• Volume 0,Issue 1,2008 Table of Contents
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    • >Experimental Research
    • Influence of Surface Coverage on Soil Infiltration in the Farming-grazing Transitional Zone

      2008(1):1-5. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).1

      Abstract (794) HTML (0) PDF 249.87 K (1305) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study was conducted to understand the influence of surface coverage on soil infiltration in the farming-grazing transitional zone by taking Yanchi County,Ningxia Hui Automous Region as an example. The sample line method was used for the survey of plantcoverage and infiltration measurements were carried outin sample plots. After field data were processed and analyzed,the effects of ground patterns on infiltra-tion were then examined. Results show thatplantgrowth can accelerate infiltration and plantcoverage is exponentially related to infiltration depth with a correlation coefficientof 0. 893. The withered materials can significantly preventwater infiltration and the two presenta logarithmic relation ata correlation coefficientof 0. 921. Bio-crustclearly impedes water infiltration and bio?crustcoverage is negatively correlated to infiltra? tion depth with a correlation coefficientof -0. 765. This implies thatbio?crustis mainly responsible for the thinning trend of soil water content.

    • Soil Anti2erodibility Under Different Landuse Types in the Loess Hill and Gully Area

      2008(1):6-9,38. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).6

      Abstract (1067) HTML (0) PDF 280.62 K (1657) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:the characteristics of soil antisourability and disintegration rate under different landuse types were studied in Ansai County located in the loess hill and gully area. Results showed thatthe antisourability and disintegration rate increased with soil depth increasing,indicating a decrease in soil anti2erodibility. Landuse types,in terms of soil antisourability and disintegration rate within 10 cm of surface soils,ranked in the descendantorder of shrubbery,grassland,high-forest,orchard,and farmland,butthe order changed some-what in 20 -30 cm and 40 -50 cm soil layers. Under differentlanduses,the relationship between the antisourability and the disintegration rate was obviously a kind of progressively increased linearity. Soil disinte-gration rate for shrubbery changed fast as soil antisourability changed and slope of the linear equation was 0. 352 4. The linear equation slope for farmland was the smallest and is only 0. 014 5. The linear equation slopes for grassland,high-forest,and orchard were between 0. 352 4 and 0. 014 5. The difference of the line2 ar equation slopes for grassland and high-forest was little and their variation features in the same soil depth were almost identical.

    • Effects of Sediment Reduction by Vegetation Restoration on the Loess Plateau

      2008(1):10-13. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).10

      Abstract (1018) HTML (0) PDF 501.50 K (1297) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through the analysis of observed data of natural and simulated rainfalls in recent years in Yan’gou watershed,Yan’an City,it is concluded that annually averaged sediment yield decreases by more than 80% in comparison with the case before control. Among the factors causing decreased sediment yield,the contri-bution by rainfall makes up about 30 %,while the contribution by the soil and water conservation measures dominated by vegetation construction,about 70 %. The result proves the importance of vegetation restora-tion in comprehensive watershed managementmeasures.

    • Social Ecosystem Based on Peasant Household Versus Drought Resilience -A Case Study in Yuzhong County of Gansu Province

      2008(1):14-18. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).14

      Abstract (1018) HTML (0) PDF 468.18 K (1708) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Frequent drought disaster has been the crucial meteorological factor limiting the agricultural development and eco-environmental construction in the northwest area of China. Based on the household question-naire,the resilience of social-ecological system to droughtin Yuzhong County,Gansu Province was studied by integrating statistical approaches and GIS. Water-sensitive factors were selected in view of society,economy,and ecology so as to build social-ecological systems. The resilience of the systems was then calculated at the household level under arid environment according to the modified conceptual model of fragility degree. Results indicate that the resilience of Yuzhong County depends on the interactions between internal factors (social,economical,and ecological) and external factors (drought). Population quantity,soil moisture,and soil nutrients are the common water-sensitive factors to the household social-ecological systems in the three regions,whereas others belong to local villages.

    • Economic Response of Ecosystem Service Functions to Landuse Changes in Karst Region

      2008(1):19-24. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).19

      Abstract (1000) HTML (0) PDF 612.17 K (1363) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By taking Hechi City of Guangxi Province in karstmountainous region as an example,the economic value of ecosystem service functions was estimated. The economic values of food production per hectare of cropland ecosystem in 1988,1998,and 2003 were used as a base of the study. Then the economic values in the three years were contrasted with the landuse situations in corresponding years so as to find outthe features of economic value changes of ecosystem service functions induced by landuse changes in differentperiods. Results showed thatduring the years from 1988 to 2003,the ecological responses to landuse changes were obvious. Economic values of ecosystem service functions were improved in general. From 1988 to 1998,exceptthe 14. 6 % incrementof economic value for farmland ecosystem,the increments of economic value for other ecosystems were all above 25. 9 %,while from 1998 to 2003,the increments became slow evidently and negative economic value for grassland ecosystem even appeared. Landuse changes were almostaccordantwith the changes in ecosystem economic value. These facts prove thatthe local landuse manner needs to be reformed. Especially,reconstruction of wider unused land and ecological restoration of stony desertification land may bring very significantecological benefits.

    • State of Water Quality and Its Influencing Factors in Dongzhen Reservoir

      2008(1):25-28. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).25

      Abstract (1158) HTML (0) PDF 280.02 K (2113) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dongzhen Reservoir is the importantwater source for Putian City and its water quality affects the developmentof economy and the society of the city. In recentyears,the ecosystem of the reservoir has been aggravated due to the strengthened human activities. According to the field investigation and the analysis of the monitoring data of water quality,itis easy to find outthatthe major indexes of water quality increase year by year and water quality gradually declines,which brings on the shortage of pollution-induced water. The deteriorated water quality is mainly due to the massive forestexploitation by human being,which leads to severe soil erosion,increased agricultural non-pointsource pollution,strengthened human activities,tre-mendous reservoir sediment,and so on. Then the authors suggestsome comprehensive countermeasures,in-cluding strengthen of dissemination and education,developmentof eco-orchard,improvementof ecological environment,establishmentof eco-compensation mechanism,improvementof monitoring system,enhance-mentof management,and control of agricultural non-pointsource pollution.

    • Effects of Sand Burial Depth on Seedling Emergence and Growth of Reaumuria Soongorica

      2008(1):30-33. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).30

      Abstract (1140) HTML (0) PDF 367.93 K (1598) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The controlled experimentwas conducted to testthe effects of sand burial depth on seedling emergence and growth of Reaumuria Soongorica,investigate the optimal range of burial depth to maximize the seedling emergence and subsequentseedling growth,and assess seedling biomass allocation atdifferentsand burial depths. In the burial experiment,emergence percentage had a significantly negative correlation with the sand burial depth and high seedling emergence concentrated in 0-2 cm layer. The number of days from sowing seeds to seedling emergence was significantly affected by sand burial depth,which increased with in-creasing depth. Seedlings heightwas significantly affected by both sand burial depth and growth time and the relative heightgrowth rate increased with increasing depth. Therefore,seedling heightdecreased with in-creasing sand burial depth atthe prophase and itincreased with increasing sand burial depth atthe anaphase. Seedling biomass was notsignificantly affected by sand burial depth,and however,more biomass was alloca-ted to underground with increasing sand burial depth. Such morphological changes would amortize the limit-ed seed reserve to facilitate emergence. The optimal burial depth for Reaumuria Soongorica was in the range of a shallow burial depth of 0-2 cm,approximately 1 cm.

    • Effects of Farmland Shelterbelt by Willows and Their Shading Performances

      2008(1):34-38. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).34

      Abstract (1050) HTML (0) PDF 266.02 K (1450) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effects of afforestation of farmland shelterbeltwith clones or cultivars of S alix jiangsuensis and S. viminalis and their shading performances were investigated. Results showed thatboth survival and preservation rates of the S. jiangsuensis 194 were 96. 6 and 93. 2 %,respectively. There were no differences of survival and preservation rates among differentcultivars or clones and differentplanting spaces. Tree heightin-crementof S. jiangsuensis was higher than thatof S. viminalis,indicating thatS. jiangsuensis is a suitable species for farmland shelterbelt. Shading index and shading degree of the 62year-old S. jiangsuensis 172 (spacing 3 m ×6 m) were 56. 62 % and 13. 31 %,respectively,exceeding the upper limitof farmland shelterbelt. Therefore,the S. jiangsuensis 172 should be shinned properly in the fifth year of planting to meetthe related standards.

    • >Research Briefs
    • Study of Incision Rate in the Middle Reaches of Minjiang River

      2008(1):39-41,45. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).19

      Abstract (1150) HTML (0) PDF 480.65 K (1716) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Minjiang River is a very importanttributary of Changjiang River. It is located in the eastern margin of tibetan Plateau where is a suddenly changed area for geology,geomorphology and climate. The research was initiated to further understand its incision and influences. The linear relationship between river terrace and river incision was used to determine incision rate in the middle reaches of Minjiang River . Through calculation,the authors found thatthe average incision rate in the middle reaches of Minjiang River is 1. 08 mm/a. This work furnishes a fresh basis for further study of soil erosion and crustal movement.

    • Weaknesses of Gabion Material Structure and Its Remedial Measures

      2008(1):41-45. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).42

      Abstract (972) HTML (0) PDF 392.43 K (1579) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Gabion materials are now recognized by mostengineers throughoutthe world as an economical and standard construction material. Gabion material structures still play importantroles in the design,construction and remedy of small hydraulic structures such as river dredging,channel bank protection,designing cofferdams and small spillways,etc. ,by now. Beginning with the developmentand evolution of gabions,firstly,properties of gabion structure are discussed; furthermore,the characteristics of low quality occurred in gabion structures are analyzed;lastly,the proper remedial and reinforcing methods and measures to the weaknesses found in gabion structures are presented.

    • Characteristic Analyses of the Water2level2fluctuating Zone in the Three Gorges Reservoir

      2008(1):46-49. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).46

      Abstract (1096) HTML (0) PDF 234.92 K (2338) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The three Gorges Reservoir is the largestwater conservancy and control projectin China. After the three Gorges Projectis completed,a 30 m high water-level-fluctuating zone (WLFZ) will appear along the two banks and the area of the WLFZ reaches about300 km2. By using GIS and RS techniques,land resources in the WLFZ are analyzed and classified in view of climate conditions,water depth in the WLFZ,slope,and soil textures of the land. The WLFZ is classified into six land models: rock exposed regions model,softrock exposed regions model,moderate and gentle model,reservoir backwater area model,unique landscapes model,and island model. The classification of the WLFZ of the three Gorges Reservoir provides a theoretic basis and scientific methods of rational development.

    • Experimental Validation and Evaluation of Minimum Energy Model on Root Water Exaction

      2008(1):50-53. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).50

      Abstract (1068) HTML (0) PDF 287.46 K (1718) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The quantitative modeling of root water exaction is difficult in research on soilroot hydraulic dynamics. Present models were constructed under certain ideal conditions and based on poor understandings of the mechanisms of root water exaction and thus their applications were rather limited. The minimum energy model was presented based on the physical concept that plant would consume minimum energy for root water exaction in order to survive. But it is not clear if this theory could truly reflect root water exaction. In this research,a soil column experiment was conducted to validate the model. Results indicate that the model had a higher modeling precision under normal water condition, while the modeling precision decreased under drought condition. The reason may be related with the biological mechanism inside plant themselves.

    • Optimizing Parameters of SCS -CN Method for Application on the Loess Plateau

      2008(1):54-58. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).54

      Abstract (1073) HTML (0) PDF 415.23 K (2061) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Runoff is the main factor responsible for soil erosion,so an accurate estimation of runoff is the key to predictand control soil erosion. The Soil Conservation Service curve number (SCS-CN) method is widely used for predicting directrunoff from rainfall in the area withoutobserved runoff data. Using data of 153 runoff events from 6 experimental plots with three landuse types of millet,alfalfa,and sorghum on the Loess Plateau,the applicability of SCS-CN method is validated and the parameters are optimized. Results indicate thatthe accuracy of runoff prediction by the SCS-CN method with optimizedλand CN2 values is better than thatof the standard CN method. The optimizedλvalue is 0. 01 and the CN2 values are 74,74,and 72 for millet,alfalfa,and sorghum,respectively.

    • Indicator Selection and Weight Determination of Water Resources for Sustainable Utilization in the Southwest Karst Area

      2008(1):59-64. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).59

      Abstract (1011) HTML (0) PDF 411.32 K (1530) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The compound water resource system was regarded as the subjectinvestigated. The coupling relationship between water resource utilization and eco-environmentwas ascertained. Sustainable water resource utilization was found to be the effective measure of harmonizing water resources and eco-environment. An evaluation system including the three levels of target,rule,and index was setup according to metric demands of sustainable water resource utilization. The principles of erecting evaluation system were established. Indexes were filtrated by frequency analysis method,theoretical analysis method,and expertconsultation method. Weightof each indicator was determined by expertconsultation method and Improved Analysis Hierarchy Process (IAHP) and thus,the subjective deviation was reduced. The weighted values of indicators were finally analyzed. Results indicate thatthe essential attributes of water resources are the most important aspectof judging the sustainable utilization degree of water resources,whereas the influence of fragile eco-environ-mentranks second.

    • Study of the Computational Method of Subsurface Flow in Hydrology Simulation

      2008(1):65-68. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).65

      Abstract (1308) HTML (0) PDF 361.09 K (2039) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Runoff forecastin the semi-arid and semi-humid region is characterized by the excess holding and excess runoff. The calculation of subsurface flow is the key to solve the problem because itis directly associated with simulation accuracy. Based on the analysis of the“double excess”model,the Xinanjiang model,and so on,this study finds thatsubsurface flow maybe occur in unsaturated soil and is induced by spatial difference of runoff generation. By referring to the advantages of subsurface flow model,a calculation modle for subsurface flow in the semi-arid and semi-humid region is developed using the thoughtof system model. The accuracy of developed calculation model for subsurface flow is then improved by measured dada. The computational method is notonly applied to the“double excess”model,butalso other similar models.

    • A DEM Based Method for Extraction of Valley Shoulder Line and Slope Heel Line

      2008(1):69-72. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).69

      Abstract (1069) HTML (0) PDF 636.30 K (2191) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The method for extraction of valley shoulder line and slope heel line is based on the shape features of valley shoulder line and slope heel line. Valley shoulder line is the boundary of upland and valley and is located on convex slope. Slope heel line is the boundary of valley slope and valley bottom and is located on convex slope. Both of them are characterized by the biggestlocal change in slope degree. Using these features in extraction,the method can provide sound flexibility and has high accuracy and high efficiency.

    • Influences of Precipitation Change on Soil Erosion Distribution Under Different Underlying Surface Conditions

      2008(1):73-75. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).73

      Abstract (991) HTML (0) PDF 148.49 K (1206) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Precipitation is the main driving force to induce soil erosion. By taking Ruyang County in the earth rocky mountainous area and Song County in the loess hill area as examples,the influences of the change of precipitation on soil erosion distribution under differentunderlying surface conditions (terrace,forestland,slope cultivated land,and abandoned slope) were studied. Soil erosion factors,such as rainfall intensity and slope,were observed and analyzed. A combined equation was derived to express the influence. Results showed thatthe water storage capacity of abandoned slope and slope cultivated land was lower and the water storage capacity of terrace and forestland was higher. So,terrace and forestland,as well as the supplementary gully managementengineerings,should be adopted as the importantmeasures of rainfall water storage through full argumentation.

    • Analysis on Runoff Trend and Influence Factors in Weihe River Basin

      2008(1):76-80. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).76

      Abstract (1044) HTML (0) PDF 249.10 K (2353) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed atthe stream flow cut-off of Weihe river basin at Huaxian station,it is importantthatthe runoff trend and influence factors are analyzed in this area. According to the data of runoff in Weihe river basin from 1956 to 2000,the changing trend of runoff at Huaxian station is analyzed by using the R/S analysis (Rescale Range Analysis). At the same time,the influence factors of runoff are analyzed. Results show thatthe H urstcoefficientis 0. 778 4,showing thatthe runoff trend is on the persistentdecline. The annual average runoff had been reduced by 3. 79×109m3 from 1970 to 2000,compared to the runoff from 1956 to 1969. Among the influence factors,the reduction influenced by climate is 1. 96×109m3 and the reduction influenced by human activities is 1. 83×109m3,amounting for 51. 7% and 48. 3% of the total reduction,respectively.

    • Research on the Dynamic Change of Soil Nutrients in the Burned Area of Mountain Forest

      2008(1):81-85. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).81

      Abstract (1047) HTML (0) PDF 318.99 K (1378) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Three differentplots in the burned forestarea atOkayama,Japan were constructed to investigate the dynamic changes of soil chemical and physical properties and soil nutrients caused by rainfall . It was found thatthe pH values,physical properties,and soil loss from the three plots were different. By referring to the domestic and international research results,the bestway of reducing soil nutrientloss was found for a suitable approach to vegetation recovery.

    • >Water Conservation Monitoring
    • Design of an Information System of Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring in Development and Construction Projects

      2008(1):86-89,123. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).86

      Abstract (862) HTML (0) PDF 533.77 K (1676) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper discusses the demands for tasks and data of soil and water conservation monitoring in developmentand construction projects,puts forward an indicator system for soil and water loss monitoring,and designs an information system based on 3S techniques ( remote sensing,geographic information system,and global positioning system) . The system gathers functions of datum collection,processing,management,and application. It can printordered formattables,statistical tables and figures,and thematic maps. Being tested and used,the system is proved to have good performance and applicability.

    • Self?organized Criticality of Slope Development and Reliability Analysis of Slope Flexible Safeguard System

      2008(1):90-94. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).90

      Abstract (1004) HTML (0) PDF 380.78 K (1404) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The self-organized process of slope developmentis discussed by the analysis of the characteristics of the whole process of slope development. Results show thatthe process of slope developmentcan be considered as an extensively dissipative dynamical complex system varying in time and space and has mass,energy,and information exchanges with external environment. The process of slope developmentrepresents a self-organized criticality(SOC) phenomenon far away from the equilibrium state. SOC is a dynamical attractor in the process of slope developmentand provides an evidence for minus power law between frequency of slope action and its strength. Based on this understanding,an analysis model for the reliability of slope safeguard system is constructed and the reliability of rockfall protecting nets in the railway section between Jinyun and Qingtian is analyzed by taking the slope rockfall as an example.

    • System Dynamics Simulation for Soil and Water Loss on Slope Surface in the Dry?hot Valley of Jinsha River

      2008(1):95-98. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).95

      Abstract (1056) HTML (0) PDF 214.37 K (1451) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The purpose of the study was to constructa system dynamics model of soil and water loss on slope surface on the basis of system dynamics principles through the analyses of soil and water loss processes and its influencing factors. Experimentwas conducted on three runoff plots ( natural slope,forbidden slope,and level-terrace) in Yuanmou County,Yunnan Province located in the dry-hotvalley of Jinsha River. Data observed form the runoff plots were inputto model and the VENPLE software was used to find the processes of runoff and soil loss. Data of runoff and soil loss obtained from the simulation model were then compared with observed data. Relative error was found to be between 6. 9% and 17%. This illustrates thatthe system dy namics model is an ideal model.

    • Study of the Prediction of Dam?break Flood Damage in Jinpen Reservoir

      2008(1):99-101. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).99

      Abstract (1071) HTML (0) PDF 171.63 K (1524) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Topographical map of flood areas in the lower reaches of Jinpen Reservoir was generated by using GIS software to process basic data of Zhouzhi County and using interpolation method. The model for the rate of loss was used to assess the loss status of the inundated area. When the reservoir metthe flood of a return period of 10 000 years,the overtopping dam-break incidentcould occur and the flood could cause the directe-conomic loss to -5. 035 5 109RMB and indirecteconomic loss to -9. 0639 108RMB. Calculation and analysis of the loss by dam-break flood in this paper will enable policy makers and reservoir supervisors to know the consequences of the floods and help them to dispatch water volume rationally to avoid the disaster.

    • Estimation of Evapotranspiration over Huangfuchuan Watershed Using Remote Sensing

      2008(1):102-105,114. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).102

      Abstract (1156) HTML (0) PDF 246.72 K (1884) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Instantaneous evapotranspiration in Huangfuchuan watershed is retrieved based on the estimation of land surface characteristic parameters and fluxes using Landsat5 tM. Daily evapotranspiration is found by scaling. Water body is dealtwith as bare land. The characteristics between water body and soil are very dis-tinct,so Penman model is used to calculate water evaporation and the calculated resultis merged into daily evapotranspiration. Results show thatdaily evapotranspiration retrieved is accord with the status of land sur-face. The relative error of surface temperature retrieved is 0. 58% and the relative error of daily evapotransp-i ration retrieved is 11. 75%,which are both permitted.

    • Constructing Regional Ecological Security Pattern Based on the Spatial Difference of Eco-environmental Restriction

      2008(1):106-109,118. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).106

      Abstract (1226) HTML (0) PDF 338.60 K (1418) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The spatial difference of nature-ecology leads to the difference of ecological functions and directly influences the regional ecological security. Resorted to the evaluation of sub-area by the nature-ecology,the difference of ecological functions may be distinguished. Supported with GIS and by adopting the regionaliza tion method of eco-environmental restriction,indexes,such as mountain area,water density,etc,are selected and 41 counties are regarded as the basic units to be evaluated. After evaluation,regional ecological secur ity pattern is constructed with 4 ecological functional zones,7 ecological functional corridors,and some eco logical functional patches in the area along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province. Finally,some policies and suggestions abouthow to constructregional ecological security pattern are putforward.

    • Analyses of Land Use and Land Cover in Downtown Area of Chongqing City Based on RS and GIS

      2008(1):110-114. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).110

      Abstract (1033) HTML (0) PDF 456.58 K (2061) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The three years situation of land use and land cover in the 1612 km2 downtown area of Chongqing are accessed mainly based on the RS and GIS supports. The study of three years is performed in two periods so as to monitor its change. After monitoring,the two period changes of land use and land cover are compared and the driving forces for the changes are analyzed. Accelerated industrialization and urbanization processes,population growth,transportation and infrastructure constructions,and other social factors are main reasons for the changes in the downtown area. In addition,the water storage of three-Gorges Projectalso contributes to the changes.

    • Evaluation Index and Method of Revegetation Quality on Highway Slope

      2008(1):115-118. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).115

      Abstract (962) HTML (0) PDF 238.34 K (1441) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As an importantmethod of solving the environmental problems caused by the construction of expressway,slope revegetation attracts much attention. However,an evaluation index system for the quality of slope revegetation thatcan be accepted by experts is notavailable. Based on the thoughts of restoration ecology and aesthetics and the analysis of functions of slope vegetation,eightimportantevaluation indexes of green period,coverage,richness degree,interception flux,comprehensive resistance,stabilizing effectof rootsystem,beauty degree of landscape,and managementlevel were presented and calculation method for each index was proposed using the theory of road engineering,vegetation ecology,restoration ecology,grass ecology,soil and water conservation,and landscape science. The weightof each index was determined by means of the Analytic Hierarchy Process judging matrix. Based on the succession law of slope vegetation community,proposed evaluation time was given,evaluation score of slope re-vegetation was calculated,and quality grade was determined. Finally,the Ji’nan -Qingdao expressway II,which will serve 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,was also introduced as a case study.

    • Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Reconstruction of Development and Construction Project in Low Mountain and Hill Region

      2008(1):119-123. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).119

      Abstract (1133) HTML (0) PDF 270.44 K (1334) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By taking the Qianbei 2. 0 ×105t/a bamboopulp paper production projectin Chishui City,Guizhou Province,China for an example,soil and water conservation and ecological reconstruction of the developmentand construction projectin the low mountain and hill region are discussed. Based on the analyses of engineer ing scale,construction methods,and circulation forms,as well as the currentsituation and features of soil and water loss,comprehensive controlling countermeasures of engineering and vegetation and other potential protection measures are presented in accordance with five controlling principles. After the controlling meas ures are finished,soil and water loss in the projectsite can be effectively controlled,destroyed ecological environmentcan be recovered and improved,and the safety of engineering reconstruction can be ensured. Therefore,coordinative and sustainable developmentof society,economy,and environmentcan be achieved.

    • Research on Water Dynamics of Weathered Coal Gangue Dumps

      2008(1):124-129. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).124

      Abstract (1049) HTML (0) PDF 545.92 K (1381) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Water dynamics of the 280 coal gangue dumps in Yangquan City,Shanxi Province was preliminarily studied by the analyses of physical properties,water infiltration characteristics,and water contentof the weathered gangue. Results showed thatcoal gangue texture was poor and the average contentof gravel and boulder was as high as 86. 07 %. The coal gangue dumps were dominated by non-capillary pore and the aver age values of capillary pore atthe four depths (15,30,45,and 60 cm) in the profile were 1. 40 %,1. 36 %,1. 32 %,and 1. 17 %,respectively. This caused soil water2holding capacity maintaining ata low-level throughoutthe year and the average water-holding capacity at60 cm depth was 19. 7 t/hm2. Kostiakov infil tration model can well describe the infiltration process of weathered gangue. During the infiltration process,weathered gangue had higher infiltration rate. The seasonal change in water contentof weathered gangue was mainly influenced by the amountof rainfall and its distribution. With the increasing seasonal rainfall,the av erage water contentof weathered gangue rose correspondingly. Water storage of gangue dump was linearly related with the amountof rainfall. When the amountof rainfall was low,or rainfall eventwas highly fre quent,water storage of exposed gangue was more than thatof the gangue dump covered with soil. Generally speaking,there was a dry layer between 30 and 40 cm in gangue dump,which made the lower layers of gangue dump keeping more moisture in dry season.

    • >Comprehensive Treatment
    • Natural Vegetation Conservation of Oasis Margin in Arid Zone -A Case Study in Shanshan Oasis, Xinjiang Wei Autonous Region

      2008(1):130-134,183. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).130

      Abstract (982) HTML (0) PDF 538.38 K (1486) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sustainable developmentof oasis system depends mainly on the stability of oasis margin in arid zone. Aiming atthe issues of natural vegetation deterioration and ecological function decline,the presentsituation of natural vegetative and the cause of its deterioration were detected clearly by jointly adopting the methods of field investigation and related research resultcollection. From analyzed results for the reasons of vegetation deterioration,itcan be deduced thatprotection measures should protectpresentvegetation accord- ing to their ecological characteristics,and choose species thatsuitlocal environmentto enlarge artificial for-estry areas,and adoptreasonable economic policy.

    • Study of Reclamation and Ecological Rehabilitation for Coal Mining Subsidence Land

      2008(1):135-139,144. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).135

      Abstract (999) HTML (0) PDF 311.60 K (1484) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The purpose of the study is to explore some problems on reclamation and ecological rehabilitation for coal mining subsidence land,so as to improve the environmental governance investmenteffectfor coal mining area and promote regional sustainable development. The methods of documentation and theoretical analysis are employed to setup the main theories,key techniques,and appraisal methods of investmenteffectfor reclamation and ecological rehabilitation. It can be concluded thatin the process of environmental govern ance for coal mining subsidence land,itis very necessary to combine land reclamation with ecological rehabil itation.

    • Debris Flow Hazards and Mitigation Countermeasures of the Scenic Spot in Mt. Gongga

      2008(1):140-144. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).140

      Abstract (1001) HTML (0) PDF 461.30 K (1420) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mt. Gongga is called touristparadise for its plateau,canyon,snow peak and glacier,hotspring,lake,forest,and tibetan and Yi Minority culture. Influenced by the factors of special geographic location,geomorphology,geology and geotectonics,hydrology,and weather,all types of debris flow hazards frequently break outand greatly endanger scenic resources,basic facilities,touristsafety,and surrounding environmentof the scenic spots in Mt. Gongga. Finally,mitigation countermeasures such as particular investigation and risk evaluation,fatalness analysis,scenic spotdisaster mitigation planning,establishmentof a hazard prediction and warning system,construction of warning signs for tourists,systematical debris flow control,and zoological protection are putforward.

    • Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Soil Moisture and Its Utilization Efficiency in Intercropped Winter Wheat and Corn System Under Limited Supplementary Irrigation

      2008(1):145-149. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).145

      Abstract (1053) HTML (0) PDF 471.65 K (1419) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A field experimentwas carried outin the semi-humid buteasily dry region of EastGansu Province. Objectives of the study were to explore the effects of limited supplementary irrigation (LSI) and strip intercropping on the yield and water utilization efficiency (WUE) of winter wheatintercropped with corn and investigate the characteristics of spatial and temporal distribution of soil moisture and its utilization in intercropped winter wheatand corn,single cropping winter wheat,and single cropping corn systems. Results show thatstrip intercropping can significantly increase the yield and WUE of winter wheatand corn,the weighted average of consumed water for intercropping is 5.7 %~7.3 % more than that for the single crops,but the yield is increased by 52.8 %~50.6 %. Compared with the non-irrigation treatments,LSI significantly increases the yields of intercropped or single cropping winter wheat,increases the WUE of the intercropped crops,slightly increase the WUE of single cropping crops,and increase the utilization efficiency of soil mois-ture in sowing. In intercropped winter wheatand corn system,the compensation for soil moisture is mainly take place after wheatharvesting,which is realized mainly through using the moisture stored in winter wheatstrips and deep soil layers. Strip intercropping is a typical high efficientcropping pattern in the semi-humid buteasy dry area and it can notonly enhance the utilization efficiency of currentseasonal precipitation butal-so retain certain amountof water for the nextcrop.

    • Preliminary Study on the Benefits of Non-irrigation Vegetation Restoration in the North Mountain Area of Lanzhou City

      2008(1):150-153,157. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).150

      Abstract (1133) HTML (0) PDF 246.40 K (1193) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By taking parts of Mt. Gaolan and the Xujiashan Experimental substation,General Extension Station of Forestry Science and technology of Gansu Province as examples,the coverage of vegetation communi-ties,importantvalue of differentcommunities,and species diversity in artificial vegetation region,enclosed region,and contrastregion were investigated. The resultindicates thatas long as the tree varieties are prop-erly chosen and technological measures for afforestation are suitable to local conditions,the ecological envi ronmentin the area similar to thatin the north mountain of Lanzhou City can be gradually improved. In addi? tion,the enclosure measure is proved to be an effective way for vegetation restoration in the region. The artificial vegetation species,in terms of their importantvalues,rank in the descendantorder of Caragana microphylla,tamarix ramosissima,Platycladus orientalis,A mmopiptanthus mongolicus,Nitraria sibirica,Lycium chinense,Prunus aymeniaca,and Prunus daridiana. Under any circumstance,Reaumuria soongorica and Symp egma regelii Bge are dominantspecies,showing a strong adaptation to local environment. Diversified index,evenness index,and richness index of artificial vegetation are close to those in enclosed forestregion and differ greatly from those in contrastregion. Using comparability comparison methods,we can conclude thatartificial vegetation region,enclosure region and contrastregion have greater differences in the comparability analysis. With the constantincrease of species quantity and types in forest,the three areas themself will demonstrate greater differences.

    • Comprehensive Control of Non-point Source Pollution for Urban Drinking Water Source

      2008(1):154-157. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).154

      Abstract (970) HTML (0) PDF 372.36 K (1327) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By taking the water source of Binxian County,Heilongjiang Province,the Erlong reservoir,as an example,the condition,process,mechanism,and transportway of non-pointsource pollution were investi-gated. The influences of fertilizer,pesticides,utilization and managementof agricultural biomass waste,and soil erosion on the water source were analyzed. To achieve the human-water harmony,source of pollution and its transportway,capacity of ecological restoration,managementof agricultural biomass waste in vil lage,control of soil erosion,and the rehabilitation along the river corridor should be taken into consideration so as to control the non-pointsource pollution.

    • >Comprehensive Research
    • History of Soil Erosion Evolution in China

      2008(1):158-165. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).158

      Abstract (1252) HTML (0) PDF 702.36 K (1795) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:China is one of the countries suffering from the severestsoil erosion in the world. Evolution of soil erosion in China has been related to the accelerated erosion resulting from human activities for its long term agricultural history and large population. In view of the spatial and temporal variations of soil erosion and ac cording to the three periods of Chinese agricultural development(primitive,traditional,and modern agricul ture periods),this paper divides the history of soil erosion in China into five stages. The firststage was in the primitive agriculture period and characterized mainly by natural erosion. The second to fourth stages in which the man-made accelerated erosion occurred and expanded were in the traditional agriculture period. The fifth stage occurs in the modern agriculture period,in which the soil erosion is even serious,butthe effectof soil erosion control has emerged recently. However,some new problems of soil erosion are appea ring because of the rapid developmentof economy,accelerating urbanization,tremendous constructions,and the enlarging exploitation of mineral resources. How to balance economical developmentand environmental protection will still be the key issue in the future.

    • Preliminary Analysis of the Economics of Peasant Households in Wangdonggou Watershed in the Loess Upland Gully Area

      2008(1):166-169,175. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).166

      Abstract (1080) HTML (0) PDF 372.64 K (1385) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The monitoring data for 25 peasanthouseholds in Wangdonggou watershed in the loess upland gully area indicate significantchanges in some aspects. After implementing 20 year comprehensive measures of soil and water conservation,landuse structure of the watershed tends to be rational. Agricultural industrial structure has been optimized. The behavior of peasanthousehold promotes the developmentof regional economy. Peasantper capita netincome has been increased. A high efficientand stable agriculture eco-econo my system has been established. From the analyses of the economic developmentprocesses of the 25 house-holds,itfollows thatfor the developmentof the regions similar to the loess upland gully area,scientific inputshould be further strengthened; natural resources should be used rationally; special agricultural industries should be developed; farmers quality of science and culture should be improved; and the governmentwork ing functions should be further enhanced.

    • Investment in Soil and Water Conservation and Its Impacts on Rural Economy in Northwest China

      2008(1):170-175. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).170

      Abstract (1000) HTML (0) PDF 422.06 K (1519) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:NorthwestChina is one of the areas with the severestsoil erosion and poverty in China. Chinese governmenthas initiated a series of projects and invested large amounts of funds in soil erosion control in the region. Based on the investigation data from 1986 to 2005,sources and uses of the investmentin soil and wa ter conservation (SWC),its impacts on rural industrial structure and poverty alleviation were analyzed. Re sults showed a significantincrease of the investmentin SWC. Chinese governmentinvested more than 5. 5 billion RMB and farmer investmentaccounted for 67 % of the total. The investmentin SWC played an impor tantrole in improvements of ecological environmentand economic conditions. The area of fruittree increased very quickly and the percentage of fruittree increased from 8. 2 % to 20. 1 %. SWC measures greatly im proved regional economic conditions. The total agricultural value from SWC increased 70. 2 billion RMB and the netincome per peasantincreased 1 894. 2 RMB.

    • Background, Benefits and Problems of Water Conveyance to the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River

      2008(1):176-180. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).176

      Abstract (1005) HTML (0) PDF 463.84 K (1382) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Over the pastdecades,zero-flow caused the reduction of groundwater level and the degradation of vegetation in the lower reaches of the tarim River. In order to rehabilitate and reconstructthe seriously dam aged ecosystem,eightemergentecological water conveyances were conducted from 2001 to 2006. The effects of ecological stream water conveyance on groundwater level and quality,vegetation,and land desertification were analyzed based on the field investigation and monitoring data. Results showed thatthe groundwater lev el and quality in the lower reaches of the tarim River have been significantly increased. Itcan be concluded from this study thatafter conveying water,ecological environmentwithin a certain range of the riversides in the lower reaches of tarim River is significantly improved. However,some problems still exist,for exam ple,the currentecological water conveyance is decided mainly by the high water level of Bosten Lake and Kaidou River. If a dry season is encountered,itis difficultto handle it. If a large quantity of water convey ance from Bo Lake,Bo Lake will inevitably lead to the deterioration of the environment.

    • Discussion on the Criminal Law Protection of Land Resources in China

      2008(1):181-183. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).181

      Abstract (1018) HTML (0) PDF 167.50 K (1266) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Along the rapid economical development,land price in China raises and land marketshows a good prospect. However,this also induces various disputes and crimes for land. All of these cases seriously influ ence China s economical health and ordered development. Beginning the investigation of the characteristics of land crime cases atthe present,the author points outthe existed problems and then proposes some counter measures for the land crimes through the analysis of the presentsituation of criminal law protection for land resources.

    • A Rural Household Survey on Living Security of Farmers After Grain for Green Project in Wuqi County

      2008(1):184-190. DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2008.28(1).184

      Abstract (1011) HTML (0) PDF 604.10 K (1179) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Grain for Green Project( GGP) is a very importantprogram to convertthe slope farmland to forestor grassland,which is the bestapproach to reduce soil erosion. The farmers’living security is a key issue in the project. A rural household survey was made for 59 families in Wuqi County,Shaanxi Province,where the GGP was started in 1999. Results showed thatthe GGP had a little effecton improving farmers’ economic income structure and the subsidy from GGP was an importantsource for the families’income. The tuition and medical fees were the main payouts of the family,which led to 2/3 of the families in debt. As a result,local governments have to pay much attention to maintain the farmers’living when the subsidy from GGP will be terminated 8 years after the projectstarted. Suggestions should be focused on how to raise the incomes and reduce the payouts of family as the subsidy continues. On the other hand,governments should implementthe eco-compensation policy to facilitate the farmers in the GGP area.