlling absorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution
LIU Yin ge , GUO Ye hong , WEI Xu dong , SONG Jun lin
Abstract:The global warming has intensified the contradiction between the water supply and demand.Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the precipitation and runoff in the watershed of Weihe river,an evaluation model was established which is used to simulate the surface flow and ground water runoff with the consideration of the runoff yielding and water balance.According to the different kinds of climate scenarios,the responses and variation of the water resources to climate change were analyzed.Based on the actual social,environment and economic development of this region,a reasonable proposal for water resources use is given.
SHI De ming , SHI Xue zheng , LIANG Yin , YU Dong sheng
Abstract:In recent 50 years,China total area of soil and water loss(water-erosion and wind-erosion) develops as a parabola type trend,and water erosion is the same as former.Area of wind-erosion in China increases continuously and their situation is serious.It is emphasized that official recognition,establishment and fulfillment of scientific policies,relying on science and technology,comprehensive control in small watershed,development of rural economy and replacement of rural energy source supply are important factors that the speed of comprehensive control of soil and water loss is faster than the destruction and to reach a new stage of healthy development of environment.
WANG You ke , MA Xiao yi , LOU Zong ke , MA Li hui
Abstract:The design of project on integration and demonstration of water-saving agricultural comprehensive technological system was introduced.Based on adaptability and maneuverability of applied water-saving agricultural technology in the northwest half-humid region,the standardization technological system will be formed through selection,integration and demonstration on various water-saving techniques.(1) To assemble the technology of water-saving and construct the comprehensive water-saving demonstration zone based on the analysis of natural and social factors.(2) To supervise the change of water-savings in agriculture and zoology,and then evaluate their benefit.(3) To explore the directorial system and running method of the water saving agricultural demonstration zone.(4) To form a set of correspondingly intact integration and development mode of water-saving agricultural technology.Then the constructing,running and managing system of demonstration zoon,which contracts with the market economy,will be formed.And the method of evaluating the water-saving benefit and the system of supervising indexes will be constructed.
LUO Hui , WANG Mei hua , DU Ji wen , ZHAO Hai feng , KOU Xiao mei
Abstract:The sustainable development of water resources means we should meet the needs of instream flows and keep sustained water flows and water quality of a given eco-environmental region;we should guarantee the sustainability of water resources which all lives(including human being) depending on.The necessity of government regulation in sustainable development of water resources are discussed by applying static and evolutionary game theory method by taking Shaanbei Loess Plateau as background.We also explain the functions of government regulation as manager and regulator in detail: keeping sustainability of water resources,having allocation about primary water rights,centralizing allocation to keep equality and so on.The defects of government regulation and corresponding countermeasures are also discussed.
WANG Rang hui , YU Qian long , LI Feng ying , HUANG Qing , ZHANG Huizhi
Abstract:Xinjiang is a typical area in western arid zone in China.Based on strategy of water resource sustainable development,the principle and methodology of water for ecological use are urgently in needed of being resolved.Water for ecological use has several characteristics in arid Xinjiang region.The quality and quantity of water for ecological use have a larger variable range in arid zone.Meanwhile,water use style is flexible and has diversified forms.Water supply has influence on organism productivity.Water for ecological use is under the control of water circulation and transfer efficiency of GSPAC,which has close relation with vegetation characteristics,soil physical and chemical features,and terrain condition as well as water use level.Estimation of water quality for ecological use is based on some parameters and modeling.The ideas of water for ecological use have significances for improving eco-hydrology and water resource management and ecological practice as well as sustainable development of ecological industry in arid zone.
WU Xue can , HONG Shang qun , LI Feng qi
Abstract:Ecological Purchase: A New Strategy for Ecological Construction in Western China
Abstract:Mine exploitation could destroy the vegetation and disturb the rock structure,of earth surface.It could result serious soil and water loss.Based on summarizing the experiences of practices of mine exploitation for several years,some suggestions on designing of mine-exploitation construction of water soil and conservation are brought forward from the following aspects:(1) the forecast of soil erosion;(2) the rational arrangement of control measures.The arrangement of control measures must be not only economical and rational,but also satisfy the need of the aim on soil and water conservation.The control measures include two types: engineering and plantation.
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