• Volume 0,Issue 5,2013 Table of Contents
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    • >Experimental Research
    • Hydrological Effects of Planted Forest Litters and Soils in Alpine Region of Qinghai Province


      Abstract (1210) HTML (0) PDF 494.10 K (1536) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A preliminary study of the hydrological effects of litters layer and soil layer was carried out in five kinds of planted forest stands in Baoku forest farm,Qinghai Province.Results showed that(1)the total litter storage capacity was about 34.69-67.84 t/hm2which was in the order of Larxi principis-rupprechtii Mayr>Picea asperata Mast mixed Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr>Picea asperata>Betula platyphylla Suk>Picea asperata Mast mixed Betula platyphylla Suk.The maximum water holding capacity ranged from 80.30 to 150.73 t/hm2,which was in the order of Picea asperata Mast mixed Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr> Larix principisrupprechtii Mayr>Betula platyphylla Suk>Picea asperata Mast mixed Betula platyphylla Suk>Picea asperata Mast.The modified intercept amount of Picea asperataMast mixed Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr was the strongest;being 94.32 t/hm2;and Picea asperata Mast was the worst,being 45.40 t/hm2.(2)Semi-decomposition litter reached saturation in 6 h;and without-decomposition litter.in 8 h.In first half-hour,absorption rate was the largest,and the rate was obviously slowed down after 6 h.(3)The soil water-holding capacity of Picea asperata Mast mixed Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr was the strongest,while Picea asperata Mast mixed Betula platyphylla Suk was the worst.

    • Effect of Sheep Dung Return on Surface Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Contents in Deserted Grassland


      Abstract (1179) HTML (0) PDF 380.71 K (1584) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The relationships between sheep dung quantity and the organic carbon and total nitrogen contents within 5 cm of surface soil were studied by setting up sequential plots of six grades(1.41-1581.68 g/m2)according to sheep dung quantity grade formed naturally in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region deserted steppe ecosystem.Models were then established for logarithmic sheep dung quantity,as an independent variable,and the surface soil organic carbon and total nitrogen contents,as dependent variables.Results showed the surface soil organic carbon content did not change significantly at a low level of sheep dung quantity,but changed obviously at a high level.The surface soil total nitrogen content changed obviously at a low level of sheep dung quantity.Ratio of soil carbon to soil nitrogen increased firstly and then decreased with the increased sheep dung quantity.Preliminary research concluded that sheep dung nutrients return is a very important process affecting soil organic carbon and total nitrogen contents under free grazing conditions in the deserted steppe ecosystem.The effect of the returned sheep dung quantity on soil total nitrogen began to appear when accumulated sheep dung quantity was at a low lever,but the net returns of soil organic carbon and soil total nitrogen contents were significantly enhanced at a higher level.The ratio of soil carbon to nitrogen showed a complex trend because of the interactive effect of the returned soil organic carbon and total nitrogen.

    • Effects of Long-term Application of Organic Manure on Carbon Management Index in Meadow Alkaline Soil


      Abstract (1061) HTML (0) PDF 475.64 K (1418) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on a long-term experiment in Zhaozhou County,Daqing City,Heilongjiang Province in 1995,the effects of long-term application of organic manure on labile organic matter(LOM) and carbon manage- ment index(CMI)were studied,which supplies evaluation indicators for improving meadow alkaline soil.Highly labile organic matter(HLOM),middle labile organic matter(MLOM) and LOM were determined using oxidation method at 3 KMnO4,concentrations(33,167 and 333 mmol/L).Results from the experiment indicated that LOM concentrations and CMIs were significantly increased by long-term application of organic manure in meadow alkaline soil.Each component of LOM concentrations and CMIs were increased by applicanon of organic manure,and were consistent with crop yield increasing,respectively.After the 5 years of application of organic manure,each component of LOM concentrations and CMIs reached the highest values,respectively.But each component of LOM concentrations and CMIs were gradually decreased and finally stabilized.There were significant positive correlations among MLOM and LOM and total organic matter(TOM),but no correlation between HLOM and TOM.There was also highly significant positive correlation between each component of LOM and CMIs.The study indicates that TOM cannot be used as a good indicafor of soil fertility in meadow alkaline soil.MLOM,LOM and CMI objectively reflect soil fertility in meadow alkaline soil and thus may be used as indicators for improving the soil.

    • Influences of Ventilation Method on Bioventing Effectiveness for a Diesel-contaminated Soil


      Abstract (1129) HTML (0) PDF 499.98 K (1425) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bioventing has been effectively used for removal of volatile organic compounds from unsaturated soil due to its high efficiency and low treatment cost.An experiment was conducted in laboratory using diesel as a model contaminant and one dimensional porous column filled with yellowish soil.The removal effect and its process using the two ventilation methods of pumping and injecting were studied.Results showed that pumping and injecting had the same removal process.The removal rate by pumping was faster than injecting,but the remediation efficiency was only 2.28% higher than injecting.The total volatile organic compounds(TVOC) of tail gas before and after ventilation also had the same changing process,but the value after ventilation was relatively higher.The TVOC was determined every 1,2 and 3 h one day in the 8 h ventilation,and the fluctuating degree of TVOC was showed as the order of TVOC1h>TVOC2h>TVOC3h.Available phosphorus and effective nitrogen were highly related to the diesel biodegradation efficiency in the soil.

    • Effect of Chicken Manure Co-applied with Inorganic Fertilizer on Photosynthesis Characteristics and Nutrient Uptake in Poplar Seedlings


      Abstract (1362) HTML (0) PDF 423.08 K (1445) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A pot experiment was performed with five treatments,i.e.CK(neither urea nor chicken manure was applied),N100 (100% of nitrogen was provided by urea),M10N90(10% and 90% of nitrogen were provided by chicken manure and urea,respectively),M30N70(30%and 70%of nitrogen were provided by chicken manure and urea,respectively) and M30N70 (50%and 50%of nitrogen were provided by chicken manure and urea,respectively).The experiment was to determine the effect of chicken manure co-applied with inorganic fertilizer on the photosynthesis,chlorophyll content and root activity and construction,as well as the growth and nutrient uptake of one-year-old poplar seedlings.Results showed that the photosvnthetic(Pn),transpiration rate(Tr),stomatal rate(Gs)and intercellular concentration(Ci)of poplar seedlings leaves in M30N70 treatment were significantly increased as compared with that in N100 treatment.M30N70 treatment also resulted in the higher chlorophyll content and root activity,with increases of 45.80% and 36.39% as compared with the N100 treatment,respectively.Chicken manure co-applied with inorganic fertilizer had beneficial effects on the root growth of poplar seedlings,especially the weight and the ratio of fine root.In addition,compared with the N100 treatment,the M30N70 treatment significantly increased the root,shoot and dry leaf weight accumulation,as well as the N,P and K contents.Consequently,the N,P,and K uptakes increased by 44.99%,65.11%and 65.04%,respectively.However,in M10N90 and M50N50 treatments,less effect on photosynthesis characteristics and the nutrient uptake of one-year-old poplar seedlings was observed than that in M30N70 treatment.Chicken manure co-applied with inorganic fertilizer,especially the M30N70 treatment,achieved the best effects on the growth and nutrients uptake of poplar seedlings.

    • Experimental Study on Nitrogen Loss in Surface Soil with Polyacrylamide Application


      Abstract (1156) HTML (0) PDF 460.17 K (1399) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nitrogen loss under the condition of soil erosion leads to degradation of surface soil and decrease in nutrient supply.The objective of the study was mainly focused on the effect of polyacrylamide(PAM,a high molecular weight organic compound) application on nitrogen absorption ability on sediment and nitrogen loss under simulated rainfall.N fertilizer was urea,applied at the level of 270 kg/hm2.The experiment consisted of 3 PAM application rates(0,1 and 2 g/m2),with no urea and no PAM application as control treatment,and was conducted at two rainfall intensities of 50 and 80 mm/h.Each treatment was repeated three times.Results showed that the PAM could reduce soil erosion by stabilizing surface soil structure and controlling rill erosion.The PAM application enhanced nitrogen absorption ability on sediment and thus,nitrogen loss in the PAM added treatments decreased obviously and had a strong correlation with sediment process,which implies that the reduction of nitrogen loss by the PAM was mainly caused by controlling soil erosion and sediment yield.The research confirmed that the addition of PAM,had favorable effects in reducing surface sediment and nitrogen loss.

    • Dynamic Change of Uroundwater in Saliniation Irrigation Area of Yellow River Alluvial Plain in Northwest Shandong Province


      Abstract (1232) HTML (0) PDF 785.66 K (1429) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Research on regional soil salinization status is fundamental to reasonable groundwater resources exploitation and soil salinization control.By taking Qihe County,Dezhou City,Shandong Province,as a study area and using the environment for visualizing images

    • Regulation and Control Effects of Soil Moisture for Micro-catchment Water Harvesting System in semiarid Area


      Abstract (1198) HTML (0) PDF 524.27 K (1588) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soil moisture and vegetation growth,as well as the balance of accumulated soil moisture over eleven years,were analyzed for runoff regulation and control projects on level terrace with slope and the terrace as contrast in Anding District,Dingxi City.Results indicated that the level terrace with slope was preserved perfectly,where annual average runoff and sediment yields in runoff generating area(25 m2)were 0.3 m3 and 3.96 kg,respectively.Runoff and sediment were totally retained by impounding area,which effectively controlled soil and water loss,increased water resources,and relieved the water shortage for tree and grass water demands.Soil water content in the 2 m layer varied inversely with vegetation growth.In the terrace as contrast,soil water content was highest,but the reduction of crop yield by drought reached the maximum.In the level terrace with slope,soil water content was lower and alfalfa yield was reduced greater in runoff generating area.In impounding area,however,soil water content was the lowest,while the growth of platycladus orientalis was strong.Annual average evapotranspiration for the level terrace with slope(forests and grass mixed by belts) was 428.6 and 2.2 mm higher than that for the terrace as contrast.

    • Effect of Sediment Particle Composition on Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity of Weihe River Streambed


      Abstract (1273) HTML (0) PDF 594.41 K (2100) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An understanding of the relationship between particle size composition and vertical hydraulic conductivity(K)of streambed is of importance to estimate streambed Kr accurately.By taking the middle seestion of the Weihe River as the research object,the Kr,values of streambed were derived by a falling-head standpipe permeameter test which was conducted at 43 locations of four sites along the river.Meanwhile,sediment samples in the locations were taken and particle size analysis of the samples was made.Then,the correlation between particle size composition and the Kr was analyzed.It can be concluded that the Kr,had a positive correlation with sand content and the ratio of sand to clay particles in sediment,while they had a negative correlation with clay particles.The regression equation for the relationship between particle size composition and the Kr, can provide reference for estimating the Kr,of streambed in the Weihe River by the particle size analysis.

    • Influence of Different Processing Ways on Inoculation Efficiency with Cynomorium Sonnaricum to Nitraria Tangutorum


      Abstract (1527) HTML (0) PDF 346.02 K (1858) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By inoculation with Cynomorium songaricum to seedling and wild transplant of one or two year-old Nitraria tangutorum,the parasitic and emergency efficiencies of Cynomorium songaricum were studied un- der such treatments as different fertilization ways and different inoculation ways and amounts.Results showed that emergency of Cynomorium songaricum was less after inoculated for two years.The third year after inoculation was the emergency peak period and from then on,its emergency rate decreased significantly.Cumulative parasitic rates for two years of inoculation with Cynomorium songaricum to seedling of Nitraria tangutorum were respectively 9.38%and 25%,which was more than wild transplant parasitic rates of Nitraria tangutorum in natural environment(4.12%and 7.47%).Inoculation efficiency of two year-old seedling of Nitraria tangutorum was better than one year old seedling,whose seeds produced parasitism with host and emerged in the period of 14 months.This finding broke the past idea that producing parasitism and emerging needed 2-4 years at least.Under the consistent condition of fertilization and inoculation amounts,the parasitic and emergency effects of Cynomorium songaricum by cavernous fertilization were better than those by nutrient bed-fertilization.The increase of inoculation amount could improve emergency rate of Cynomorium sonnaricum and its yield per unit area.

    • Hydraulic Conductivitys as Affected by Physical and Chemical Properties of Streambed Sediment in Weihe River


      Abstract (1372) HTML (0) PDF 451.85 K (2135) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hydraulic conductivity is of importance to the hydraulic connection between surface water and groundwater and the water quantity exchange in hydraulic zone.The composition and content of organic and inorganic compounds in sediment may affect the hydraulic connection.The vertical hydraulic conductivity(K)for a streambed was measured by falling-head standpipe permeameter tests conducted in the four sites of Xianyang City,Caotan and Lintong area of Xi'an City,and Huaxian County in the lower reaches of the Weihe River in Shaanxi Province.The K.,values were between 0.02 and 61.32 m/d,with an average value of 5.13 m/d. Spatial distribution of sediment hydraulic conductivity indicates that the Kr, value was the highest in Caotan area and then in Lintong area.The Kr,values in Huaxian County and Xianyang City were relatively low and in Huaxian County,the lowest.Analysis of the correlations between the Kr,value and sediment physiochemical properties was made using Pearson coefficient method. Among the sediment physiochemical indexes,manganese,total phosphorus and ferrous ion were found to be the main factors affecting streambed hydraulic conductivity and the effect increased with the increased hydraulic conductivity.

    • Spatial Characteristics of Uravitational Erosion in Slope-gully System on Loess Plateau as Controlled by Check Dam


      Abstract (1158) HTML (0) PDF 428.93 K (1768) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By using finite element method and establishing a generalized model for the classical slope-gully system of Uuandigou watershed,it is found that with gradual rise of dam land,the stability of the slope-gully system is enhanced and the slumping amount is reduced,which separately satisfies binomial and linear rules.Through calculating and simulating by software,the erosion amounts and percentages of gravitational erosion on mound and gully slopes are obtained.For gravitational erosion of the slope-gully system,with dam land rising gradually,ratio of the volume to weight of slumping soil on mound slope or gully slope is about 1:50.In addition,the volume and weight of slumping soil on mound slope are about 2 percent of the volume and weight of the total slumping soil,respectively,while on gully slope,about 98 percent.Thus,the gravitational erosion on gully slope is the main source of channel sediment. Result from the study can provide important parameters and a scientific foundation for predicting and quantitatively evaluating gravitational erolion in small watershed.

    • Soil Erosion by Wind in Aibi Lake and Surrounding Areas Based on QuickBird Image


      Abstract (1136) HTML (0) PDF 654.98 K (1664) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the heavily shrink of the Aibi Lake level in recent years,a large area of the lake has become bare land which provides sand for sandstorm.The wind erosion status of the Aibi Lake is analyzed through the process of high resolution QuickBird image data.The strong wind erosion area occupies 63% of the total lake area and is mainly distributed in the east and west part of the lake without vegetation cover.The micro-degree and moderate wind erosion areas occupy 37%of the total area and are mainly distributed in the south and north part of the lake with vegetation cover.The area of bared lake bottom is 430 kmz and is located in the northwest of the Aibi Lake.From the hue,shape and texture changes of image,the landform and wind direction of bared lake bottom are reflected.From the measured data analysis,the band sloping area with a width of 4.5 km,length of 10 km and 1/5000 gradient forms in northwest to southeast direction,creating favorable condition for forming sandstorm.In order to improve the ecological environment of the Aibi Lake basin,the main method adopted is increasing the input water of the lake to reduce bared lake bottom and control wind erosion.

    • Effects of Different Plants on Slag Erosion Resistance of Lead/Zinc Mine Land


      Abstract (1935) HTML (0) PDF 343.58 K (1396) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the same lead/zinc mine slag,the four plants of seedling stage light birch,buddleia,bamboo reed and Miscanthus floridulus were selected for an outdoor pot experiment.By taking the four plants roots after 200 days growth and slag as the research object,root system features and their effects on slag antiscourability,anti-erodibility and compatibility were studied.Results showed that the underground biomasses of the four plants were in the order of bamboo reed>buddleia>Miscanthus floridulus >seedling stage light birch.Root volume of bamboo reed was significantly greater than other three plants.The four plants had obvious enhancement effect on slag anti-scourability and anti-erodibility.Bamboo reed showed the most significant effect,with the enhancement coefficient of 0.98 for slag anti-erodibility and the enhancement value of 26.63 for slag anti-scourability.A significant positive correlation was found for the relationship between the root biomass of the plants and the decreased rate of slag erosion.

    • Experimental Study of Anti-erosion Pattern on Sideslope with Geocell Protection


      Abstract (1224) HTML (0) PDF 587.96 K (1763) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Erosion pattern on geocell slope surface was studied using an experimental flume with varying slope.The range of slope degree was 50-350 and the range of flow discharge,1-2m3/h.The processes of runoff and sediment yields on the geocell slop surface were analyzed based on traditional measuring method.Results showed that due to the existence of geocell,a series of diamond-shaped rills formed along the edges of the geocells,which is substantially different from the scouring pattern on a natural slope.The accumulative erosion amount increased with the increased slope degree and discharge.Erosion on the geocell slope surface occurred in the early 10 min and the erosion amount decreased gradually in the same period.There was a positive correlation between the scouring erosion modulus on the geocell slope surface and slope degree at the same discharge.

    • Windbreak and Soil Improvement Effects of Different Aged Populus Bolleana in Kokyar Peri-urban Shelterbelt of Aksu City


      Abstract (1282) HTML (0) PDF 435.90 K (1185) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Kokyar shelterbelt in the peri-urban area of Aksu in Xinjiang Wei Autonomous Region is a model project for large scale artificial afforestation in arid regions with extreme water shortage.Authors selected Populus bolleana at three different stand ages(6,15 and 22 year stand age,respectively) as a research object.Taking bare sand a control,the windbreak efficiency at the heights of 0.5 and 2.0 m and the soil improvement effects are analyzed.Results show that Populus bolleana shelterbelt had a very distinguished windbreak effect.Leeward windbreak efficiencies of different aged Populus bolleana at the height of 0.5 m were showed as the order of 22 year stand age>15 year stand age>6 year stand age,while at the height of 2.0 m,windbreak efficiencies were presented as the order of:15 year stand age>22 year stand age>6 year stand age.The comprehensive windbreak efficiencies of 15 year and 22 year stand age Populus bolleana were very close,and both were better than 6 year stand age.Soil bulk density decreased significantly,especiallv within the 10 cm of topsoil.Soil organic matter and nitrogen content increased with the increasing stand age and available nitrogen,potassium content increased first and then decreased,while available phosphorus content deceased first and then increased.

    • Processes of Erosion and Sediment Yield for Disturhed and Undisturhed Soils


      Abstract (1155) HTML (0) PDF 554.18 K (1391) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Erosion processes of disturbed and undisturbed soils were studied by simulated rainfall experiment Results showed that sediment concentration for undisturbed soil decreased first and then fluctuated,while sediment concentration for disturbed soil increased first,then decreased and fluctuated at last.At the sam slope gradient and rainfall intensity,sediment concentration for disturbed soil was greater than that for urdisturbed soil.In early stage,sediment yield for undisturbed soil was greater than that for disturbed soil whereas in late stage,sediment yield for disturbed soil was greater.The time when sediment yield for undi:turbed soil is greater than that for disturbed soil was advanced with increased slope gradient.After a stead state was reached,eroded sediment rate of disturbed soil was greater than that of undisturbed soil and th gap between disturbed and undisturbed soils became larger with increased slope gradient.

    • Evolution of Soil Properties in Vegetation Restoration Process on Disturbed Slopes


      Abstract (1204) HTML (0) PDF 297.24 K (1471) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bv taking disturbed slopes as research sites,soil quality characteristics during community succeslion on disturbed slopes were studied by the method0 space substitute for time.The main conclusions are as follows:During the process of vegetation restoration,soil moisture rose and soil bulk density declined,which indicate that soil physical properties were gradually improved.Soil organic matter,total nitrogen,available nitrogen,soil microbial biomass carbon

    • Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Different Mixed Forest Stands in Saline Land of Yellow River Delta


      Abstract (1226) HTML (0) PDF 484.07 K (1938) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The contents of soil dissolved organic carbon(DOC) in Robinia pseudoacacia Robinia pseudoacacza+Fraxinus chinensis mixed forest,Robinia pseudoacacia+Ulmus pumila mixed forest,and Robinia pseudoacacia+Uilanthus altissima mixed forest in saline land of the Yellow River Delta were studied.Among the four forest patterns,the DOC and dissolved organic N(TSN)in soil humus had significantly higher contents than those in the 0-20 and 20-40 cm soil layers, and the highest content of the DOC was founded in Robinia pseudoacana+llilanthus altissima mixed forest(257.70 mg/kg).In addition,the contents of total N(TN)and the TSN in Robinia pseudoacacia+Uilanthus altissima mixed forest were 1065.79 and 55.80 mg/kg,respectively.Soil contents of the DOC and TSN in the four forest patterns were showed as the order of Robinia pseudoacacia +Ulmus pumila>Robinia pseudoacacia+Uilanth Ailanthus altissima stand>Robinia pseudoacacia stand>Robinia pseudoacacia+Fraxinus chinensis .The DOC and TSN were significantly correlated with TN,available P,available K and salinity.

    • >Research Briefs
    • Water Absorbing Capacity of Apple Leaves in Loess Hilly and Dully Region of Northern Shaanxi Province


      Abstract (1491) HTML (0) PDF 487.64 K (1375) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to clarify the water absorbing capacity of apple leaves and evaluate the crown interception capability and disease resistance of apple leaves,water absorbing quantity and water absorbing rate of front,back and two-side leaves of Fuji and Qinguan apple varieties had been measured using absorbent paper and wet cotton gauze in the loess hilly and gully region of Northern Shaanxi Province.Results showed that the water absorbing quantities of front,back and two-side leaves of two apple varieties increased with absorbing time,presenting a cubic polynomial relation.Water absorbing rates decreased with absorbing time,of which the relationship between water absorbing rate and water absorbing time for the front leaves of two apple varieties presented a quartic polynomial and the back,the two-sided leaves,a cubic polynomial.Furthermore,water absorbing rate and absorbing time for the front leaves of Qinguan apple had a poor correlation.The front,back and two-sided leaves of Fuji apple had larger water absorbing quantity and water absorbing rate 80 min after absorbing.The back and two-side leaves of Qinguan apple had larger water absorbing quantity and water absorbing rate 60 min after absorbing,and water absorbing quantity and water absorbing rate of front leaves had little change 240 min after absorbing.The water absorbing quantity and water absorbing rate of two apple varieties leaves were the highest for the two-side leaves,the middle for the back leaves,and the lowest for the front leaves.The maximum water absorbing quantity and maximum water absorbing rate of the front,back and two-side leaves of Fuji apple were higher than Qinguan apple.

    • Regional Agro-drought Simulation Based on Remote Sensing Technology


      Abstract (1640) HTML (0) PDF 916.99 K (1606) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Regional agro-drought monitoring and prediction are of great importance to agricultural production and however,constrained by measuring techniques,the regional large-scale soil moisture information cannot be obtained directly through the conventional observation.As a case study,regional agro-drought in He'nan Province was simulated by combing a crop growth model with the regional moisture information obtained using microwave remote sensing technology(AMSR-E).It was found that the model supported by the regional soil moisture information performed better in simulating winter wheat growth and the results were much closer to the actual situation.This research identified that the capability for agro-drought simulation could be enhanced by the combination of the crop model and microwave remote sensing technology,which may provide more accurate information for regional agro-drought monitoring and prediction.

    • Effect of Water Content on Strength of Undisturbed Unsaturated Loess


      Abstract (1210) HTML (0) PDF 444.17 K (1574) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Engineering projects like embankment,riverbank and earth-rock dam in the loess area are mainly built above groundwater level.The loess is in unsaturated state and subject to plane strain.The unsaturated undisturbed loess under the plane strain state is studied by using reformed TS-526 true triaxial apparatus.Results show that deformation and strength of the unsaturated loess vary with water content obviously.The more water content,the less strength of the loess.The deviatoric stress-curves of the loess are hardening and overhardening as axial strain increases and however,there is an obvious inflection point on the deviatoric stress-volume change curves.The shear strength parameter of the loess decreases with increased water content.Water content has a major effect on deformation and strength of the projects.

    • Urowth and Yield of Cucumber as Influenced by Reclaimed Water Drip Irrigation


      Abstract (1273) HTML (0) PDF 299.11 K (1590) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Reclaimed water drip irrigation is one of the effective measures to effectively alleviate the scarcity of agricultural water resources.The influences of reclaimed water drip irrigation on the growth and yield of cucumber were studied by using field experimental method and taking drip irrigation with groundwater as contract treatment.Results indicate that compared with the contrast treatment of drip irrigation with groundwater under normal fertilization,the growth and yield of cucumber were improved in the treatment of drip irrigation with 100%reclaimed water under no fertilization.Uiven no fertilization either,the growths and yields of cucumber in the other treatments of drip irrigation with a certain proportion of reclaimed water were equal to or slightly lower than the contrast treatment.Therefore,in the condition of appropriate agronomic measures and irrigation schedule,drip irrigation with 100%reclaimed water,or a certain proportion of reclaimed water companied with appropriate fertilization,could be used for the cucumber cultivation.

    • Dynamic Analysis of Mountain City Impervious Surface Based on ETM+ Fused Image


      Abstract (1699) HTML (0) PDF 557.03 K (2006) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As city's matrix landscape,impervious surface dominates urban landscape patterns and processes.It is not only a typical characteristic of urban surface cover,but also one of the main factors in the change of urban environment.This paper uses Landsat ETM+ satellite images to detect three-phase impervious surface information of the Kunming City from 2000 to 2010.We extract water information by using modified normalized difference water index and exclude the impacts of water on impervious surface extraction accuracy.Based on the negative correlation between urban impervious surface and vegetation coverage,we extract impervious surface information of the study area and obtain higher extraction accuracy.This study can better reflect the trend of urban expansion and the damage extent to the periurban ecological environment.Results from the study showed that impervious surface area of the study area increased so fast in the last ten years.The city is continuing to expand to the suburbs,which has a great impact on the surrounding ecological environment and result in a serious decline in the suburban vegetation cover.

    • Effect of Different Organic Materials on Urowth and Yield of Korla Fragrant Pear


      Abstract (1689) HTML (0) PDF 622.87 K (1762) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Different treatments of fertilization with organic materials(biological black carbon and sheep excrement) in field are set and the growth and yield of 20 year Korla fragrant pear in growth period are monitored.Results show that the annual growth cycle of Pyrus sinkiangensis tree is between April and October,the branch growth of Pyrus sinkiangensis tree is the fastest in summerbiological black carbon.

    • Comparison of Shear Strength of Root-Soil Composite for Three Types of Slope Protection Vegetation


      Abstract (1388) HTML (0) PDF 485.44 K (1572) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Amorpha f ruticosa,Leapedeza and Cynodon dactylon,as well as their root-soil composites,were used as the research objects,a comparative analysis was made for the effects of different root contents and plant roots on the shear strength of root-soil composite through laboratory shear tests. Results showed that the shear strength was enhanced by roots and increased with the increased root amount.However,if root amount reached a certain value,the shear strength of root-soil composite did not increase obviously,i.e.,there is an optimum range of root amount.Compared with the cohesion of soil without roots,there was no significant change in the internal friction angle of root-soil composite,but the cohesion was greatly increased.The increased percentages of cohesion for Amorpha fruticosa,Leapedeza and Cynodon dactylon were 47.5%,39.2% and 38.9%,respectively.The effects of the rootsoil composites of Amorpha fruticosa,Leapedeza and Cynodon dactylon on the shear strength were different.This implies that planting shrub species could effectively increase slope stability and efficiently reduce soil erosion in the regions suffering from soil and water loss.

    • Prediction of Soil Salt Content Based on Spectral Characteristics of Soil in Northern Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region


      Abstract (1126) HTML (0) PDF 513.15 K (1412) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The field soil surface spectral reflectance,total soil salt and other salt parameters in northern Yinchuan City,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region were quantitatively analyzed.The field reflectance data were transformed to several spectral indices to extract sensitive wavelengths of salt parameters in surface soil.Quantitative inversion models of soil salt parameters were constructed by total regression and stepwise multiple linear regression analysis.Results showed that there were significantly positive correlations between the total salt content in surface soil and its original spectral reflectance(r),transformation of smoothing reflex tance(R)and logarithmic reflectance[lg(R).There were significant negative correlations between the total salt content and the reciprocal of reflectance(1/R)and logarithmic reciprocal of reflectance[lg(1/R).The first derivate differential(R')and the first derivate differential of logarithmic reciprocal of reflectance[lg(1/R)]'had better effect in some specific single wavelengths. The correlation between the spectral reflectance of surface soil and CO32- was the strongest in all anions and The stepwise regression by using [lg(1/R)]'gave better effect in fitting Na+,K+ and Mg2+ contents,as compared with other transformations.Fitting degrees of prediction model on the soil total salt and Na+were higher in all models and the two models had higher accuracy and strong predictive ability.Moreover,the predictive ability of spectral reflectance for SO42+ and Mg2+ were stronger than other ions.There were poor performance on stability,forecast ability and the precision of the prediction models about Cl- and Ca2+.SO42-,next;spectral reflectance and Na-content had strongest relationship by the four kinds of transformation method;the next was Mg2+;and the correlation with Ca2+was weakest.The R based regression equation was the optimal model for prediction of the total salt content.The accuracy of CO32- content predicted was slightly better than HCO-.The determinative coefficient for SO2+ predicted based on the sensitive wavelengths was significantly higher than other anions.

    • Prediction of Water Quality Based on Equal Dimension and New Information Markov Urey Model


      Abstract (1113) HTML (0) PDF 408.85 K (1507) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The prediction of water quality is the foundation of the analysis,control and treatment of water pollution.Based on the data of water quality indexes of COD and NH3-N from 2004-2011 at the Jishui water port of Qingpu District,Shanghai City in the Taihu Lake basin,the equal dimension and new information model was established for each index.The mean relative error of the NH3-N index did not meet the standand,so the Markov model was used to improve the predicted values.Then,the future water quality indexes were predicted by the two models.Results show that the equal dimension and new information Markov model effectively reduces the average error of the predicted values and enhances the accuracy of them.In the next few years,the two water quality indexes show a downward trend and tend to be flattened to a certain extent gradually.However,due to the long-term nature of the pollution of the Taihu Lake basin,the water environmental situation remains grim.So,reasonable and effective measures should be taken in a long period of time,such as reducing source pollution,making ecological dredging,accelerating the transformation of economic development mode in the basin and improving the management of the basin.The water quality of the Taihu Lake basin may be overall improved in the future.

    • Evaporation Processes on Fragrant Pear Land Surface with Different Irrigation Techniques


      Abstract (1045) HTML (0) PDF 432.15 K (1417) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soil surface evaporation in fragrant pear land of the Kuerle Irrigation Experiment Station was studied experimentally with different irrigation techniques.The relationships among soil surface evaporation intensity,soil water content and soil water consuming intensity were analyzed.Results showed that the treatmenu,in terms of the average soil surface evaporation intensity over the whole growth period,were in the descending order of microjet,small tube and ring tube.Their cumulative soil surface evaporation values were 116.05,104.53 and 89.60 mm,respectively.For the treatments of different tree intervals,the relative intensity of soil surface evaporation in 0-20 cm soil layer had a significant correlation with soil water content,presenting a quadratic increasing relation.In the whole growth period,soil water consumption intensity pres ented a high to low change,with the descending order of microjet,ring tube and small tube.Soil surface evaporation intensity increased with increased soil water consumption intensity,which can be described by power function.

    • Fractal Dimensions of Soil Particles in Different Degenerate Stages of Alpine Steppe


      Abstract (1345) HTML (0) PDF 474.68 K (1529) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soil fractal dimension can better reflect soil texture and soil nutrient characters.Bayanbulak alpine grassland was taken as the research objective in August 2009.Yang Peiling’s soil fractal model was used to analyze four different degenerate stages(non-degeneration CK and slightly,moderately and heavily deteriorated grasslands).Soil fractal dimension in relation to soil particles,soil physicochemical properties and soil degradation were discussed respectively.Results showed that:(1)Soil fractal dimension varied from 2.573 to 2.635 for the different degradations and increased with the increased degree of degradation.(2)There were significant differences between fractal dimension and different grain levels.Specifically,fractal dimenlion was significantly negatively correlated with sand content(p=0.01),but significantly positively correlated with clay content(p <0.0001).(3)There existed significant negatively correlations between fractal dimension and SOM and total nitrogen content.The correlation between fractal dimension and soil bulk dencity was significantly positive.There was a positive correlation between fractal dimension and soil degradation index.(4)Moderate grazing could promote soil quality,but could not exceed the threshold value.

    • Numerical Modeling Study of Water Exchange Between Riverside Uroundwater Source and Hunhe River in Shenyang City


      Abstract (1295) HTML (0) PDF 547.50 K (1840) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A scientific evaluation of the water recharge from river to groundwater is the base of riverside water source management.By taking the riverside groundwater water source along the Hunhe River in Shenyang City as an example and using the latest Feflow 6.1 and MIKE 11,numerical models of groundwater aquifer and the Hunhe River were built and then coupled by a plug-in called IFMMIKEII 2.0 through the interface manager(IFM) of Feflow.Water budget between groundwater and river can be more reasonably generalized in the coupled model.Through calculation,the water recharge from the Hunhe River to its riverside water source was 5.393 × 105m3 per day,accounting for 46.5%of the total groundwater aquifer recharge.The coupled model achieves the quantitative calculation of the water exchange between river and groundwater and can provide a basis for rational development and planning of the study area.

    • Effects of Runoff and Sediment Reductions by Soil and Water Conservation Measures in Uanjiang Watershed


      Abstract (1586) HTML (0) PDF 578.63 K (1594) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By using hydrological method,the data of annual rainfall,runoff and sediment from 1956 to 2008 were used to calculate the effects of runoff and sediment reductions by soil and water conservation measures in Uanjiang watershed during the recent 30 years.Results show that the average annual sediment into the Poyang Lake was reduced by 5.7 million tons and sediment reduction was about 48.57%after taking soil and water conservation measures.With the role of the soil and water conservation measures played,sediment reduction rate had increased year by year and then held a stable trend;and sediment reduction rate was 80.54% in 2008.The decrease in annual total runoff was not obvious,while runoff at late stage was increasing.Ecological construction by soil and water conservation could increase the watershed rainfall infiltration,reduce surface runoff,reduce peak flows,extend the convergence time,and play an important role in flood control and disaster mitigation.

    • Determining DEMs' Resolution with Digital Photogrammetric Data


      Abstract (1221) HTML (0) PDF 507.55 K (1716) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As one of basic parameters of gridded DEMs,resolution influences the quality of DEMs and t1 precision of terrain analysis.Choice of a suitable resolution is the basic problem to solve in generating at using DEMs.Based on the terrain features data with high precision of study area in northern Shaanxi Proince,which are extracted by the full digital photogrammetrv,9 source data with different data densities create DEMs are obtained.Two types of DEMs,i.e.,ANUDEM and TIN-DEM with different grid size are generated using the source data,and RMS slope,average slope and RMSE of elevation are extracted from the DEMs.According to the relationship between the grid size and RMS slope,average slope and RMSE elevation,a suitable resolution is achieved.Results show that the suitable resolution for building DEM 1 the full digital photogrammetrv is about 2.5 m in scale 1:10000.

    • Inversion Technology of Soil Water Content Based on Hyperspectral Image Unmixing


      Abstract (1800) HTML (0) PDF 444.58 K (1701) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Vegetation and soil are usually both in one pixel and soil moisture content monitoring is inevitably influenced by vegetation spectrum,so it is important to eliminate the interference of vegetation spectrum.Hyperion hyperspectral data were decomposed by decomposition algorithm based on the spectrum matching to eliminate vegetation spectrum,and the first order differential and continuum removal transformation were used to dispose soil spectrum information. Then the sensitive bands were selected to establish the inversion model of soil moisture content.Results show that the best model was established by the bands X661,X1019 and X2067 of the soil continuum-removal spectrum,and the forecasted Rz value was 0.85.When the vegetation spectrum is not eliminated,the best model was established by the bands X541,X979 and X1632 of the soil first order differential spectrum,and the forecasted Rz value was only 0.36.The method of forecasting soil water content by decomposing hyperspectral data to eliminate the vegetation spectrum is feasible and it can provide reference for the research on soil water content forecast by remote sensing.

    • Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Throughfall Under Pinus Tabulaeformis Single Tree's Canopy in Loess Region of Western Shanxi Province


      Abstract (1328) HTML (0) PDF 411.71 K (1698) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to analyze the forest hydrology processes on the Loess Plateau and provide reference for the development and parameterization of hydrological model,spatial distribution characteristics of throughfall were discussed at the scale of the single tree of Pinus Tabulae formis in the loess region of Western Shanxi Province.7 rain gauges were settled under 2 sampled trees in accordance with the distance from the stems.The respective throughfall of 15 different rainfall events was measured and the influences of rainfall and canopy characteristics on throughfall were analyzed by statistical method.Results showed that:(1)Throughfall percentage in some sample sites was greater than 100%,with the maximum being 155.8%.The reason for the phenomenon is the evidently concentrated rainfall which might be caused by the canopy.(2) Throughfall was positively correlated to rainfall and rainfall intensity,but the correlation with rainfall intensity was not significant.(3)The influence of the distance between sample site and stem on throughfall was attributed by multiple factors which play a major role in throughfall spatial distribution.(4)Throughfall percentage was negatively correlated to canopy density and canopy thickness.

    • Effects of Landscape Patterns on Runoff in Taizi River Basin


      Abstract (1245) HTML (0) PDF 479.23 K (1387) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:17 hydrological stations located in the Taizi River basin were selected to investigate the relationship between landscape patterns and runoff using Ueographic Information System(UIS).Based on landscape patterns (landscape-level and class leve),landscape pattern index analysis and statistical methods were used to analyze the effects of landscape patterns on runoff.Results showed that the influence of landscape patterns on runoff was significant.At landscape level,the mean fractal dimension index(FRAC_MN),the median contiguity index(CONTIU_MD) and the interspersion and juxtaposition index(IJI) were the main pattern indices effectively affecting the runoff change.At class level,the patch diversity of dry land,the mean fractal dimension index(FRAC_MN) and the cohesion(COHESION)of dry land and residential construction land,the perimeter-area ratio variation coefficient(PARA_CV) and aggregation index(AI) of forest land and dryland,the median contiguity index(CONTIU_MD) and interspersion and juxtaposition index(IJI) of residential construction land were the main landscape pattern indices controlling the variation of runoff.Further-more,the perimeter-area ratio(PARA_CV) and the aggregation index(AI) of forest land were positively related to the change of runoff.

    • Effects of Super Absorbent Polymer on Vertical Water Infiltration and Moisture Content in Aeolian Sandy Soil


      Abstract (1926) HTML (0) PDF 443.00 K (2019) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Super absorbent polymer(SAP) can be used to exploit aeolian sandy soil and improve its quality effectively.The effects of blending SAP to a given depth(5-7 cm) in aeolian sandy soil on vertical infiltration were studied by measuring the four parameters of vertical infiltration rate,accumulated infiltration quantity,lasting time of suck permeability and permeability coefficient.After the infiltration experiment,soil moisture content in different layers was measured to determine the vertical moisture distribution.Results indicated that the vertical infiltration rates of SAIztreated soils were always less than that of untreated soil,accumulated infiltration quantities were increased by about 42%,lasting times of suck permeability were elongated by 134%-390%,and permeability coefficients were decreased by 65%-85%in three different SAP-treated soils.Increase in SAP concentration further accelerated the changes of the four parameters.There was also a conspicuous change in vertical moisture distribution:the moisture content of blending layer was increased by 52%-178%;and it was also increased in the upper soil layer,but decreased in the lower soil layer.The effects of SAP on the vertical infiltration and moisture content of aeolian sandy soil were very notable.

    • Distribution and Storage of DOC in a Typical Annular Wetland of Sanjiang Plain


      Abstract (1508) HTML (0) PDF 322.34 K (1738) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soil samples at different depths were collected from island forest,Calamagrostis angusti f olia meadow and Carex Lasiocarpa marsh in a typical annular wetland of the Sanjiang Plain.Horizontal and vertical distributions and DOC(dissolved organic carbon) storage in the wetland were studied and the DOC distribution affected by the specific hydrology and landform conditions of typical annular wetland was analyzed.Results showed that the DOC content decreased with the increased soil depth.From high to low,the DOC contents in soil profiles showed the order of Carex Lasiocarpa marsh,Calamagrostis angustifolia meadow and island forest,and the DOC storage,Calamagrostis angustifolia meadow,island forest and Carex Lasiocarpa marsh.respondingly.In the 0-60 cm soil layers,the DOC storages were 0.1113,0.0844 and 0.0588 t/hm2,correspundingly.

    • Soil Aggregate Composition and Carbon and Nitrogen Storage in Conventional and Organic Farmlands


      Abstract (1731) HTML (0) PDF 416.05 K (1662) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Longterm mineral fertilizer input or crop monoculture management can result in soil quality degralotion and soil carbon and nitrogen depletion.This study focused on soil physical properties during the conversion from conventional farming to organic farming of soybean field.Soil aggregate composition and carbon and nitrogen storage were analyzed by using soil physical aggregate isolation method. Results showed that<0.053 mm aggregate fraction and soil organic carbon content of<0.053 mm aggregate in microaggregates occluded water-stable macroaggregates decreased,while 0.053-0.25 mm aggregate fraction and soil organic carbon content of 0.053-2 mm in microaggregates-occluded water-stable macroaggregates increased significandy after the conversion from conventional soybean field to organic soybean field.Higher aggregate stability and carbon and nitrogen storage were detected in organic farming system.Organic farming is better than conventional farming ecosystems in conserving soil fertility and system stability.

    • Application of Vegetation Cover in Soil Erosion Modulus Calculation


      Abstract (1735) HTML (0) PDF 912.13 K (1911) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The phaeozem region of Northeast China is an important commodity grain base.The phaeozem degradation and soil erosion caused by long-term natural erosion and overexploitation limit the increasing of production.Vegetation not only plays an important role in controlling soil erosion,intercepting precipitation and improving soil erosion resistance,but also has a direct effect on erosion degree.The amount of soil erolion in Uucheng watershed of Keshan County,Heilongjiang Province is estimated using bilogical control fate for method by which vegetation coverage is extracted from high-resolution remote sensing images with RS and UIS technology and makes qualitative and quantitative analysis.Results show that soil erosion has a close relation with vegetation coverage,which means that vegetation plays an important role in controlling soil erolion and demonstrates that the method used in the study is applicable in similar studies,depending on its accuracy and credibility.

    • Effects of Different Spatial Distributions of Soil Physical Properties on Hydrological Process Modeling


      Abstract (1271) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (1576) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Different spatial resolutions of soil physical properties,including field capacity,soil porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity,were used as input data for water flow model for lake catchment(WATLAC) model to simulate the hydrological processes of the Xitiaoxi catchment from 2005 to 2010 and evaluate the effects of the spatial distribution of soil physical properties on groundwater recharge,soil evaporation,runoff generation and their components.Results show that the simulated stream flow hydrographs with different spatial resolutions of the soil physical properties reproduced the observed hydrographs well.There might be no significant increase in model accuracy as more precise information on the soil physical properties was used.The groundwater recharges simulated using the refined spatial information on soil physical properties were greatly lower than those using the conventional soil type data,but had a slight effect on soil evaporation values.The two soil data cases showed a similar simulated result and spatial distribution.Although different spatial resolutions of the soil physical properties did not cause apparent difference in overall stream flow,their effect on the partition of surface and subsurface water flows was distinct.

    • Soil Erosion Sensitivity Assessment for Poyang Lake Basin Based on GIS and USLE


      Abstract (1892) HTML (0) PDF 868.87 K (2540) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soil and water loss is one of serious ecological and environmental problems in Poyang Lake basin.USI,E and UIS,together with basin natural environment characteristics data,were used to determine several soil erosion sensitivity factors and its criteria grade for the evaluation of soil erosion sensitivity and reveal the spatial differentiation characteristics and soil erosion sensitivity in the basin.The causes of soil erosion were analyzed and a proposal on regulatory mechanisms was put forward.The study showed that soil erosion in the study area was mainly at medium and high sensitive levels.Spatially,extreme sensitivity areas were mainly distributed in Ningdu,H uichang,Ji'an,Taihe and Wanzai Counties,as well as Dexing and Shangrao Cities.High sensitive areas were mainly located in the two sides of the middle and up stream of the Uanjiang,Fuhe,Xinjiang,Raohe and Xiushui rivers and in the lakeshore area of Poyang Lake,as well as G250 farmlands and sparse young forest lands.Medium sensitivity areas were extensively distributed in the whole basin including different types of geomorphology and landuse(except water bodies).Low sensitivity areas were mainly distributed in the Jinggangshan City and Wan'an,Uan and Dayu Counties with the crescent shaped distribution.Non-sensitive areas were centered at Poyang Lake and spread radially including Tuolin,Jiangkou and Hongmen reservotrs areas.

    • Comparison Study on Evapotranspiration Characteristics of Different Landuse Types in Taihu Lake Watershed


      Abstract (1177) HTML (0) PDF 1.19 M (1617) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Water vapor concentration for different landuse types(tea garden,rape field,wheat field,and fallow land) in the Taihu Lake watershed was measured using static chamber/IRUA method.Diurnal(6:00-15:00)and monthly variations of evapotranspiration were compared among these landuse types.In the monthly evapotranspiration analysis,increasing trends of evapotranspiration rates were observed for all the four landuse types in spring.However, evapotranspiration rate for tea garden decreased by 36.73%after pruning and peak evapotranspiration rate for rape field [2.14 mmol/(m2·s)〕appeared in early flowering stage.Diurnal variations of evapotranspiration rates for these four landuse types showed single peak curves,which reached a maximum value between 12:00 and 15:00.However,diurnal variation of evapotranspiration rate for tea garden became little after pruing,while diurnal variations of evapotranspiration rates for rape field and wheat land increased with the growing stages of rape and wheat.Daily mean values of evapotranspiration rates of the four landuse types were in the order of tea garden [2.24 mmol/(m2·s)]>rape field[1 .48 mmol/(m2·s)]>wheat land [1.28 mmol/(m2·s)]>fallow land [1.16 mmol/(m2·s)].Between 12:00 and 15:00 in late March and between 9:00 and 15:00 in late April,evapotranspiration rate of tea garden was significantly greater than those of rape field,wheat land and fallow land.

    • Computational Model of Aeolian Sand Erosion and Deposition Quantity on Flat Sandy Surface


      Abstract (1251) HTML (0) PDF 867.77 K (1460) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The dynamic processes of aeolian erosion and deposition on flat sandy surface were analyzed based on field observation and the data of regional wind regime.By calculating the drift potential and the maximum possible quantity of sand transport,a computational model was put forward for predicting the quantity of aeolian erosion and deposition on flat sandy surface,which can make up for the deficiency that both the drift potential and the maximum possible quantity of sand transport can not reveal intuitively the strength of regional wind-blown sand activity.Comparison of tendency maps showed that field measured value,predicted value by the computational model and calculated drift potential and maximum possible quantity had the same fluctuation character.Furthermore,comparison of regression equations showed that the regression equation for prediction was significant and predicted value was more close to field measured value.The computational model can better predict the strength of regional wind-blown sand activity and provides evidence for the expansion and shrink of sandy desert.

    • >Comprehensive Treatment
    • Potential of Rainwater Resources Utilization for Main Cities in Loess Plateau of Cansu Province


      Abstract (1666) HTML (0) PDF 310.12 K (1416) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on distribution characteristics of urban rainwater resources utilization in the Loess Plateau of Uansu Province,Lanzhou,Dingxi,Pingliang,Qingyang and Tianshui Cities were selected to analyze variable patterns of precipitation characteristics and calculate the potential of urban rainwater resources utilization for the main cities.Results showed that the average theoretical potentials of rainwater resources for Lanzhou,Dingxi, Pingliang,Qingyang and Tianshui Cities were 5.71 × 107,8.61 × 106,2.38 × 107,7.62 × 106and 3.21 × 107m3,respectively.The average realizable potentials of rainwater resource for Lanzhou,Dingxi,Pingliang,Qingyang and Tianshui Cities were 2.91 × 107,4.65 × 106, 1.43×107, 4.87 × 106 and 1.95×107m3,respectively.The results indicates that there is a good prospect in utilization potential and exploitation of urban rainwater resources for the main cities,which provides reference for the effective management and high-effective utilization of rainwater resources in the loess plateau.

    • Temporal and Spatial Variation and Its Impact Factors of Soil Quality in Coastal Reclamation Plains District


      Abstract (1174) HTML (0) PDF 354.47 K (1570) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By taking Cixi City as the research area and making location fixed sampling and typical area sampling,the six soil physicochemical properties of organic matter,total nitrogen,available phosphorus,availab1e potassium,conductivity and pH value were selected to analyze characteristics of the temporal and spatial variability of soil quality and discuss the main influence factors on the abundant materials.Results show that soil quality in Cixi City was declining over the past three decades.The single indictors of total nitrogen,available potassium,pH value and organic matter decreased by 1.03,0.46,0.33 and 0.18 and the single indictors of available phosphorus and conductivity increased by 0.5 and 0.42,respectively.The comprehensive indicator of soil quality was reduced by 0.28.The loss of total nitrogen was severe.Spatially,soil quality decreased gradually from north to south and the comprehensive indicator of soil quality was 1.36,1.35,1.43 and 1.18,respectively.The cropping patterns,time length of land reclamation and soil management were the three main factors that influence soil quality.

    • Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Internal Coordination of Intensive Urban Land Use in He'nan Province


      Abstract (1215) HTML (0) PDF 412.59 K (1439) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Regarding 17 cities as the research units,the paper explored internal coordination and its spatiotemporal characteristics of intensive urban land use in He'nan Province.The main conclusions are as follows.Firstly,measuring on the internal coordination of intensive urban land use is not only feasible,but also new essary.Secondly,the whole internal coordination of intensive urban land use in He'nan Province showed an obviously rising trend,and its level was closely related to such factors as the region's resources endowment,industrial foundation and urban infrastructure construction.Thirdly,the partial internal coordinations between the intensive levels of urban land use and the 4 subsystems(land input level,land productivity,land use degree and land eco-environmental quality)showed a gradually rising trend,and generally the stage changed from an antagonistic stage to coordination stage passing by running-in stage.Fourthly,the whole intensive level of urban land use in He'nan Province gradually increased.However,the intensive level differences of urban land use between different cities were gradually increasing in the same research years.Finally,each influence of 4 subsystems on the intensive levels of urban land use was different in the different research years.

    • Synthetic Evaluation on Coordination of Count-level Economy-Society-Environment System in Hunan Province


      Abstract (1195) HTML (0) PDF 378.78 K (1466) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the ideas of set pair analysis and the connotation of spatial analytic geometry,a method for quantitatively evaluating the regional system coordination was designed,which was used to evaluate the coordination of economy-society-environment system.Based on the method and model,the coordination of economy-society-environment system in 88 counties of Hunan Province was evaluated.Results showed that:(1)With exception of a few areas,the system coordination level was associated with the economic situation in a certain extent.The synthetic coordination level had a significantly positive correlation with economic situation.(2)From the spatial pattern of system coordination,the overwhelming majority of the counties with high comprehensive level were located in Eastern and Southern Hunan Province,while the counties with low comprehensive level were distributed mostly in Center and West Hunan Province.(3)From the spatial distribution of various combined types of system coordination,most counties of Eastern Hunan Province belonged to the type of high comprehensive level and good coordination,while most counties of the west and north of Hunan Province belonged to the type of low comprehensive level and good coordination or the type of low comprehensive level and poor coordination.The result may provide reference for promoting coordinated development of different counties in Hunan Province by adopting corresponding strategies.

    • Influence Factors for Karez Abandonment and Its Environmental Effects in Turpan Basin of Xinjiang Wei Autonomous Region over Last 60 Years


      Abstract (1752) HTML (0) PDF 656.22 K (2197) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Changes of karez showed the trend of first increasing and then declining over the last 60 years.The reasons for the dramatic changes of karez might be attributed to followings:(1)Oasis was expanded gradually in the Turpan basin.The changes of karez were consistent with arable land in 1949-1960,namely both increased,and however,the number and water flow of karez declined with increased arable land since the middle of 1960's.(2)Water supply for karez declined.In the beginning of 1960's,surface water began to exploite and many reservoirs and antiseepage canals were constructed.Eight large and middle reservoirs with a capacity of 0.8 × l08 m3 were constructed in 1993,the total length of antiseepage canals reached 4 774 km,and the seepage ratio was 70%,which caused the decline of water supply for karez.(3)Pumped wells were blindly established around the karez irrigation districts and groundwater was exploited in a plunder manner.There were 127 electric pumped wells at the end of 1966 and the number reached 5309 in 2009.Correspondingly,the annual discharge increased from 1.10 × l08 to 7.04 × l08 m3.Moreover,the layout of pumped wells was unreasonable and lots of them were established in the areas where karez was mainly distributed.The groundwater decline and karez drying-up had seriously negative influences on the Turpan basin,which presented in following aspects:Daily life of residents was influenced and many villages were migrated;The areas irrigated by karezs declined from 2.17 × 104hm2 in 1957 to 0.88×104hm2 in 2003 and meanwhile,the disaster area caused by drought and windstorm increased;The vegetation area was 12.30 × 103 hm2 in 1975 and it declined to 6.72 × 103 hm2 in 2003,reduced by 45.37%.

    • Environmentallmpact Assessment of Land-use Scale and Structure Adjustment in Ecologically Fragile Area of Yellow River


      Abstract (1211) HTML (0) PDF 344.17 K (1785) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:By taking Lanzhou City as study area,the model system that can comprehensively and quantitatively assess the impacts of land use scale and structure adjustment on environment wasestablished including diversity index model,dynamic model,ecosystem service value evaluation model,and eco-footprint and eco-capacity model.Results from the study showed that the ecosystem service value of Lanzhou City increased by 390 million yuan and the ecological deficit dropped 14 m2 per head.The overall landuse planning is basically reasonable and is valuable in developing local economy and preserving its ecological environment.Moreover,the model system can objectively assess the impacts of landuse scale and structure adjustment on environment and thus,it is meaningful to apply and popularize the model.

    • Evaluation of Farmers' Perception on Comprehensive Management of Small Watershed Based on IPA Method


      Abstract (1124) HTML (0) PDF 375.26 K (1813) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on on-the-spot investigation and questionnaire,importance-performance analysis(IPA)is used to study local farmers'perception on the comprehensive management of Qinzhuanggou watershed.Re-cults showed that farmers' perception on comprehensive control of soil and water loss can be embodied in as-sociated factors.Combined with the comprehensive soil and water conservation planning of the small watershed,28 factors for farmers'perception are divided into 4 quadrants of the IPA.Advantage and disadvantage factors are in quadrants j and,respectively.Based on the analysis of the advantage and disadvantage fate torn,the corresponding countermeasures are presented for the comprehensive management of the small watershed,such as sustaining superiority development of soil and water conservation,promoting economy so as to increase local farmer's income,improving residential environment and extending ecological agriculture.To deal with the problems concerning local farmers,a model of comprehensive management for a small watershed should be established in order to improve the level of comprehensive management of the small watershed and meet the needs of local farmers for production and life.

    • Prediction of Newly Increased Construction Land Transformed from Cultivated Land in Lulong County of Heibei Province Based on Capacity Theory


      Abstract (1220) HTML (0) PDF 342.78 K (1476) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the background of general county-level landuse planning,the study is conducted to coordinate the contradiction between farmland protection and construction development.Based on Lulong Countys general landuse planning reformulation in 2010-2020 and capacity theory,as combined with the outcome of agricultural classification and gradation,the county's productivity in 2020 is predicted to be 215 330.09 tons from the aspects of land development,consolidation and reclamation.Drain demand of the county in 2020 is predicted to be 21 000.10 tons using productivity and grain demand prediction methods and thus remaining grain productivity will be 4 329.99 tons under the precondition of regional food security.It is concluded that the county will have 768.07-1179.02 hmz farmland that may be used as newly increased construction land for industrialization and urbanization.Result from the study provides theory and methods for the prediction of newly increased construction land,reasonably and scientifically.

    • Driving Mechanisms of Ecological Footprint Based on STIRPAT Model


      Abstract (1785) HTML (0) PDF 354.28 K (1698) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ecological footprint is a newly prevailing approach to evaluate the sustainability of regional development.The ecological footprint for Chizhou City,Anhui Province,from 2001 to 2010 was calculated using ecological footprint model and then some socio-economic indicators were selected and analyzed by principal component regression method.Based on the STIRPAT model,an ecological footprint driving factors model was further constructed.The trend of ecological footprint per capita moved upward and ecological footprint demand was far greater than ecological capacity.Ecological deficit appeared and expanded.This indicates that Chizhou City was in the status of relatively unsustainable development.Besides,the driving model reflects that the development of industrial economy was a strong driving force for ecological footprint.With the industrialization process speeded up and the strategy of0 strong industrial city energetically carried out,the scale of industrial economy expanding,the growth of ecological footprint and the expansion of ecological deficit have been strongly enhanced in Chizhou City.

    • Quantitative Study of Water Resources System Vulnerability in Tarim River Basin


      Abstract (1148) HTML (0) PDF 1.02 M (1331) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Vulnerability of water resources system is essential to regional water management and economic development in arid inland regions.The purpose of this study was to explain the meaning of water resources system vulnerability in arid inland regions and explore the vulnerability quantitatively.First,a vulnerability is analyaed based on the current researches,system in arid inland regions.A methodology to quantify expressing the characteristics of water concept of resources the vulnerability is presented subsequently by a multi-criteria analysis approach.At last,the Tarim basin is selected as the representative area of arid inland regions based on the data available and experts‘opinions.And the methodology is evaluated in the study area.Results show that 80%of the area is of vulnerability with high spatial variability.In addition,90%of the area has a conflicting relation between water supply and demand.Moreover,the results are in accordance with the actuality,which indicates that the methodology presented is valuable for water resources management and regulation.This study can provide a theoretical basis for the researches on water resources system adaptability coping with climate change.

    • Efficiency Evaluation of Agricultural Water Resources in Yunnan Province Based on Projection Pursuit Model


      Abstract (1249) HTML (0) PDF 445.83 K (1537) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the use efficiency of agricultural water resources in Yunnan Province,an evaluation model of agricultural water use efficiency was established by selecting the resource use efficiency,economic benefit,ecological benefit and other related 15 indexes,combining genetic algorithm with traditional optimization method,and using the principles of projection pursuit regression(PPR)technique.The model was used to comprehensively evaluate agricultural water scheme of 16 2010,optimize the best projection direction of state variable index areas in Yunnan Province in 2000-2005 and obtaine each sample projection value,so as to classify of the agricultural and evaluate each water resources use and efficiency,area.The evaluation recult best reflects the contribution and directivity of each index and accords with plateau seasonal drought gion of the agricultural water resources status.

    • Dynamic Analysis of Soil Erosion in Natural Forest Protection Project Area of Western Sichuan Province Based on RS and GIS


      Abstract (1670) HTML (0) PDF 679.35 K (1327) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the TM images<1989 and 1999)and the SPOT 5 images(2007),the dynamics of soil erolion in the Jiasikong forest farm of Daofu County,Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Uarze,Sichuan Province,was monitored using remote sensing(RS) and geographical information system(UIS).Results show that the area of moderate erosion and severe erosion increased from 1989 to 1999,before the implementation of the natural forest protection project(NFPP).After the implementation of the NFPP,the area of severe erosion deceased as accompanied with the increase of moderate erosion area,indicating a better situation of soil and water loss control.The deteriorating tendency of soil erosion has been inversed,but the inversed degree is not significant.This suggests that the NFPP has an important effect on promoting the vegetation restoration and improving the functions of soil and water conservation.

    • Effects of Super Absorbent Polymer on Water and Fertilizer Use of Prunus Armeniaca


      Abstract (1059) HTML (0) PDF 393.46 K (1535) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effects of different doses of super K in root and biomass(ground biomass,undo absorbent polymer(SAP) on leaf water potential,N,P and (ground biomass,total biomass),and root/shoot ratio of Prunus armeniaca were investigated in the Jiufeng experimental base.Leaf water potential of Prunus armeniaca was stimulated by SAP in a dose-dependent manner.The contents of N,P and K varied with different treatments.Specifically,the content of N increased significantly with the increase of SAP;N level under treatment of 20 g SAP was 1.66 times the contrast;K almost did not change;and the content of P was inhibited by SAP treatment.Total biomass and ground biomass increased in SAP treatment,whereas the maximums of underground biomass and root/shoot ratio occurred in contrast test.The content of N had a positive correlation with leaf water potential.The results suggest that the reason for good growth may be the water and fertilizer conservation effects of SAP on Prunus armeniaca.

    • Effects of Climate Change and Human Activities on Ecological Environment of Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region


      Abstract (1519) HTML (0) PDF 656.60 K (2354) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the climatic,social and economic data from 1981 to 2010 in Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,the impacts of climate change trends and human activities on ecological environment were analyzed using trend analysis and linear regression methods.Results show that from 1981 to 2010,the mean annual temperature in Yanchi County increased at a warming speed of 0.22℃/10 a,the mean annual precipitation declined at a rate of 1.44 mm/ 10 a,and the mean annual evaporation decreased at a rate of 9.85 mm/a,which imply that the climate of the region was in the warming-drying period.The influences of human activities on environment were different in different periods.In the 1980s and 1990s,indiscriminate mining,overgrazing and excessive cutting caused the deterioration of ecological environment.After 2000,a series of protection measures like the"Grain for Green" project and forbidden grazing policies had some positive effects on local ecological environment and the region began to show the ability to defend against natural disasters.In brief,human activities play a major role in the ecoenvironment change.Therefore,rational development and utilization of natural resources can promote the harmonious coexistence of human and ecological environment and guarantee the sustainable development of economy and society in Yanchi County.

    • Dynamic Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Ocean in Hebei Province


      Abstract (1545) HTML (0) PDF 409.14 K (1864) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The study is conducted by taking the sustainable marine development of Hebei Province as the study object and using the dynamic evaluation method that is the mainstream way at home and abroad for evaluation.After establishing the index system with a total system,2 subordinate systems,5 subsystems and 27 evaluation indexes,the evaluation method system composed of index layer evaluation method,empowerment,comprehensive evaluation method,the criteria for the level of sustainable development and coordination degree evaluation method is adopted to search the dynamic evaluation of sustainable development of Hebei ocean in 1995-2008.Results show that during the period of evaluation,the level of economic development was increasingly promoted and the structure of economy was further optimized.Every index of use efficiency of marine resources continued to improve.The important qualities of marine resources continued to degrade,such as the densities of marine biological resources and tideland resources.In addition to the biological health index and storm loss index that were improved in a fluctuant way,other marine ecological indexes were all worsen.The sea water per unit coastline and the occurrence frequency of red tide decreased fastest,followed by coastal wetland forest coverage and the seawater intrusion area per unit coastline.The proportion of eroded coastline decreased slowest.In short,during the period of evaluation,the ocean development of Hebei Province was in the weak unsustainable development state at which the economic growth is the cost of resources and environment.However,the coordination degree of environment and development was increasingly improved,i.e.,the environmental cost for unit economic development decreased continuingly.

    • Impact of Human Driving Factors for Land Use Change on Ecosystem Service Values in Xinjiang Wei Autonomous Region


      Abstract (1174) HTML (0) PDF 444.10 K (1457) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Land use change in Xinjiang Wei Autonomous Region from 1996 to 2008 and ecosystem services value change caused by it were quantitatively analyzed based on Xie's coefficient of ecosystem services value and ecological sensitivity analysis.A thorough and careful study of the human factors that affect ecosystem services value change in Xinjiang region was made from the aspect of qualitative and quantitative analysis.Results showed the ecosystem services value totaled 7.06 × 1011 yuan in 1996 and increased to 7.17× 1011 yuan in 2008,representing an increase of 1.07× 1011 yuan from 1996 to 2008 and an accelerated rate of increase.Waste treatment and water conservation were the two large service functions,contributing about 41.3%of the total service value,raw materials had the smallest service function,and the each type of ecosystem services values showed an increasing trend.Xinjiang region lost 8.2 thousand yuan per capita in ecosystem services value and the population growth has led to increased pressure on the environment.It reveals that the major human factors that have influenced the ecosystem services value change are economic factor,population factor and urbanization development level factor.The ecosystem services value is correlated negatively with population factor and urbanization factor,but positively with economic development level factor.

    • Relationships Between Soil and Water Loss and Geological Disasters in Binxian-Changwu Mining Area of Shaanxi Province


      Abstract (1128) HTML (0) PDF 246.76 K (1361) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Coal exploration and mining may lead to aggravated soil and water loss.Environmental geological disasters in a coal mining area are always complicated in type and scale and can cause serious damages and harms.By taking the Binxian-Changwu Mining Area as an example,the relationships between soil and water loss and environmental geological disasters are analyzed based on the analysis of degree and characteristics of soil and water loss in the mining area.Ueological disasters are generally responsible for soil and water loss and aggravate the degree of soil and water loss.Accordingly,four main types of soil and water loss,as well as its characteristics,are classified,which are landslip,collapse,mudslide and ground subsidence.From the analysis,the ideas and countermeasures are proposed for controlling geological disasters in the mining area,i.e.,using a set of reclamation techniques,reducing the number of sites with soil and water loss,strictly regulating the pilling-up of waste soil and residue by avoiding water flow rout and building blocking wall,and carefully digging side slope.