• Volume 0,Issue 6,2006 Table of Contents
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    • >Experimental Research
    • Soil Fertility of Slope Croplands by Applying Technique of Plant Hedgerows in Three Gorges Reservoir Area


      Abstract (1184) HTML (0) PDF 340.24 K (1398) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Technique of plant hedgerows is a favorable measure for utilization of slopelands and plays an important role in the sustainable development of eco-enviroment , resources and economy. Experiment s on the purple soil fer-tility of a plant hedgerows system were conducted on a slope cropland of 25 degree in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. Result s show that the plant hedgerow system is effective for soil fertility improvement . The root system of hedgerows is functioned as a“nut rient pump”to uptake soil nut rient s f rom deep soil and return them to topsoil by pruning of hedgerows , which promotes soil nut rient circulation and redist ribution. Runoff detention by hedgerows and mulching can effectively reduce soil nut rient loss by cont rolling soil loss and runoff.

    • Respondence of Dominant Species of Vegetation Communities to Significant Effecting Factors in Abandoned Croplands on the Hilly-gullied Loess Plateau


      Abstract (1169) HTML (0) PDF 332.71 K (1467) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on observation of vegetation quadrates of abandoned farmlands in Ansai, a loess region of hills and gullies, vegetat ion communities and their dominant species were ascertained through TWINSPAN. Results show that there are mainly 4 vegetation communities: Artemisia scoparia dominated community, Lespedeza davurica and Stip a bungeana dominated community, Artemisia gmelinii dominated community, and Bothriochloa ischaemum dominated community. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis reveals that the year since abandonment ,total phosphorus, exchangeable phosphorus and soil water content are important factors significantly effecting the variation of species in abandoned croplands. Along with the life-form characteristics, it is considered that Bothriochloa ischaemum and Lespedeza davurica have strong adaptation to site conditions, and could be the proper introducing species in abandoned croplands to accelerate and direct vegetation community succession and control soil erosion on the hilly-gullied loess plateau

    • Study on Depositing Process of Check Dam on the Loess Plateau


      Abstract (1046) HTML (0) PDF 559.29 K (1508) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The deposited volume of each check dam layer was determined by investigating the status of check dams on the loess plateau , digging typical check dams , carrying out the sectional analysis , utilizing reservoir storage and measuring deposited thickness of a layer. Single erosive rainfall was ascertained according to the principle of“more rain , more sediment yield”. Correlation analyses of deposited volume with the maximum rainfall intensity in thirty minutes (I30) , rainfall amount (P) , rainfall erosivity (R) and average rainfall intensity ( I) were made , the re-sult of which indicated close relationships among them. Relationships between deposited volume and the three in-dexes were then established. A good fitting plot between calculated result and observed data was found. The re-search offers a theory basis for the study of water2induced damage.

    • Interflow Occurrence Characters and Their Analysis on Slope Cropland with Purple Soil


      Abstract (1266) HTML (0) PDF 241.45 K (1470) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Interflow is an important component of the flow on slopes with purple soil , and is determined compre-hensively by rainfall , slope feature , soil depth and cultivation regime. Simulated rainfall was used to study the mechanism of interflow on slope cropland of purple soil. Results show that cultivation can improve soil physical structure and induce a higher probability for interflow occurrence. Shallow soil depth on slope cropland dominates interflow occurrence , and flat slope generates interflow more easily than steep slope. Rainfall intensity has a signif-icant effect on the process of interflow except for the case on pounding time , and the interflow peak increases with rainfall intensity. Interflow lags with overland flow and the hydrological process display as a curve with only one peak.

    • Soil and Water Loss Affected by Landuse Under Different Rainfall Patterns in the Semi-arid Loess Hilly Area


      Abstract (1208) HTML (0) PDF 624.17 K (1557) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Study on soil and water loss affected by landuse/cover under different rainfall types plays a significant role in soil erosion cont rol and vegetation restoration , which can give scientific guidance to the practice. Based on 14 years of measurements in the experimental hydrologic plots , different rainfall patterns were classified. Precipita-tion amount , duration and maximum 30 min intensity were selected as the comprehensive index to divide the local rainfall events into three different patterns. Generally , pattern 1 is the aggregation of those with medium intensi-ties , durations and amounts. Pattern 2 is the aggregation of rainfall events with such features as high intensities and short durations. Pattern 3 is the aggregation of those with low intensities and long durations. Accordingly , runoff and erosion features of five landuse types governed by these three rainfall patterns , as well as their features in different years , are all stressed. The main results are shown as follows. Firstly , from the static point of view , the lands characterized by the mean runoff coefficient s and mean erosion moduli are in the order of seabuckthorn > natural grass > Chinese Pine > alfalfa > wheat . The reason why alfalfa land has severe runoff and erosion may be re-lated to its growing characteristics and human disturbance. Secondly , runoff and erosion under rainfall pattern 2 hold the most serious position , followed by pattern 1 and pattern 3. This means that rainfall events with high in- tensities and shorter durations play dominant roles in causing soil and water loss in the semiarid area. Lastly , perennial plants such as seabuckthorn and Chinese pine show a very clear trend that runoff coefficients and erosion modulus decrease with time. Soil and water loss is serious in the first several years after plantation , then decreases obviously and get s stable at a lower level. Therefore , more attention should be paid to the different stages of vege2 tation succession.

    • Spatial and Temporal Variations of Soil Erosion in Xingguo County from 1958 to 2000


      Abstract (1019) HTML (0) PDF 308.76 K (1401) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The spatial and temporal variations of soil erosion were investig ated by taking Xingguo County , Jiangxi Province as a research area .Remote sensing and GIS techniques were applied in the study of the county area of 3215 km2 .Remote sensing data of six years such as black-w hite aero-photograph , MSS images and Landsat TM data were obtained .Interpretatio n characteristic indexes were established f rom remo te sensing images .Results showed that from 1958 to 2000 , changes in the eroded area may be divided into two dif ferent periods .First period ranged from 1958 to 1982 , and the soil erosion area was increased to about 2000 km2 .Second period ranged from 1982 to 2000 .During the period , the county was ratified as a national representative region for cont rolling soil erosion.The total erosion area of the county was decreased by 739 km2 during the 18 years , which implied an average decrease of 42 km2 per year .The erosion areas for five grades were found to be somewhat decreased through comparing soil erosion map in 1992 with that in 2000 .Soil erosion grades in about 34%of soil erosion area were subject to change , and the change was dominated by one of the grades .Soil erosion grades in about 66%of soil erosion area were not changed .This means that soil erosion in this county is lowering obviously .

    • Effect of Vegetation’s Position on Slope on Sediment Yield Induced by Rainfall


      Abstract (1390) HTML (0) PDF 363.16 K (1570) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Vegetation at different slope positions has different roles in soil and water conservation. This paper com-pares the discrepancies of sediment yield induced by rainfall with vegetation dist ributed in the upper , middle and lower slopes. Result s indicate that vegetation dist ributed in the lower slope conserves soil better than that in the upper and middle slopes. As rainfall intensity decreases , the discrepancies become more distinct .So,vegetation in the lower slope is very important to soil and water conservation on slopping land. The Loess Plateau is the typical area suffering f rom severe soil and water loss , on which rainstorm occurs rarely. The rainfall intensity which in- duces soil erosion is rarely greater than 50 mm/h. Under the condition , vegetation in the lower slope can play an important role. Therefore , we should well protect vegetation in the lower slope to conserve soil. We put forward some suggestions for a better landuse on slopping land.

    • Model of Comprehensive Evaluation on Classification of Soil Erosion in Zhejiang Province


      Abstract (1005) HTML (0) PDF 518.64 K (1488) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soil erosion is an important topic in the planning of soil and water conservation in the urban area. On the basis of the references, the authors introduced the approach of blurry evaluat ion into the classif icat ion of soil erosion in the urban area. An operable evaluation model was const ructed through the analyses of various evaluating indexes, which can be regard as a means of determining soil erosion degree in the planning of soil and water conservation in the urban area.

    • Spatial Variability of Soil Erodibility K Value and Influence of Sampling Densities on K Value Accuracy at a Scale of Small Watershed


      Abstract (1174) HTML (0) PDF 550.66 K (1717) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Taking the Guangyinsi watershed as an example , soil erodibility K values were calculated using EPIC model at large sampling densities , and the dist ribution map of K values was made using inverse distance weighting spatial interpolation. Classical statistical analyses show significant spatial variability of soil erodibility K values at a scale of small watershed , the variance coefficient of which is 39.94%. Therefore , the spatial variability should be taken into account in soil erosion monitoring at a scale of small watershed. The relative error of K values is less than 25% when half of the total samples , 4 samples persquare kilometer , are taken.

    • Quantif ication of Non2point Pollution from Uplands in Taihu Lake Catchment


      Abstract (1225) HTML (0) PDF 527.44 K (1664) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The released nit rogen and phosphorus by surface runoff from uplands in the Taihu Lake catchment were investigated in a case study. Results showed that each year , about 12.66 kg/hm2 of nit rogen and 4.05 kg/ hm2 of phosphorus from the uplands in the catchment were discharged into water body , accounting for 5.6% and 4.1% of annual fertilization , respectively. About 3.86 t of total nitrogen and 1.24 t of total phosphorus f rom the uplands in the demonst ration area were discharged into water body per year. Nit rate —N and PN were the main component part of N loss , which indicates that controlling Nit rate —N and PN loss is the key to controlling non-point pollu-tion. PP was the main component part of phosphorus loss , accounting for 76 % of total phosphorus. Nitrogen and phosphorus loss were obviously characterized by seasonal variation. Summer and autumn were the high load sea- sons , in which nit rogen and phosphorus loss fromJune to November accounted for 83.35 % and 79.79 %of total loads , respectively.We should pay great attention to controlling nutrient loss during farming for non-point pollution control.

    • A Brief Analysis of Mechanism of Sand Fixation on Sand-sl iding Slope


      Abstract (997) HTML (0) PDF 194.60 K (1470) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper describes the mechanism of sand fixations by grouting engineering and biological engineering . The grouting veins formed by pipe-g routing act as anchors , and adjacent grouting columns work like soil arches . The deep roots resulted from biological engineering act as anchors , and voluminous flat roots present a reinforcement effect .The authors consider that the combination of civil engineering measures with biological engineering measures can make the best of respective advantages , and thus achieve the effect of managing bothits root cause and symptoms .Finally , countermeasures on No.13 sanding-sliding slope in Zhongba section of the Sichuan-Tibet highway are briefly discussed .

    • Relation of Problems Concerning Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers to Soil and Water Conservation in China at Present Stage


      Abstract (1187) HTML (0) PDF 903.78 K (1422) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this century, the problems concerning agriculture, count ryside and farmers become a major focus,and soil and water conservation becomes one of basic national policies in China. The connotation and background of the problems and the situation of soil and water conservation are expatiated. T he sustainable development of agr-iculture is rest ricted by the degradation of ecological environment . It is proved that the ecolog ical environment of China can be improved effectively by soil and water conservation, and at the same time, the problems can be solved partially . The key to the problems and soil and water conservation is that theory should be combined with practice.

    • >Water Conservation Monitoring
    • Inspection and Evaluation of Ecological RS in Shaanxi Province


      Abstract (1039) HTML (0) PDF 823.71 K (1458) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The county-level landuse data base of Shaanxi Province is established by pre-treat ing CBERS—2 images, setting up interpretation indexes and classifying landuse and so on. Accordingly , the environmental quality indexis calculated in terms of the evaluating standards of environmental quality, and the integrated evaluation of ecological environmental quality for Shaanxi Province in 2004 is eventually completed. The evaluat ing result shows that the quality in the north area is on average; in the Yulin area, poor; in the central and south area, good; and in the Qinling area, excellent. Comparing the result with the integrated evaluating result in 2000 indicates that the overall environmental quality of Shaanxi is improved, and the environment of the cent ral area is boosted distinctly while few individual areas continue to deteriorate.

    • Monitoring and Analysis of Soil and Water Loss in Jiangxi Province


      Abstract (1184) HTML (0) PDF 354.72 K (1648) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Jiangxi Province is one of the provinces suffering serious soil and water loss. Along with the economic development , soil and water loss becomes one of the major factors which rest rict the sustainable development of lo-cal society and economy. In this paper , the situations of soil erosion in 1987 , 1996 and 2000 in J iangxi Province were introduced , and the reasons for the change in soil erosion in more than ten years were analyzed. As a result ,the current situation of the province’s soil erosion remains very rigorous , and soil and water conservation work is still heavily loaded though the exasperating trend of soil erosion has been suppressed , and ecological environment has been developing in a good direction.

    • Application of the Color Transformation to DEM and Remotely Sensed Data Merging


      Abstract (1177) HTML (0) PDF 336.15 K (1412) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Merging remotely sensed data and non-remotely sensed data is one of the important methods of improving the interpretation accuracy. The attributes of the RGB and IHS modes and color transformat ion theory are discussed.The TM images of the Yanhe basin are taken for instance, and the merging method of remotely sensed data and non-remotely sensed data has been studied with the support of ERDAS IMAGINE. Firstly, the TM image is transformed from the RGB mode to the IHS mode. Secondly, the H component of the IHS mode is replaced with the DEM, and then the components of I and Sare stretched. Thirdly , they are transformed to the RGB mode.The experiments indicate that the method replacing the H component of the IHS mode with DEM is better for supervised classificat ion, and the supervised classification accuracy of the merging data is 6% higher than that of the normal merging data.

    • Image Classification Method in Landuse Dynamic Detection Based on Mult-i source Remote Sensing Data—A Case Study in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi Province


      Abstract (1277) HTML (0) PDF 656.63 K (1746) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The landuse classification accuracy based on single remotely sensed data and simple supervised classification is unsatisfactory to the landuse investigation in loess hill and gully area. By taking the Wuding River watershed in Northern Shaanxi Province as a test area, the TM mult-i spectral data and SPOT pan data were merged by the method of Principal Components Analysis. Based on the merged image, the landuse categories were then extracted by applying an integration of supervised classification and unsupervised classification. The combination of two methods remarkably improved sampling method. Compared to the classification based on the single TM mult-ispectral data and supervised classif icat ion, the total accuracy increased from 82.0% to 89.2% , especially the accuracy of city and town area, paddy field, water area increased over 10%, the mixture of sloping land and forest (grassland)decreased remarkably, and the accuracy of the two categories increased over 5%. The result is of critical significance in landuse dynamic monitoring in the area.

    • Erosion Monitoring by 7Be Tracing Technique for Debris Deposit in Project Construction Sites


      Abstract (1191) HTML (0) PDF 498.82 K (1519) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cosmogenic environmental radionuclide 7Be, produced primarily by the bombardment of the earth's atmosphere by cosmi crays within the troposphere and stratosphere, has a similar environmental chemical behavior as137Cs and 210Pb. With a hal-f life of 53.3 days,7Be can be used to document short-term rates, patterns and seasonal variations of soil redistribution or sediment deposition representing the influences of a specific landuse or a particular event in a period of precipitation. Potential application of the information on soil erosion and redistribution provided by 7Be measurements can clearly include the validation and calibration of distributed event-induced soil erosion and sediment delivery models. 7Be technique, a potential alternative to 137Cs and 210Pb in situations where information on short-term or event-based soil erosion is required, is considerably promising in soil erosion tracing , such as soil erosion on debris from project construction.

    • Ecosystem Recovery Monitoring by Remote Sensing for Soil and Water Conservation in Liangdang County


      Abstract (754) HTML (0) PDF 556.68 K (1274) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ecosystem recovery is a soil and water conservation measure w hich relies on the ability of natural recovery.It greatly helps to control soil and water loss, resume environment, and make human and nature harmonious in a short time. The fusion of TM and SPOT images was applied in the ecosystem recovery monitoring of soil and water loss in Liang dang County. In the past three years, vegetation coverage was increased, plant community in the project area was changed towards a developing direction, soil erosion area and its degree were reduced, and ecological factors were distinctly improved.

    • >Application Technology
    • Application of Mult-i attribute Decision-making Methods in Slop Improvement of Small Watershed


      Abstract (1029) HTML (0) PDF 312.49 K (1311) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The slope improvement in a small watershed is a problem of mult-iattribute decision-making . However,the decision-making is often a subjective judgment due to lack of information, which largely depends on the exper-ience of decision makers. Several mult-iattribute decision-making methods are presented to deal with decision problems in slope improvement of the Haixihai watershed under incomplete information and the arbitrary decision by a single method. Constructing woodlands and building level terraces are the most suitable measures for local slope improvement. The result provides the local decision makers with a scientific support in their decision-making

    • Study of Smart Terminal Architecture Used for Real-time Processing of Soil and Water Conservation Information


      Abstract (1024) HTML (0) PDF 345.18 K (1274) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is necessary to monitor the real-time locale info rmation on soil and water conservation in the information era .This paper preliminarily discusses some problems with the key technique and design factor in developing a smart terminal as viewed from architecture .In the authour' s opinion , it is easily to design and develop intellectual business application of smart phone , and the architecture experience helps to desig n some professional and custom business application.

    • Comparison of Hydro-geomorphology Representing Between DEMs by TINand ANUDEM Approaches


      Abstract (1363) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (2166) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mainly considering the demand of regional soil erosion and hydrological modeling , the DEMs generated from TIN and Hutchinson’s method (ANUDEM) , and their representation of the hydro2geomorphology charac-teristics have been compared. The results show that , in the TIN DEM , there are inevitably flat hilltops , some eroded gullies have been ignored during TIN const ructing , the stream networks based on the DEM is not continu-ous , and multiplelines rivers exist . In Hutchinson method based DEM , the DEM derived contours match to the o-riginal input contours , and the relief and slope can be represented smoothly and continuously. Therefore , the hy-dro-geomorphological features can be represented correctly even no rivers input to drive ANUDEM.

    • Research on Dimensionality Reduction Technology of Hyperspectral Data


      Abstract (1211) HTML (0) PDF 147.25 K (2256) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hyperspect ral data have a high spect ral resolution for the object s of the earth. However , many analysis approaches of hyperspectral data do not provide a promising result because of it s great data volume and strong cor-relation between it s neighboring bands. Consequently , it rest rict s the efficiency and broad application of high reso-lution data. The research indicates that feature extraction is the highly effective theory and method to optimize hy-perspectral data and information. The result of experiment shows that with a given precision of classification , the reduction in dimensionality without loss of information improves the classifier performance , and helps to achieve the aims of optimal process and effective utilization of hyperspect ral remote sensing data.

    • Solidification Seeding Technique for Slope Stabil ization in Soil and Water Conservation


      Abstract (1067) HTML (0) PDF 622.73 K (1424) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An experiment of two repetitions for slop stabilization was conducted to study four different types of seeding technique and grass seed germination and growth in the surface soil to which solidification reagent was added. Results show that grass seeds germinate and grow up normally after the treatments of slope surface soil by adding solidification reagent and casting grass seeds. Moreover, the number of rills on slope is reduced remarkably,and the ability of resistance to surface soil erosion is strengthened apparently . It can be concluded that slope stab-ilization seeding is a good and effective method for slope stabilizat ion and greening in practice.

    • Mechanics Research on Vetiver Grass in Railway Side Slope Protection


      Abstract (1006) HTML (0) PDF 281.28 K (1533) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In view of a few mechanics researches on vetiver grass applied in railway side slope protection , mechanics functions of vetiver grass were investigated through a test for vetiver grass and an analysis of the mechanics index. Vetiver grass is found to increase adhesion and internal f riction angle , enhance shear st rength and improve soil sta-bility. The test shows that only if the density of vetiver root system reaches to a certain value , shear st rength can be enhanced significantly , which implies a great role of vetiver grass in railway side slope protection.

    • >Comprehensive Treatment
    • Research on Environment of Financing and Investment in Agro-eco-environment Protection in Ningxia


      Abstract (1072) HTML (0) PDF 280.66 K (1255) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The ability of financing and investment in agro-eco-environment protect ion and the optimized environment for financing and investment are important factors to resolve the problems of farmer, ag riculture and rural area, fulfill the scientific development , and build a harmonious society. The basic characteristics of the Ningxia's environment for financing and investment in agro-eco-environment protect ion are analyzed. T he main characteristics are that financial environment is preliminarily improved, but financial oppression is still prot ruding; economy develops quickly, but the degree of market is still low ; the development of agriculture relies on financial sustaining more and more, but the system of agricultural protection is not perfect. The main characteristics of the agro-ecoenvironment are that natural disasters occur frequently, and the agro-eco-environment gradually becomes drought ;land desertification is serious, and water resource is absent; agrochemicals increase gradually, and security of farm products is not good; nature reservation is prominent , but soil erosion is still serious. The research result shows that the unsustainable development of environment for financing and investment is hard to adapt to the objective requirements under the market economy conditions. Furthermore, the optimized mechanism framework of environment for financing and investment are discussed. It includes building a sustainable system for f inancing and investment, building a public-private partnership mechanism for f inancing and investment under market economy cond-itions. Building the sustainable compensat ing and prompt ing mechanism, streng thening and implementing the planning of agro-eco-environment protect ion, resolving the problems of the farmer, agriculture and rural area, and advancing. the healthy development of regional economy.

    • Investigation of Returning Farmland to Forest or Grass Land and Decision Remaking for Reforestation


      Abstract (1042) HTML (0) PDF 813.18 K (1622) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effects of returning farmland to forest or grass land w ere investigated with the support of GIS and GPS technology. Some important conclusions can be drawn according to the results from the investigation. A certain number of lands with high soil fertility and small slope degree were reforested in returning farmland to forest or grass land. Such a phenomenon occurred mainly due to dispersed farmlands, distant cultivation locat ions and inconvenient irrigation conditions. The authors suggested that reforestation is a long-term complicated systematic eng-i neering , and should be performed step by step

    • Characteristics of Soil Aridity in Wheat Field of the Longdong Loess Plateau


      Abstract (1173) HTML (0) PDF 215.14 K (1259) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, characteristics of soil aridity in the upland of the Longdong Loess Plateau was determined through the analyses of soil water content of different periods in different layers of wheat field on the typical/Dongzhi Upland0. Analyses indicate that from the top soil layer down to the lower, frequency of soil aridity occurrence gradually increases, but soil aridity degree gradually weakens. Severe soil aridity mostly occurs between the end of spring and the early days of summer, and has the highest probability of occurrence in the upper and middle parts of a soil profile. Usually, severe aridity does not take place below a depth of 1m. Excess wetness mostly occurs in autumn, and has the highest probability in the middle and low parts of a soil prof ile. Usually, ex cess wetness does not take place within 1m of the upper layer. Soil water content in wheat field reaches a maximum in late autumn. The most arid time is betw een the end of spring and early summer. Severe soil aridity takes place with a little probability in early spring.

    • Deformation Failure Mode and Evaluation of Stability for the Yiyuanchong Landslide in Wuzhou


      Abstract (1129) HTML (0) PDF 235.82 K (1659) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article studies morphological characteristics, distribution range and stable state of the Yiyuanchong landslide, and analyzes its deformation failure mode,failure mechanism and failure processes on the basis of geological environment investigations. T he evaluation of stability was made by calculating stability of the landslide. In accordance with the landslide's deformation failure mode and threat actuality , some controlling methods were proposed in order to achieve the ultimate goal of eliminating the disaster's potential harmfulness.

    • Ecological Protection of Side Slope in Beijing—Zhuhai Expressway in Guangdong


      Abstract (1237) HTML (0) PDF 196.88 K (1269) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The env ironment of the slope in Beijing ) Zhuhai expressway in Guangdong is usually not adapted to be the habitat because of the high and steep slope, soil flimsiness and soil leanness. Taking the southern segment of the expressway as an example, the environmental characteristics of the slope in the expressway were presented for the ecological slope protection. The methods of the ecological slope protection along the expressway and its construction technologies, such as hydraulic seeding , three dimensional plantnet and spray sow ing, were introduced systematically. T he slopes have been protected by using these technologies in the expressw ay, combined with eng-ineering measures including mortar rubble grid, rockbolts and wire netting. It is necessary for the technology regularization of the ecological slope protection, and native plants should be paid more at tentions.