• Volume 37,Issue 3,2017 Table of Contents
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    • >Experimental Research
    • Roots Distribution and Tensile Properties of Herbages on Hedge of Sloping Cultivated Lands of Purple Soils in Three Gorges Reservoir Region

      2017, 37(3):1-6,14. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.001

      Abstract (1334) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (1404) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] We aimed to illustrate the roots distribution and tensile properties of three herbages on the hedge of sloping cultivated lands of purple soils in Three Gorges Reservoir region, in order to supply the theory evidence and data supports for hedge consolidation with hedge plants.[Methods] One natural herbage, Eulaliopsis binata, and two artificial herbages, Allium tuberosum and Vicia faba were selected and their root distributions and root tensile properties in different soil depths were compared.[Results] (1) Diameters of the three herbages in 0-40 cm soil depth ranked as:V. faba > A. tuberosum > E. binata. Exponential function can be used to described their relationship between their diameter and the distributed soil depth. (2) There existed obviously significant difference between the roots biomass of A. tuberosum and the root biomass of V. faba and E. binata in 0-40 cm soil depth(p<0.05). Root biomass of A. tuberosum and V. faba were both decreased with the downward distribution in soil, but the root biomass of E. binata firstly increased then decreased with the increase of soil depth. (3) Mean root tensile force of the three hedge herbages ranked as:V. faba(10.53 N) > E. binata(6.03 N) > A. tuberosum(4.51 N). And mean root tensile force was found dependent in power function upon root dimeter(p<0.05). Meanwhile, the rank of mean root tensile strength was E. binata(45.91 MPa) > V. faba(18.02 MPa) > A. tuberosum(12.20 MPa). (4) The mean root cohesion of the three herbages ranked as:E. binata(0.013 1 kPa) > V. faba(0.009 4 kPa) > A. tuberosum(0.005 5 kPa). And exponential relationship between mean root cohesion and soil depths was well fitted(p<0.01).[Conclusion] The natural hedge herbage of E. binata had better performances in soil reinforcement and soil conservation in this region, which could be used to effectively conserve soil and water from the sloping lands. And the herbage reinforcement of the hedge is a new idea for sloping cultivated land harness in the Three Gorges Reservoir region.

    • Effects of Ecological Degradation and Restoration on Soil Conservation Function in Three Rivers Headwater Region

      2017, 37(3):7-14. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.002

      Abstract (1306) HTML (0) PDF 1.15 M (1308) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To explore the effect of ecological degradation and restoration on soil conservation function and its mechanism, and to provide a certain basis for decision making regarding ecological protection and construction in Three Rivers Headwater Region.[Methods] By building indices such as land cover condition to characterize the macro-ecosystem changes in headwater region, we quantitatively analyzed the effect of ecosystem changes on soil conservation function, and discussed its main mechanism.[Results] The ecosystems in headwater region experienced significant degradation and recovery process from 2000 to 2010. Soil conservation capacity of different types ranked as:forest land > cultivated land > high coverage grass > medium coverage grass > low coverage grassland > wetland > unused land. In the process of ecological degradation and recovery in the study area, the potential loss per unit area increased from 1.25×104 t/hm2 to 1.50×104 t/hm2 during 2000-2010, The actual loss per unit area increased from 3 200 t/hm2 in 2000 to 3 500 t/hm2 in 2005, and to 3 800 t/hm2 in 2010. In the process of ecological restoration, the areas of high coverage grassland and wetland in Three Rivers Headwater Region increased, alleviating the trend of ecosystem degradation to some extent. Soil conservation quantity per unit area in Three River Headwater Region increased from 9 300 t/hm2 in 2000 to 1.03×104 t/hm2 in 2005, and to 1.11×104 t/hm2 in 2010.[Conclusion] The types of land cover and vegetation coverage had important effects on soil conservation function, the ecological degradation and restoration of Three Rivers Headwaters Region were closely related to the change of soil conservation function.

    • Effect of Large Photovoltaic Power Station on Microclimate of Desert Region in Gonghe Basin

      2017, 37(3):15-21. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.003

      Abstract (1280) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (1528) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The effect of large photovoltaic(PV) power station on micro-climate of desert region in Gonghe Basin was evaluated via comparing basic meteorological factors to reveal the difference of microclimate both inside and outside of the photovoltaic power station.[Methods] Based on the meteorological data measured by automatic meteorological station, the impact of large PV power stations on microclimate of desert region in Gonghe Basin was evaluated by comparing the basic meteorological elements, including air temperature, relative humidity(RH), wind speed and direction, solar radiation, and soil temperature and water content of control point and monitoring points.[Results] The RH increased by 3.93% in desert region of Gonghe Basin due to the effect of large PV power station, which was more evident in drier day and during nighttime. The prevailing wind direction shifted from northeast to east after PV power station was established, and PV power station made local wind direction more single. As for wind speed, the frequency of high wind was significantly decreased after PV power station was established, and the wind speed reduced by 53.92% in desert region of Gonghe Basin due to the effect of large PV power station. The large PV power station made mean soil temperature reduced by 17.20%, 16.75% and 16.09% at the depth of 10,20,40 cm, and the impact for shallow soil layer was more significant than that for deep soil layer. Additionally, the effect of large PV power station on soil water content in desert region of Gonghe Basin was more obvious than the ones on other factors. The mean soil water content(10 cm) was increased by 71.61% in Gonghe Basin due to the effect of large PV power station.[Conclusion] The large PV power station made the relative humidity increased, the prevailing wind direction became single, the wind speed and mean soil temperature decreased, and soil humidity increased in desert region of Gonghe Basin.

    • Emission Characteristics of BVOCs from Urban Greening Tree Species in Different Greenbelt

      2017, 37(3):22-27,34. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.004

      Abstract (1455) HTML (0) PDF 971.10 K (1318) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To explore the emission characteristics of biogenic volatile organic compounds(BVOCs) from greening tree species in different greenbelts in Tianjin City, and to provide the basis for selecting of the green tree species in urban gardens.[Methods] Four urban greening tree species like Juniperus chinensis, Salix matsudana, Malus micromalus and Sophora japonica were sampled for collecting and measuring BVOCs by dynamic bagging headspace and the thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(TDS-GC/MS) technology.[Results] (1) Totally 69, 84, 20 and 36 types of BVOCs were detected respectively from J. chinensis, S. matsudana, M. micromalus and S. japonica. But the quantity and composition of the BVOCs released by the four urban greening trees varied in different habitats. For all the species, relative contents of olefin compounds were significantly higher than the corresponding values of other types of components. Relative contents of olefin in the four greenbelts had a rank as:road greenbelt > campus greenbelt > park greenbelt > waterfront greenbelt. On the contrary, for the contents of ester and alkane volatiles, their relatives content were obviously higher in waterfront greenbelt than the ones in other greenbelts. (2) The contents of alcohols and ketones released by S. matsudana were significantly correlated with light intensity. Relative humidity was significantly correlated with the relative contents of olefins, alkanes, alcohols, esters and ketones released by J. chinensis, the contents of alkanes and esters released by M. micromalus, the contents of olefins and esters released by S. japonica; whereas, temperature was significantly correlated with the contents of alcohols and ketones released by both J. chinensis and S. matsudana, the content of olefins released by S. japonica.[Conclusion] Greenbelt habitat condition can influence the composition and content of BVOCs released by greening tree species, but only some types of volatiles were significantly correlated with some enviromental factors.

    • Magnetic Response of Heavy Metals Pollution in Urban Topsoil of Yangpu District, Shanghai City

      2017, 37(3):28-34. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.005

      Abstract (1630) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (1365) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The heavy metal pollution of topsoil from Yangpu District of Shanghai City was illustrated to provide scientific basis for the application of environmental magnetism in heavy metal pollution.[Methods] A systematic analysis of 17 topsoil samples collected from 5 functional areas in Yangpu District was conducted. The analysis involved magnetic characteristics and heavy metal concentration using magnetic method and traditional chemical method.[Results] The average magnetic susceptibility of the topsoil in Yangpu District was 2.42×10-6 m3/kg, and the soil was characterized by low-coercivity magnetite and coarse grain size particles. The values of magnetic parameters, including magnetic susceptibility(χlf) saturation isothermal remanent magnetization(SIRM), the susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetization(χARM), χARM/χlf, χARM/SIRM, S-ratio(IRM-300/SIRM) and magnetically hard isothermal remanent magnetization(HIRM)), were high in industrial and traffic area. The concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cr were much higher than the background values. The relatively high heavy metal values were found concentrated in industrial, traffic and residential areas. Generally, the pollution loading index(PLI) value was 1.962, belonging to mild contamination. Except in industrial area, the contents of heavy metal in other areas were significantly correlated with magnetic parameters. χlf, SIRM and HIRM can be generally regarded as good indicators of heavy metal concentration of topsoil in Yangpu District.[Conclusion] Environmental magnetism is capable of indicating heavy metal pollution in topsoil.

    • Effect of Organic Carbon Soil Amendment on Sandy Soil Improvement

      2017, 37(3):35-42. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.006

      Abstract (1588) HTML (0) PDF 845.24 K (1383) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] Organic carbon soil amendment was compounded to provide technical support for sustainable development of maize industry in Hexi irrigation area.[Methods] The study was conducted on the effect of organic carbon soil amendment on sandy soil in Ganzhou district, Zhangye City, Gansu Province through field experiment.[Results] The amount of soil organic carbon amendment was positively correlated with indices of porosity, aggregate, water holding capacity, organic matter, available nutrients, microbial biomass, enzyme activity and maize yield, while was negatively correlated with volume weight and pH value. After organic carbon amendment was applied, soil volume weight, pH value, Hg, Cd, Cr and Pb, were all decreased by 8.46%, 4.87%, 17.95%, 27.78%, 15.75% and 18.03% as compared with the effects of conventional fertilizer; indices of total porosity, aggregate, water holding capacity, organic matter, alkali-hydro nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium respectively increased by 8.15%, 23.98%, 8.15%, 3.16%, 0.10%, 2.13% and 1.18%; fungi, bacteria, actinomyces, sucrase, urease, phosphatase and corn fertilizing profits increased by 59.18%, 41.75%, 23.28%, 59.18%, 13.54%, 10.71% and 2, 180.40 yuan/hm2, respectively.[Conclusion] The sandy soil physical and chemical properties and biological properties can be effectively improved by the application of organic carbon soil amendment, and the maize yield increased as well.

    • Reinforcing Effect of Herb Roots on High Liquid Limit Soil

      2017, 37(3):43-47. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.007

      Abstract (1040) HTML (0) PDF 737.84 K (1221) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The strengthening effect of herbaceous plant root system on the high liquid limit soil was explored to provide the basis for reasonable estimation of the plant root system about the effect of slope protection on the high liquid limit soil.[Methods] Root-soil complexus of tall fescue couch grass root and high liquid limit soil were taken as research object, and the influences of water content and root amount on shearing strength of the complexus were explored through a series of indoor direct shear tests.[Results] The cohesion ability can be greatly improved by adding root system to soil samples, and the internal friction angle was also increased slightly. The reinforcement effect of root system on the soil increased initially with the increase of moisture content, decreased as moisture continued increasing. There existed difference for optimal root amount with regard to reinforcement under different moisture content of the complexus. When soil moisture content was 20%~25%, 30%, and 35%~45%, the optimal root amount was around 0.3%, 0.4%, and 0.5%, respectively.[Conclusion] The herbaceous plant root system can effectively suppress the water sensitivity of high liquid limit soil. There is significant influence on different root systems for different moisture content.

    • Characteristics of Soil Fractal and Nutrient Under Three Typical Vegetation Types in Mountainous Region of Southern Fujian Province

      2017, 37(3):48-52. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.008

      Abstract (1170) HTML (0) PDF 677.90 K (1204) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] In order to provide theoretical basis for the evaluation of mountain soil quality under typical vegetation types, land use structure adjustment, soil erosion control and ecological restoration in Southern Fujian Province, we explored the fractal characteristics of soils under different vegetation types in Southern Fujian Province and analyzed the correlations of fractal characteristics with soil particle composition and nutrient content.[Methods] The fractal dimension D values of the soil under three typical vegetation forests in a mountainous region of Southern Fujian Province were calculated using the fractal dimension model of soil particle volume, and their correlations with soil particle composition and soil nutrients were analyzed.[Results] The fractal dimension D values of the soil particle volume, in descending order, were the secondary forest, the Masson pine forest, and the citrus forest respectively. The fractal dimension D value was significantly and positively correlated with the volume percentage of the soil particles of clay and that of powder, and significantly and negatively correlated with the mass percentage of the sand(p<0.05). With regard to the soil pH value, the contents of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, hydrolytic nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium and organic carbon, their descending order was secondary forest> Masson pine forest > citrus forest; while for soil bulk density, it had a rank as citrus forest > Masson pine forest > the secondary forest. The correlation analysis showed that the fractal dimension D value was significantly and positively correlated with the content of hydrolytic nitrogen in the soil of citrus forest, while it was significantly and negatively correlated with its organic matter. With respect to the Masson pine forest, it had a significant positive correlation with the contents of total phosphorus and total potassium in the soil, and had an extremely significant and positive correlation with the content of hydrolytic nitrogen. At the same time, it had a significant negative correlation with the content of organic carbon. With respect to the secondary forest, it had an extremely significant positive correlation with the content of total phosphorus in the soil(p<0.01), a significant positive correlation with the content of hydrolytic nitrogen, a significant negative correlation with the content of available potassium and organic carbon.[Conclusion] Vegetation types in the southern Fujian mountain area significantly affected the fractal dimension and nutrient contents of the surface soil, and it is possible to use the soil fractal dimension to reflect the soil particle composition and nutrient contents of different vegetation types.

    • Effects of Application Amount of Super-absorbent Polymer on Soil Physical Characteristics and Microbial Activity Under Poplar Seedlings

      2017, 37(3):53-58. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.009

      Abstract (1167) HTML (0) PDF 795.51 K (1275) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The effects of different application amounts of super-absorbent polymer(SAP) on soil physical characteristics and microbial activity under growing poplar were researched to provide theoretical basis and technical reference for high-yield and water-saving practice modes in Chinese poplar plantation.[Methods] Four treatments, including CK(conventional irrigation), CL(60% conventional irrigation quantity co-applied with 10 g SAP), CM(60% conventional irrigation quantity co-applied with 30 g SAP) and CH(60% conventional irrigation quantity co-applied with 50 g SAP) were set. Their effects on soil physical properties, water stability of crumb structure, microbial populations, microbial respiration and metabolic quotient under poplar seedlings grew in pots were determined.[Results] The CM treatment significantly reduced soil bulk density and obviously increased non-capillary porosity. The soil bulk densities decreased in 13.71%, 5.31% and 7.76% as compared with those of CK, CL and CH, respectively. The formation of soil large aggregate(>0.25 mm size) was also promoted by the CM treatment. Moreover, the CM treatment observably increased total microbial populations and the contents of microbial biomass carbon and microbial biomass nitrogen. And CM treatment significantly enhanced microbial respiration, having 30.77%, 11.84% and 7.59% increases in microbial respiration rate in comparison with the ones of CK, CL and CH, respectively. In addition, the metabolic quotient was reduced by the CM treatment, having 4.81%, 8.29% and 9.74% decreases as compared with the ones of CK, CL and CH, respectively.[Conclusion] As a result, the proper water-saving irrigation measure(60% conventional irrigation quantity co-applied with 30 g SAP) is beneficial to improve soil physical environment and enhance soil microbial activity under poplar seedlings.

    • Effects of Different Amount of Topdressing Urea on Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen of Multi-cropping Rape After Wheat Planted

      2017, 37(3):59-62. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.010

      Abstract (1022) HTML (0) PDF 557.14 K (1506) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The changes of soil organic carbon(SOC), soil microbial biomass carbon(SMBC), soil microbial biomass nitrogen(SMBN) and carbon pool management index(CPMI) under different amount of topdressing urea in multi-cropping rape after wheat planted were explored to provide scientific basis for urea fertilization.[Methods] Plot test was conducted in Gulang County, with five treatment levels of topdressing urea 0, 90, 120, 150, 180 kg/hm2.[Results] The urea fertilizer was observed that all levels increased biological production of multi-cropping rape after wheat planted. With the increases of urea, SOC, SMBC, SMBN and CPMI all decreased firstly and increased later. CPI and CPMI changed similarly. SOC and SMBC had significant correlations with CPMI; SOC and CPMI correlated extreme significantly; SMBC and SOC correlated positively but insignificantly.[Conclusion] If biological yield of rapeseed and soil microbial biomass were both considered, the best fertilizer rate for multi-cropping rape after wheat planted is 120~150 kg/hm2 in Gulang County.

    • Benefits of Windbreak and Sand Fixation from Two Kinds of Shrubs

      2017, 37(3):63-66,74. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.011

      Abstract (1269) HTML (0) PDF 812.44 K (1309) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The benefits from two kinds of sand fixing shrub, Haloxylon ammodendron and H. ammodendron plus imitative shrub with regard to wind velocity, transported sand volume and transported sand diameter were illustrated to provide references for functional recovery and reestablishment of windbreak and sand fixation forest in arid region.[Methods] Wind speed, transported sand and sand diameter were observed simultaneously in stands of bare sandy land, H. ammodendron shrub and H. ammodendron plus imitative shrub. Their variations caused by the two shrubs were analyzed.[Results] The average reduction rate of wind velocity was 61.35% at the height of 20 cm when wind velocity was 3.0 to 8.9 m/s. The sand transporting quantities of H. ammodendron shrub and bare sandy land were 1.5 and 4.13 times of H. ammodendron plus imitative shrub. The sand transport rates of H. ammodendron forest and H. ammodendron plus imitative shrub both reduced with the height by exponential function. The wind-transported volume of sand and sand diameter grade shifted by wind in the two shrubs was both greater under 10 cm shrub height.[Conclusion] As resulted from the change of spatial distribution of wind-sand flux, the content of fine sandy grain (diameter ≤ 0.02 mm) was reduced, it was mainly concentrated in lower layer.

    • Effect of Functional Solonchak Improvement Fertilizer on Saline Soil Improvement in Meadow of Hexi Corridor

      2017, 37(3):67-74. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.012

      Abstract (1121) HTML (0) PDF 929.12 K (1329) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To solve problems of drought, waterlogging, salination and infertility in salt soil and provide theoretical basis for the improvement of the saline soil in Hexi Corridor.[Method] Based on the principle of acid and alkali neutralization, ion exchange and the soil structure improvement method, we mixed in proportion of self-developed saline control agent, organic fertilizer and special fertilizer for liquorice, and carried out the field test experiments, evaluated the effect of mixed fertilizer on saline soil improvement.[Results] The fertilizer formula with the best functional improvement to saline soil was in the weight ratio:0.072 4:0.905 1:0.022 5 for salinity control agent, organic fertilizer, and special fertilizer for liquorice, respectively. The application amount of the functional improvement fertilizer was significantly and positively related to the total porosity of the meadow solonchak, the aggregate, water holding capacities, cation exchange capacity(CEC), organic matters, available NPK, licorice agronomic characters and the fresh weight of root and were negatively related to the bulk density, pH value and the salt content. The best application amount was 24.95 t/hm2, the theoretical yield of the licorice fresh root(y) was 13.45 t/hm2. The effect of different saline soil conditioners on bulk density, pH value, total salt and fungal changed as control > Wofenglong saline soil improver > salt abundant saline soil improvement fertilizer > functional improvement fertilizer. The effects on the total porosity, the aggregate, bacteria, actinomyces and enzyme activity changes as follows:functional improvement fertilizer > salt abundant saline soil improver > Wofenglong saline soil improver > control. Compared with the control, the functional improvement fertilizer reduced bulk density, pH value, total salt and fungi respectively by 13.38%, 7.91%, 39.82% and 55.56%, and increased the total porosity, the aggregate and liquorice root fresh weight respectively by 15.42%, 56.36% and 21.62%. Bacteria, actinomyces, sucrase, urease, phosphatase and polyphenol oxidase increased by 60.26%, 84.62%, 65.23%, 79.52%, 68.42% and 69.35%, respectively.[Conclusion] The application of functional improvement fertilizer in the meadow solonchak could effectively improve the physical, chemical and biological properties, and increase the soil enzyme activity and the water holding capacity of the meadow solonchak on the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province.

    • Effects of Water and Nitrogen Interaction on Nitrogen Characteristics of Rice Field in Cold Region

      2017, 37(3):75-80. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.013

      Abstract (1494) HTML (0) PDF 883.31 K (1228) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The soil nitrogen characteristics under different water management pattern on cold paddy were studied to provide support for selection of irrigation and fertilization pattern of environment friendly cold rice.[Methods] An in situ field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of water and nitrogen interaction on rice yields, soil nitrogen supply and nitrogen utilization using materials Longqing rice No.2. The experiment had two water management patterns (intermittent irrigation and flood irrigation), each pattern had four nitrogen levels(0, 75, 105, 135 kg/hm2).[Results] Rice yield, amount of accumulated nitrogen of aerial part and nitrogen use efficiency of rice were obviously affected by water management pattern and nitrogen supply level. Under intermittent irrigation pattern, indices of effective panicles per unit area, grain yield, biological yield and grain nitrogen accumulation amount were all improved when nitrogen level increased. All these indicators performed best in nitrogen level of 105 kg/hm2. Nitrogen use efficiency was obviously affected by water and nitrogen interaction. The rice nitrogen utilization efficiency ranged from 21.4% to 59.1%. The nitrogen physiological utilization efficiency, nitrogen agronomic efficiency and nitrogen partial productivity were all decreased with the increase of nitrogen application. When nitrogen application level was 75 kg/hm2, the above three indicators of nitrogen uptake were higher than those of other treatment. Correlation analysis showed that the factors of water and fertilizer were the most important influence factors of nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen uptake efficiency.[Conclusion] Considering the contradiction between rice yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency, we should pay more attention to the pattern of intermittent irrigation plus appropriate nitrogen application.

    • Effects of Microbial Fertilizer on Microorganism and Soil Enzyme Activity in Coal Mine Dump of Typical Steppe

      2017, 37(3):81-85. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.014

      Abstract (1199) HTML (0) PDF 677.78 K (1368) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To explore the effects of microbial fertilizers on soil microorganism numbers and soil enzyme activities, and provide theoretical basis for improving soil environment on coal mine dump of typical steppe.[Methods] With a randomized complete block design on coal mine dump of typical steppe, two application methods and three fertilizing amounts of microbial fertilizer were set. Numbers of cultured bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes colonies were measured. Soil enzyme activity changes of urease, invertase, alkaline phosphatase and catalase were analyzed.[Results] Beneficial micro floras in soil increased to large number with the addition of microbial fertilizer. Numbers of cultured bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes colonies were all significantly higher than those of CK(p<0.05). Soil enzyme activities were improved with the application of microbial fertilizer. Soil enzyme activities of urease, invertase, alkaline phosphatase and catalase increased by 29%, 92.6%, 25.7% and 75.7%, respectively, as compared to no microbial fertilizer. There was certain correlation between numbers of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes colonies and soil enzyme activities. Numbers of cultured bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes colonies were higher than those of other combination and soil enzyme activities were enhanced under ditching and fertilizing with larger application amount.[Conclusion] The study proved that addition of microbial fertilizer increased microorganism and soil enzyme activities significantly on coal mine dump of typical steppe, meanwhile it also improved the undisturbed soil environment and increased soil fertility.

    • Spatio-temporal Variations Characteristics of Rainfall Erosivity During 1961-2010 in Yihe Basin

      2017, 37(3):86-92. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.015

      Abstract (1166) HTML (0) PDF 1.14 M (1501) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] Analyzing the spatio-temporal variations of rainfall and rainfall erosivity of the Yihe Basin, to provide some references for soil and water loss control and land use planning.[Methods] A monthly rainfall erosivity model was adopted to calculate the rainfall erosivity by using daily precipitation data that were collected from 12 weather stations of Yihe Basin and its surrounding regions during 1961-2010. The spatio-temporal variations of rainfall and rainfall erosivity were analyzed by Mann-Kendall nonparametric tests and disjunctive Kriging space interpolation method.[Results] The spatial distributions of rainfall and rainfall erosivity in Yihe Basin showed a decreasing trends from the southwest part to the north part. The yearly averaged rainfall and rainfall erosivity were 789.41 mm and 2 626.09(MJ·mm)/(hm2·h·a). Both of them were observed changed abruptly in 1965. The monthly rainfall and rainfall erosivity in Yihe Basin were mainly distributed in summer(June to August), accounting for 63.02% and 71.22% of the corresponding annual values respectively, and their maximum value were all found in July. The decrease proportion of rainfall in Autumn contributed mostly to the yearly decreasing trend of rainfall. The rainfall erosivity in summer had the greatest contribution.[Conclusion] The spatial distribution of rainfall and rainfall erosivity was similar in Yihe Basin. The monthly rainfall was different from the monthly rainfall erosivity.

    • Relationship Between Distributions of Erosion Gully and Environmental Factors in Jilin Province

      2017, 37(3):93-96,101. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.016

      Abstract (1010) HTML (0) PDF 773.54 K (1272) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The distribution characteristics of erosion gully in Jilin Province and the environmental factors that are relevant with the spatial distribution were explored to provide theoretical bases for gully evolution and its harness.[Methods] Using methods of remote sensing and field investigation, gullies in 23 small watersheds distributed in six districts of Jilin Province were analyzed by GIS, mainly referred to the indices of the gully density and gully crack degree. Whereby, their relationships with environmental factors were studied.[Results] (1) The gully density in the six districts had a size rank as:Dunhua(16.30 km/km2) > Liaoyuan(6.51 km/km2) > Meihe(5.55 km/km2) > Yitong(4.67 km/km2) > Jiutai(3.54 km/km2) > Qianguo(2.21 km/km2). (2) Gully crack degree had different regional associations with slope steepness:in Dunhua district, with the increase of slope steepness, the gully crack degree was stable initially and then drastically reduced; In Qianguo District, it kept an increasing tendency. In districts of Liaoyuan, Meihe, Yitong and Jiutai, variation characterized with preceding increase and later decline was more normal. The maximum of gully crack degree was found at slopes of 6°~9° in Liaoyuan district, at slopes of 3°~6° in other three districts. (3) About 81% of the investigated gullies, its density was found closely dependent upon slope steepness, their correlation coefficient was 0.734. (4) In Jiutai District, the gully shape was found associated with the gully density,the gully density exhibited an increasing tendency with slope steepness increasing. (5) Evolution of gully with respect to the density obey a quadratic function with catchment area as independent variable, in all the six districts, the point of inflection was at 29.39 hm2 of catchment area.[Conclusion] The gully densities increased from the west to the east and from the north to the south of Jilin Province. The dependence of gully crack degree upon slope steepness varied in different districts. No significant correlations between gully density and indices as gully length, gully width, and other gully indicators were found.

    • Slope Stability Evaluation of Southern Section of Zigui Syncline Core Under Rainfall Infiltration

      2017, 37(3):97-101. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.017

      Abstract (977) HTML (0) PDF 729.69 K (1342) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The main stream of synclinal basin core in Zigui County of Hubei Province was selected as an case study area, and the slope stability evaluation under transient rainfall infiltration was carried out to provided scientific support for disaster prevention and mitigation projects of government departments, and to provide scientific basis for landslide hazard prediction and management.[Methods] Based on TRIGRS infinite slope stability calculation model coupled with groundwater dynamics, the data processing procedure and parameter selection methods of the slope stability evaluation tool was introduced in detail.[Results] Slope instability mainly located in the region with loose soil having medium thick or thicker layer, and medium slope, especially in the region having soil thickness of 7 to 10 m, and terrain slope ranged 20° to 30°, where were high incidence areas of slope instability.[Conclusion] Under the synergic effects of soil layer thickness and topography, short-duration but heavy rainfall can lead to the increase of pore-water pressure, where slope sliding happen easily, which was determined as landslide high risk area. The slope stability evaluation results were in good agreement with the actual distribution of landslides, and it can reflect the spatial distribution of rainfall-induced landslides to some extent.

    • Variations of Carbon, Nitrogen and pH Value in Rhizosphere and Non Rhizosphere Soil in Rare Earth Mining Area in Southern China

      2017, 37(3):102-106,112. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.018

      Abstract (1003) HTML (0) PDF 982.15 K (1202) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To reveal the variations of nutrients in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil in rare earth mining area in Southern China, and to provide scientific basis and data support for local ecological restoration and soil and water conservation in erosive area.[Methods] Sample survey of rare mine in Changting County of Fujian Province was conducted and soil samples were assayed indoor to obtain carbon and nitrogen contents, pH values of two main soil and water conservation plants (Dicranopteris dichotoma and Liquidambar formosana) in three mines with different rehabilitation ages, and their values in the rhizosphere and the non-rhizosphere were compared among the three mines.[Results] (1) With the prolongation of mine harness, nutrients in D. dichotoma rhizosphere soil exhibited different changes:the contents of organic carbon and total nitrogen both increased, nitrate nitrogen content gradually reduced, pH value increased first and then decreased, ammonium nitrogen had no obvious change. In Liquidambar rhizosphere, the nitrate nitrogen content decreased, organic carbon, total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, pH value had no significant differences. (2) With the prolongation of harness, items of organic carbon, total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen in D. dichotoma non-rhizosphere soil all had no significant difference; pH value increased first and then decreased. In L. formosana non rhizosphere soil, no significant differences of organic carbon, total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, pH value among the three mines were observed. (3) The organic carbon content of D. dichotoma rhizosphere soil was significantly higher than that of non-rhizosphere soil. The contents of total nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and pH value all had no significant differences; the soil nutrient content had no significant difference between L. formosana rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere.[Conclusions] Vegetation can improve soil, but the soil fertility restoration is a long-term process.

    • >Comprehensive Research
    • A Study on Construction Level of Rural Ecological Civilization in Jiangsu Province Based on Grey Correlation Model

      2017, 37(3):107-112. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.019

      Abstract (1017) HTML (0) PDF 876.68 K (1196) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] This paper aimed to diagnosis the level of rural ecological civilization construction, to provide some references for policy making.[Methods] An evaluation index system for rural ecological civilization construction level was constructed based on pressure-state-response(PSR) model, and an empirical analysis was conducted in Jiangsu Province using grey correlation model.[Results] The level of rural ecological civilization construction had regional differences in Jiangsu Province, and the highest of it was found in Suzhou City. Crucial constraints on the improvement of rural ecological civilization construction level include the Engel coefficient of rural residents, the public expenditure on energy conservation and environmental protection, the proportion of administrative villages in the treatment of domestic sewage, the pesticide load per unit of cultivated land, and the number of beds per ten thousand population of health institutions.[Conclusion] These methods are suitable in the diagnosis on the rural ecological civilization construction level because the evaluation index system based on the PSR model can accurately reflect the relationship among various elements of the rural ecological civilization. Furthermore, the grey correlation model can discover more specific problems existing in the rural ecological civilization construction.

    • Livelihood Capital and Livelihood Strategies of Residents in Nature Reserve

      2017, 37(3):113-118,124. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.020

      Abstract (1141) HTML (0) PDF 986.37 K (1099) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The livelihood capital and livelihood strategies of residents in nature reserve were researched to help the residents in nature reserve to choose livelihood strategy according to characteristic of its livelihood capital.[Methods] Three representative villages with regard to their geographic location and natural environment in rural areas were selected and the socioeconomic data were collected. The expanded sustainable livelihood framework was used for accounting livelihood capital of these 3 villages.[Results] According to the amount and structure of livelihood capital, we found that, in Zhongsha Village, though the natural capital was relatively good, the livelihood capital was the minimum. On the contrary, the livelihood capital was higher in Xijing and Liziba Village where the natural capitals were relatively weak. The proportions of material capital and financial capital in Liziba Village were comparatively higher, indicating that the two items have more important role for total livelihood capital.[Conclusion] The natural capital was unimportant for local residents' livelihood capital. At the same time, the role of information capital acting on the growth and accumulation of total amount of livelihood capital of residents in nature reserves is becoming more and more obvious.

    • Analysis on Ecological Benefits of Sponge Community in Northern Cities

      2017, 37(3):119-124. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.021

      Abstract (1377) HTML (0) PDF 798.42 K (1220) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To provide technical reference for the construction of sponge community in northern city, the paper analyzed the effects of economic and ecological benefits from sponge community construction.[Methods] A residential district was studied to support the sponge community construction in Tongzhou District of Beijing. To examine the benefits of rainwater storage facilities, the paper analyzed the consequent effects of several measures in the case of sponge community construction, e.g., increasing green roof, concaving green land and constructing rainwater storage tank. The effects, mainly referring to the amounts of excluding rainwater, saving water, groundwater recharge, reducing social loss for eliminating pollution, saving electricity, and the amounts of carbon fixation and oxygen release were compared to the ones of no measures taken.[Results] The total benefit of the increasing amount of per unit area was 38 566 yuan/(hm2·a) after adding rainwater storage facilities. The amount of saving water was 208 m3/(hm2·a). The amount of saving electricity was 145 (kW·h)/(hm2·a). The increasing amount of groundwater recharge was 281 m3/(hm2·a). The increasing amount of carbon fixation was 0.02 t/(hm2·a). The increasing amount of oxygen release was 0.01 m3/(hm2·a).[Conclusion] It is worth promoting and advocating to add the rainwater storage facilities for its obvious economic and ecological benefits in terms of water saving, electricity saving and sewage interception.

    • Relationship Between Cultivated Land Area and Different Industry Development in Hubei Province

      2017, 37(3):125-130. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.022

      Abstract (1118) HTML (0) PDF 826.22 K (1098) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To study the relationship between the change of cultivated land and the developments of different industry and provide some references for reasonable use and protection of cultivated land resources, and for promoting regional social and economic sustainable development in Hubei Province.[Methods] Based on the collected data of cultivated land area, primary industry output, secondary industry output and tertiary industry output during 1991 to 2014 in Hubei Province, this paper tested whether there is a long-term stable equilibrium relationship among the above variables using the methods of unit root and co-integration. And by the methods of impulse response function and variance decomposition, this paper further analyzed the relationship between cultivated land area and different industry outputs respectively.[Results] There existed equilibrium relationship between the cultivated land area and each kind of the industry output in the long term in Hubei Province. The impulse response function can be used to analyze the relationship of these variables. The primary industry and the tertiary industry outputs were advantageous to the protection of cultivated land, but with only small contributions to it. The development of secondary industry needs a large consumption of cultivated land resource but in a long run, this kind of pressure can be eased with the gradual adjustment of its structure. According to the result of variance decomposition, the contributions of cultivated land area to the developments of all industry are low, while the secondary industry has an obvious promoting effect on the primary and tertiary industry, meaning that the cultivated land consumed was underused.[Conclusion] Hubei Province needs to promote sustainable development of social economy, to deal well with the relationship between the cultivated land protection and economic development. Issues of improving the efficiencies of land use and economy, modifying industrial structure, and forming a virtuous circle are in urgent need.

    • Land Use Change and Its Ecology Effects in Coastal Region of Jiangsu Province

      2017, 37(3):131-139. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.023

      Abstract (964) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (1373) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The changes of land use types and spatial distribution in coastal area of Jiangsu Province were demonstrated and the subsequent ecological effects were discussed to provide theoretical supports for land use planning.[Methods] Based on the land use data of the coastal region of Jiangsu Province in 1990, 2000 and 2010, supported by GIS technology, dynamic degree of land use, comprehensive degree index, the gravity center and the value of ecological service, etc, were calculated using ecological service value calculation model of Costanza.[Results] Areas of arable land, forestland and grassland were all reduced, while water area, urban-rural construction land and unused land area increased in researched region during 1990 to 2010. The expansion of urban-rural construction land occupied arable land, and the supplement of arable land was mainly about the exploitation of grassland. The grassland, unused land and urban-rural construction land were highly changed in terms of their spatial position. Due to the reductions of farmland, forestland and grassland, ecosystem services value in the study area was reduced. And ecological benefits from the increase of water area made up for the loss caused by area reductions of the above land use types.[Conclusion] During 1990 to 2010, the ecological service value increased by 2.434 billion yuan in the study area. But ecological benefited area was small, mainly distributes in the eastern coastal zone of Yancheng. Ecological damaged areas distribute widely, and the area has a tendency to expand. It is necessary to take land use planning and other measures to comprehensively control land use change.

    • Increase-Decrease Linked Benefit of Urban and Rural Construction Land Dominated by Government

      2017, 37(3):140-145,151. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.024

      Abstract (1018) HTML (0) PDF 808.49 K (1145) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To analyze the characteristics of benefit from projects of "Linking the Increase in Land Used for Urban Construction with the Decrease in Land Used for Rural Construction" in the government-led mode, in order to provide a basis for project consummation.[Methods] Based on the research data of 3 projects in Hubei Province, from 3 aspects of the economic, social and ecological benefits, this paper selected 15 indicators to build the evaluation system. Analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehension evaluation model were used to measure the economic, social, ecological benefits and the membership of comprehensive benefits before and after the project implementation.[Results] In the government-led model, the memberships of comprehensive benefits of 3 projects were 21.56%, 19.13%, and 21.94%, which illustrated the growth rate was at normal but stable level. The growth of social benefit was biggest, the economic benefit followed, while the ecological benefit declined slightly.[Conclusion] Relevant policies should be perfected, the government's management on the macroscopic supervision and the control of the key links in project should be strengthened, and the market mechanism should be introduced to make up for the funds gap and resolve the inefficiency under the government pattern.

    • Characteristics of Indirect Carbon Emissions and Influence Factors of Residents' Living Expenditure in Jilin Province

      2017, 37(3):146-151. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.025

      Abstract (1106) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (1273) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The energy consumption and carbon emissions in Jilin Province from residents' expenditure were estimated and their influence factors were analyzed, to provide government decision for guiding local resident to take low carbon consumption and for improving the regional environment.[Methods] Taking Jilin Province as an example, we calculated the energy consumption and carbon emissions generated by various types of consumer activities in 2004-2003. Based on the STIRPAT model, a multivariate linear model fitted by a ridge regression to examine the relationship between carbon emissions and a list of human activity indices was built.[Results] (1) The consumptions of living, education and entertainment, and food were the main aspects of indirect energy consumption and the carbon emission. (2) It was found that every 1% increases of carbon emission intensity, per capita consumption, population and urbanization rate, would result to 0.831%, 0.309%, 0.184% and 0.055% increases of carbon emission caused by residents' living consumption in Jilin Province. The intensity of carbon emissions had the greatest impact on the carbon consumption of indirect energy consumption in Jilin Province.[Conclusion] The primary measures for reduction of carbon emissions are enhancing energy utilization efficiency and developing new energy.

    • Spatial and Temporal Evolution Pattern of Economic Strength and Environmental Carrying Capacity in Shaanxi Province

      2017, 37(3):152-158,166. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.026

      Abstract (1095) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (1171) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The objective of the study was to analyze the degree of coordination between economic strength and environmental bearing capacity of 10 cities in Shaanxi Province, and to provide certain theoretical reference for city economic development in the future.[Methods] Using entropy value method, index systems of economic strength and environmental bearing capacity were built. And the coupling coordination degree model between economy and environment was also used to study the evolution trend of coordination degree. Tools of ArcGIS were applied to discuss the spatial pattern of them.[Results] (1) The development trends of economic development and environmental bearing capacity of 10 cities in Shaanxi Province were stable inclined. The levels of the 10 cities environmental bearing capacity were all at fluctuated high level and had no obvious gap. (2) The coupling coordination degree from 2005 to 2014 had the same slow rising trend. The space combination of coupling coordination degree was different. The coupling degree of economic development and environmental carrying capacity of the cities in northern and central Shaanxi Province was relatively high, while that of the southern part was low.[Conclusion] The 10 cities' economic strength and the coordination degree of environment capacity were significantly different on the whole. The development of provincial capital city of Xi'an in Guanzhong Region was fast, the development of Northern Shaanxi Province followed, while cities of Ankang and Shangluo Region developed comparative slowly.

    • Effect of Different Interest Groups' Cognitive Behavior on Rural Residential Renovation

      2017, 37(3):159-166. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.027

      Abstract (873) HTML (0) PDF 1.36 M (1105) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The purpose of this paper is to explore the concerns of cognitive behavior and logical structure relationship of different interest groups in rural residential concentration for providing the theoretical basis for coordinating the benefits of different groups in the process of new urbanization.[Methods] Method of game theory and HITS algorithm of link structure analysis were employed to analyze the cognitive logic links of different interest groups in rural residents' remediation.[Results] (1) For expert group, problem of village in city was their authority keyword and the rural residential concentration was the hub keyword. (2) For government group, urbanization was their authority keyword and the participation of farmers was the hub keyword. (3) For public group, homestead dispute was the authority keyword and the rural homestead management method was the hub keyword.[Conclusion] The mutual influences of different groups are generated by presenting their views on rural residential concentration. Meanwhile, the cognition of each group on rural residential concentration issues is not consistent. And the inconsistency could promote deeper interaction of different groups. Therefore, on one hand, the government should increase the public policy awareness and use the internet to guide public opinion effectively. On another hand, the farmers' full participation mechanism of rural residential concentration should be established and be improved to protect the interests of farmers and ease the conflict between the government and the public.

    • Change Characteristics and Driving Factors of Food Production and Cropland Pressure in Anhui Province During 1995-2013

      2017, 37(3):167-173,187. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.028

      Abstract (1255) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (1479) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] Dynamic changes and driving factors of between food security and cropland pressure of Anhui Province were explored to provide a decision-making reference for management in making food security policy.[Methods] The cropland pressure index model, C-D production model and the partial least squares regression method were used for comprehensive analysis on dynamic characteristics and the driving factors of food production and cropland pressure in Anhui Province from 1995 to 2013.[Results] (1) The contradiction was prominent between population growth and the reduction of cropland area. The population increased from 60 million in 1995 to 69.29 million in 2013, showing a linear growth trend; while cropland area reduced from 4.29×106 hm2 in 1995 to 4.19×106 hm2 in 2013, showing a downward trend. (2) Mean pressure index and bearing capacity index were 0.345 and 0.747 respectively. The cropland resource endowment was still in a surplus state, and Anhui Province was the national commodity grain surplus region with an average surplus rate of 25.32%. (3) Grain crop sowing area and agricultural investment in fixed assets had positive impacts on food production with marginal elasticity coefficient 0.001 458 and 0.116 508 respectively. Effective irrigation area, total power of agricultural machinery, fertilizer use, pesticide use and rural electricity consumption had weak negative impacts.[Conclusion] The enhancement of financial support, the acceleration of agricultural modernization process and the increase of contribution rate of science and technology to food production are important ways to safeguard the sustainable development of food production in Anhui Province.

    • Suitability Regionalization for Exploitation of Urban Constructive Land Based on Ecological Constraints and Development Potential

      2017, 37(3):174-181,187. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.029

      Abstract (1236) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (1741) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To determine the suitability types of urban construction land development from the perspective of ecology and economy, and provide reference for the spatial distribution of land use in Sheyang County of Jiangsu Province.[Methods] According to the minimum cumulative resistance value, the regional ecological constraint intensity of Sheyang County was analyzed and the intensity grade was defined. Through the uses of multiple factors and multi-factor comprehensive discriminant model, an evaluation model was constructed from the perspective of development intensity and spatial distance, and the regional development potential grade was ranked. Finally, on the basis of ecological constraint level and development potential level, the suitability zone of the whole urban construction land development was divided into different types.[Results] (1) The areas with high ecological constraints were largely different from those with low ecological constraints, where ecological protection was the main factor. From the point of view of spatial distribution, different levels of intensity and ecological binding showed a ladder-like distribution, from the inside to the outside of the research area, and the intensity gradually leveled up. (2) The comparison results of development potential and ecological constraint classification showed that the contradiction of development potential was prominent. The demand for economy was vigorous, and the situation of ecological protection land was pressing. (3) Suitable protection area, relatively suitable protection area, relatively construction area, suitable construction area, covered 11.04%, 24.78%, 34.59%, 29.59% of the total research area respectively.[Conclusion] The development suitability zone has an alternative structure and characterized by "urban area as core and rural area as periphery". Meanwhile, suitable construction areas are gathered in and around the Hede Township and gradually reduced on the periphery.

    • Present Situation, Causes and Control Measures of Aeolian Sand Disaster in Photovoltaic Power Generation Base in Gonghe Basin, Qinghai Province

      2017, 37(3):182-187. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.030

      Abstract (1296) HTML (0) PDF 1.12 M (1762) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To reveal the current situation of aeolian hazards in the photovoltaic industrial park of Gonghe Basin, Qinghai Province, and to analyze the causes and thus to put forward specific control mea-sures.[Methods] Dune migration rate and the current situation of aeolian hazards such as sand accumulation amount were measured by Leica total station, and meteorological data were used to analyze the characteristics of regional aeolian environment.[Results] Dune migration and sand accumulation between solar panels were two main patterns of aeolian sand disaster in the study area where dunes were mainly composed of barchans. Sand dunes moved in a rate of 12.56 m/a in the study area. In a photovoltaic garden(99 hm2 in area) suffering from severe aeolian sand disaster, the accumulated sand between solar panels could reach 3 090 m3 during February to April of 2016. The study area belongs to the medium level of aeolian environment with two main prevail sand-driving wind directions of west and north west, which accounted for 92.1% of the annual drift potential.[Conclusion] The strong wind energy, the features of windy and dry weather presenting in the same period and the strong desertification result in the serious aeolian sand disaster in the study area. Hence, a comprehensive sand-control system should be quickly established to combat the aeolian sand disaster.

    • Change Characteristics of Wind Speed and Sunshine Duration in Bosten Lake Basin of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region During 1961-2013

      2017, 37(3):188-194,199. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.031

      Abstract (1171) HTML (0) PDF 1.74 M (1505) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The change characteristics of wind speed and sunshine duration in Bosten Lake Basin of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region were illustrated to provide scientific evidences for the industrial and agricultural production, ecological environment construction of this river basin.[Methods] Using conventional statistics, Mann-Kendall mutation analysis and wavelet analysis methods, we analyzed the average diurnal variations of wind speed and sunshine duration of the Bosten Lake Basin, based on 4 weather stations data recorded from 1961 to 2013.[Results] In the past 53 years, the average wind speed obviously decreased in Bosten Lake Basin, with an average decrease rate approximately 0.092[(m·s)/10 a]. In spring, summer and autumn, the variation amplitudes of the plain surrounding the lake and the basin area were greater than that of the north part and the northwest mountain area. However, in winter, the spatial variation was opposite. The average diurnal variation of sunshine duration also showed distinct decrease, with a rate of approximate 59.11 h/10 a. The decrease trend got the peak in the years of 1985 to 1986. The spatial change in the north subarea was big, and small in the south part.[Conclusion] Wind speed and sunshine duration correlated in the study area well.

    • Structural Characteristics of Near Surface Wind Blown Sand in Central Tarim Basin

      2017, 37(3):195-199. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.032

      Abstract (1108) HTML (0) PDF 697.61 K (1152) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To analyze the structure of wind blown sand at a specific height, in order to clarify the disciplinarian of wind blown sand, and provide the theoretical basis for preventing and controlling desertification in central Tarim Basin.[Methods] Omni-directional microinverse sand trap and anemometer were used to collect sand transport sample of wind blown sand from July to August in 2014 and wind-sand transport rate, wind speed in the near surface layer (0-85 mm) were analyzed.[Results] The most fitting relationship between sand transport rate and wind speed was power function, the correlation coefficient was 0.9687. Along with the increase of wind speed, sand transport rate mainly concentrate on 0-35 mm layer,meanwhile, it showed ascending trend in 0-5 mm and 15-35 mm layers, and descending trend in 5-15 mm and 35-85 mm layers.[Conclusion] Wind blown sand movement is the process of sand sediment transport in the near surface layer, and sand sediment discharge more and more concentrated on the range from 0 mm to 35 mm with the increase of wind speed. Thus, it requires taking various measures to change the state of near earth surface wind blown sand structure and meanwhile which can effectively weaken the strength of the sandstorm activities.

    • A Review of Revegetation Patterns of Photovoltaic Plant in Northwest China

      2017, 37(3):200-203. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.033

      Abstract (1445) HTML (0) PDF 628.79 K (1344) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] We attempt to review the progress of vegetation restoration patterns in photovoltaic(PV) plant, in order to present a new water-saving model to restore the damaged ground vegetation rapidly in large desert PV plant, and to provide scientific theoretical basis for the comprehensive utilization of PV power station in Northwest China.[Methods] Recent relevant literatures about vegetation restoration patterns in PV plant were extensively reviewed and analyzed, the characteristics of present revegetation patterns in PV plant were reviewed and forecasted, and flaws in the existing studies and several key points in future studies were listed.[Results] Presently the study on vegetation restoration pattern in PV plant was still in its initial stage, without fully consideration of the reasonable and efficient utilization for water resource and the uniqueness of PV plant.[Conclusion] Studies should be focused on the redistribution of water-light-heat resources in the PV plant in Northwest China. And several issues as multi-disciplinary integration, real-time monitoring of ecosystem in desert PV plant, and formulation of evaluation criteria with regard to environment assessment impacted by PV plant, should also be enhanced.

    • Spatial Variation and Fertility Suitability of Vegetable Field in Xi'an City

      2017, 37(3):204-209. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.034

      Abstract (1197) HTML (0) PDF 857.42 K (1165) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To evaluate the spatial variation and fertility suitability of vegetable field in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, in order to provide a basis for making decision of soil cultivation and agricultural production in relevant departments.[Methods] Six indexes that are closely related to vegetable growth including soil pH value, electrical conductivity, organic matter, alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium, were measured. Their spatial variability was analyzed using semi-variation function. And the soil fertility suitability was determined using fuzzy mathematics method. The soil fertility suitability was graded by equal spacing method after Kriging interpolation was conducted, and finally it was evaluated comprehensively.[Results] The semi-variogram could fit the spatial variability of soil in the vegetable field. The spatial distributions of the conductivity and alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen were mainly affected by the fertilization, and the soil pH value and other nutrient were affected by both anthropogenic and natural factors.[Conclusion] The soil fertility suitability of vegetable field in Xi'an City was at middle level, and the main limiting factors of vegetable growth were soil organic matter and alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen content. There are some areas where the soil fertility of vegetable field should be improved. These areas are the south-eastern of the Lintong District, the northern of the Huyi District and the Zhouzhi County, the northern part next to Chang'an District and the Huyi District. To the vegetable farmer, measures that can improve the contents of soil organic matter and nitrogen should be taken.

    • Research on NDVI Spatial Variation of Cities and Region in Temperate Zone of China Based on Dryness and Humidity Regularity

      2017, 37(3):210-215,221. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.035

      Abstract (1082) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (1508) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To explore zonal regularity of ecological differences among different cities and regions in temperate zone of China and to discover the significance exerted on the development of urban green construction.[Methods] By employing the 250 m resolution data offered by NDVI MODIS remote sensing image and with the aid of the maximum synthesis method and Gauss's function fitting method, the study intended to explore zonal regularity of urban areas and regional ecological differences in temperate regions of China in terms of vegetation normalization index(NDVI), which covered Linyi, Xuchang, Baiyin, Turpan and Karamay 5 typical cities in China from east to west.[Results] Viewed from the humid region transition to the hyper-arid region, the change of urban and regional NDVI index presented a "U" type to wave type to "inverted U" changes regulations from center city to the <10 km edge and. However, because these cities rely on oasis in the arid area and hyper-arid region, NDVI index can be expressed as "M" type. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that NDVI index presented a convergence trend in different regions of the city, whereas, it can be effectively improved the city NDVI index by strengthening urban ecological construction artificially.[Conclusion] When NDVI index of a city is the "U" type,the urban green arrangement should be arranged with dot and line as the main part. When NDVI index of a city is the "inverted U" type,the city green arrangement should be arranged with several rings as the main part.

    • Soil Organic Carbon Content and Carbon Mineralization Characteristics Under Different Land Use Types in Northern Tarim Basin

      2017, 37(3):216-221. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.036

      Abstract (1045) HTML (0) PDF 947.33 K (1257) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] Illustrating the effects of land use change on soil organic carbon(SOC) content and SOC mineralization, to provide theoretical basis for soil ecosystem preservation and restoration of oasis in the northern marginal zones of the Tarim Basin.[Methods] Based on field sampling and laboratory incubation experiment, the basic characteristics of SOC content were analyzed. Regression analysis was used to investigate the dynamic change process of SOC mineralization.[Results] The accumulative amounts of SOC mineralization of different land use types ranked as:orchard > cotton > artificial forest > abandoned farmland > barren grassland > saline-alkali land > sandy soil. The chronical trends of SOC mineralization of different land use types were almost the same during the cultivation period. The daily SOC mineralization rate involved two stages of fast(1 to 6 d) and slow (6 to 28 d) decomposition. The former stage had shorter duration and more daily decomposition quantity; while the latter was opposite. Organic carbon mineralization rates tended to decrease in the order:sandy soil > barren grassland > saline-alkali land > abandoned farmland > artificial forest > cotton > orchard. The rates of organic carbon mineralization were the highest in sandy soils, about (10.36±0.24)%. It indicated that sandy soil had the lowest stability of the soil organic carbon, while carbon sequestration ability of orchard was higher as compared to those of other land use types.[Conclusion] Both of SOC mineralization and carbon sequestration ability could be obviously influenced by different land use types.

    • >Water Conservation Monitoring and Application Technology
    • Layered Settlement Monitoring and Deep Soaking Test of Loess High Fill in Gully Region

      2017, 37(3):222-226. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.037

      Abstract (1102) HTML (0) PDF 900.06 K (1254) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The deformation state of the laess-filled body after filling in the Loess Plateau was studied to provide basis for relevant research.[Methods] Three deep monitoring points in high embankment was laid after loess high fill construction, the layered settlement, soil pressure and volumetric water content of the soil were monitored consecutively about 12 months.[Results] After 12 months of construction, a compression deformation occurred in the junction of the filling and the transfer of the original foundation. Underground of 18 to 27 meters below gully center and the original steep slope occurred obvious tensile deformation. Under the influence of primitive gully terrain, the performance of internal filling body appeared obvious soil arching effect. Under 18 m below ground, the soil pressure difference was obvious, and the influence of the filling body in original gully terrain is not conducive to the weight of the filling body of the central parts.[Conclusion] There is an area sensitive to water after filling in the Loess Plateau, when the underground water level rise, the partial wetting deformation may cause the engineering soil hole and cause the ground collapse.

    • Research on Early Warning of Shallow Landslide Based on Soil Erosion Model

      2017, 37(3):227-230,236. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.038

      Abstract (1037) HTML (0) PDF 709.17 K (1136) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] Using the soil erosion model in early warning of shallow landslide, to provide a new reference for landslide early warning work in mountain area.[Methods] A typical area covering 440 km2 in Ziyang County of Shaanxi Province was taken as research area, where the historical landslide data, meteorological data and satellite data were collected. Universal soil loss equation(USLE) combined with GIS was used to determinate the critical soil erosion intensity. Upon which, the early warning rainfall amount was derived based on the relationship between rainfall erosivity and rainfall amount.[Results] A significant correlation between soil erosion and the landslide was found. The critical soil erosion in the research area ranked 69.6, 136.7, 179.4 t/km2 respectively.[Conclusion] Compared to the traditional way that only the statistical relationship between landslide and rainfall is considered, the method which based on the USLE is easily applied and has a high practical value.

    • Advantage Infiltration Depth of Rainfall in Loess Area

      2017, 37(3):231-236. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.039

      Abstract (1417) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (1461) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The depth of rainfall infiltration in loess region was analyzed in order to provide the basis for studying the mechanism of loess landslide.[Methods] The variations of soil water content at different depths were monitored by field observation, and the numerical simulation of rainfall infiltration process was carried out based on the particle discrete element method.[Results] The monitoring results showed that the depth of rainfall infiltration in loess area was less than 1.5 m. Numerical calculation found that the dominant channel infiltration depth is related to the geometry of the cracks, the deeper or the wider of the cracks, the deeper and wider of the rainfall infiltration. Besides, the cracks had different geometry characteristics in the process of rainfall infiltration.[Conclusion] The rainfall infiltration in loess can be divided into 2 types:unsaturated infiltration and dominant channel infiltration. The depth of unsaturated infiltration is limited, but the penetration depth of the dominant channel is comparatively larger that can potentially induce large-scale landslide disaster.

    • Sensitivity Assessment and Spatial Distribution of Soil Erosion in Longmen Mountains Region

      2017, 37(3):237-241. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.040

      Abstract (1342) HTML (0) PDF 938.84 K (1148) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The regional priority with regard to soil and water loss and ecological restoration was explored to provide some major decision-making bases for ecological environment management and social and economic development in Longmen Mountains area.[Methods] Based on the powerful spatial analysis function of GIS, the spatial values of soil erosive sensitivity in Longmen Mountains area were identified and calculated in consideration of all comprehensive influence factors of soil and water loss, as precipitation, soil erosion, topography relief and vegetation cover, etc. According to the classification method of natural breakpoint of ArcGIS, areas in term of sensitivity degree of soil erosion were designated as following:insensitive area, sensitive area, low sensitive area, moderate sensitive area and extreme sensitive area.[Results] The highest sensitivity areas were mainly distributed in the eastern piedmont hills and alluvial plains, accounting for 34.12% of the total area. Moderate sensitivity areas were mainly distributed in the central hilly areas, accounting for 28.30% of the total area. Low sensitivity zone were mainly distributed in the western mountains, accounting for 13.65% of the total area. The covered areas by different sensitivity degree were largely overlapped spatial distribution of human activity frequency.[Conclusion] The sensitivity of soil and water loss in the study area had obvious regional differentiation with regard to the erosive sensitivity. It is the frequent human activity that cause strong disturbance to natural ecosystem and cause subsequent strong sensitivity to soil erosion.

    • Effects of Farmers' Behaviors on Soil Erosion in Northern Mountainous Area of Guangdong Province Based on PSR Model

      2017, 37(3):242-248. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.041

      Abstract (1100) HTML (0) PDF 891.80 K (1287) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The effects of farmers' behaviors on soil erosion were researched to provide basis for protecting and improving the ecological environment of mountainous area of Northern Guangdong Province, and for realizing precisive poverty alleviation and regional sustainable development.[Methods] This paper focused on farmers' behaviors who confronted with poverty situation lived in the northern mountainous area of Guangdong Province. Method of participatory rural appraisal(PRA) was adopted to carry out survey. Pressure-status-response(PSR) model was established to study the effects of farmers' behaviors on soil erosion evaluation index system. From the perspective of farmers' behaviors, analytic hierarchy process was used to determine the weight of each index.[Results] (1) Owing to the decrease of firewood dependence and slope land cultivation, the stress effect of farmers' behaviors on soil erosion were descended from 2012 to 2016. (2) Although the state value of farmers' behavioral effects on soil erosion was declined, the state value of farmers' participation in soil and water conservation was increased, these two sub-items led to the increase of total state value. (3) Both of farmers' and government's response value to soil erosion control were gradually increased. (4) In terms of all the PSR values, influence effects of farmers' behaviors on soil erosion were slightly decreased, whereby local ecological environment had getting better.[Conclusion] The farmers' influence with respect to pressure values on local soil and water conservation was decreasing, while the state value was increasing. The farmers'influence value on the soil and water conservation experienced slight decreasing ultimately, and the farmers' influence on soil and water conservation was reducing.

    • Path Analysis of Soil Wind Erosion Influence Factors to Cultivated Land in Yellow River Flooded Wind Sand Area

      2017, 37(3):249-253. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.042

      Abstract (969) HTML (0) PDF 591.53 K (1581) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The main influence factors of wind erosion amount and their interaction on cultivated land in flooding area of Yellow River were studied to provide preferences for wind erosion prevention and cultivation measure improvement.[Methods] Through field observation and the collection of wind erosion data, we conducted a path analysis for the main impact factors of wind erosion to cultivated land.[Results] The wind speed cumulative time, crop coverage, and roughness were the main factors affecting the wind erosion of cultivated land. According to the direct path coefficients, the rank of influence factors was wind speed cumulative time > roughness > crop coverage. Referring to the indirect path coefficients, the rank of the indirect influence factors was roughness > crop coverage > wind speed cumulative time. The rank of wind erosion decision coefficient were dw·w(determination coefficient of wind speed cumulative time and wind speed cumulative time)>dw·c(determination coefficient of wind speed cumulative time and crop coverage)>dw·r(determination coefficient of wind speed cumulative time and roughness)>dc·r(determination coefficient of crop coverage and roughness)>dc·c(determination coefficient of crop coverage and crop coverage)>dr·r(determination coefficient of roughness and roughness). The wind speed cumulative time and the coverage of crops directly affect wind erosion and roughness act mainly through indirect effect to reduce wind erosion.[Conclusion] To reduce the risk of wind erosion, we can appropriately increase crop planting density and enlarge crop coverage and roughness.

    • Variability of Saturated Permeability Coefficient of Loess Slopes in South Jingyang Tableland

      2017, 37(3):254-257. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.043

      Abstract (1144) HTML (0) PDF 593.64 K (1147) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The spatial variability of saturated permeability coefficient of lower layer of cultivated soil was researched to understand the influence of water infiltration on loess landslide in South Jingyang Plateau.[Methods] The horizontal and vertical saturated permeability coefficient of 54 loess samples were measured from the variable head permeability test and analysed using traditional statistics and geostatistics methods.[Results] The saturated permeability coefficient of the trench sampling area was 0.01~10 m/d and the permeability coefficient of the adit sampling area was smaller than that of the trench area, with its range of 0.0001 to 1 m/d. The spatial correlation degree of the vertical direction of the trench sampling area is medium, and the variation range is 5.05; horizontal spatial correlation degree is strong, change range is 3.50. The spatial correlation degree of the vertical direction of the adit is medium, and the variation range is 17.46. For horizontal direction, its correlation is weak with a range of 16.00.[Conclusion] The variability of saturated permeability coefficient in loess slope is larger.

    • Spatial Distribution and Pollution Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Cherry Orchard Soil in Qinzhou District, Tianshui City Based on GIS

      2017, 37(3):258-263. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.044

      Abstract (1383) HTML (0) PDF 979.54 K (2498) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The status of soil heavy metal pollution was researched to provide scientific basis for promoting the sustainable development of cherry orchard industry in Qinzhou District, and for soil heavy metal pollution prevention and control in other fruit land.[Methods] Six towns of cherry orchard production area in Qinzhou District of Tianshui City(Taijing, Yuquan, Xikou, Guanzi, Mudan and Yangjiasi) were taken as the research sites. Where the spatial distribution characteristics of heavy metal pollution in surface soil was illustrated using method of spatial analysis. And the heavy metal environmental quality and its potential ecological risk were evaluated by Nemerow comprehensive pollution index and pollution load index.[Results] Overall, the soil heavy metal pollution of cherry orchard in Qinzhou District was light, but the soil heavy metal pollution in the northeast region was serious than that in the southwest region of the research sites.[Conclusion] The prominent heavy metal element in the cherry orchard is Pb; and Zn, Cr, Cu pollution also existed but belong to light pollution level; Cd pollution is the most light. It is obvious different among the contents of the five heavy metal elements. The heavy metal polluted towns mainly concentrated in Taijing, Yuquan and Xikou County that are adjacent to downtown, for the reason of traffic and intensive human interference, are seriously polluted.

    • Analysis on Relationship Between Net Primary Productivity and Evapo-transpiration Based on MODIS Data in Shaanxi Province

      2017, 37(3):264-269. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.045

      Abstract (1023) HTML (0) PDF 998.76 K (1142) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] Analyzing the vegetation net primary productivity(NPP) and the actual evapotranspiration(ET) in Shaanxi Province, to provide theoretical support with regard to carbon cycle, water cycle characteristics of ecological environment.[Methods] Based on data of the NASA products of net primary productivity(MOD17 A3) and evapotranspiration(MOD16), the spatial and temporal variation characteristics and relationships between NPP and ET in 2000-2014 of Shaanxi Province were analyzed by using the methods of GIS and mathematical statistics.[Results] The vegetation NPP and ET both showed a spatial distribution characteristics by gradually decreasing from the south to the north. In 2000-2014, interannual variability of Shaanxi vegetation NPP presented an increasing trend. The most significant increased region was Shanbei, the second was Guanzhong, and the lowest region was Southern Shaanxi; interannual variability of ET was not significant, and showed a trend of fluctuations. Spatial correlation between NPP and ET was significant for overall province, but regional difference existed:correlation coefficient in Shanbei region was highly significant, whereas in the southern Shaanxi region, it was not significant.[Conclusion] The vegetation NPP had closer relations with ET in arid area.

    • Risk Assessment of Non-point Source Pollution in Nansihu Lake Basin Using Output Coefficient Model

      2017, 37(3):270-274,278. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.046

      Abstract (1131) HTML (0) PDF 1.05 M (1007) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The objective of this study is to explore the distribution characteristics of the output risk of non-point source pollutants nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) under different conditions of sub basin, slope grade and geographical demarcation(counties), and to provide scientific basics for administer plan and control countermeasure of different risk areas of Nansihu Lake Basin.[Methods] Based on digital elevation model(DEM) data, the Nansihu Lake Basin DEM was extracted and slope grade was extracted using ArcGIS software. Then applying hydrologic analysis function, we extracted the drainage and river figures and delimited the drainage basin. Combined with the land use map of Nansihu Lake Basin in 2013, the space changes of N, P pollution under different land cover and slope were analyzed using the output risk model.[Results] The average risk probability of N reached 51.67%. The average risk probability of P reached 9.14%. The output risk of non-point source pollution in the east of lake was less than that in the west. With the increase of slope, the high risk area reduced, but the low risk area increased. In terms of geographical demarcation, Jining City was determined as less risk area of N, other counties had higher risk. The risk of P was less for all counties.[Conclusion] Nitrogen is the main basin non-point source pollutants. The output risk value of non-point source pollution has close relationship with land cover and slope.

    • Effect of Spraying Different Foliar Fertilizer on Winter Jujube Quality

      2017, 37(3):275-278. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.047

      Abstract (1208) HTML (0) PDF 650.42 K (1153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The impacts of spraying superoxide dismutase(SOD), selenium-enriched fertilizer and thidiazuron to leaves on winter jujube quality of Zhanhua winter jujube were researched under the condition of open cultivation in Dali agricultural science and technology demonstration base of Shaanxi Academy of Science.[Methods] Fruit quality among different fertilizer treatments was determined by methods of olybdenum blue spectrophotometry, sodium hydroxide titration, ultraviolet spectrophotometry and so on.[Results] (1) Spraying SOD to leaves significantly increased the contents of soluble sugar and soluble solids, meanwhile reduced the contents of organic acids and vitamin C, and decreased the fruit density after 15 or 30 days been picked. It also remarkably increased the red degree of fruit during the picking period and also the red degree after 24 days been picked, which were contributive to early fruit coloration and to put fruit into market earlier, and to reduce the rotten fruit ratio. (2) Spraying foliar selenium-enriched fertilizer significantly improved the selenium and soluble sugar contents in the fruit, and reduced the contents of organic acids and vitamin C. (3) Spraying thidiazuron mixed foliar fertilizer increased the contents of soluble sugar, soluble solids and organic acids, and decreased fruit density after 15 days been picked. The fruit density after 30 days been picked was higher than that of the contrast. Also, it can defer fruit coloration and fruit marketing, prolong store and supply period before marketing, reduce the rotten fruit ratio, and increase economic benefit.[Conclusion] Spraying SOD, selenium-enriched fertilizer and thidiazuron to leaves had important influences on winter jujube quality. It improved fruit quality to a certain extent. The spraying of selenium-enriched fertilizer can improve the nutrition and health function of fruit; spraying of SOD or thidiazuron is more conducive to early or later marketing, prolongs supplying period, improves the economic benefit.

    • Analysis for Visual Landscape Resources Development of Lake Region of Inner Islands Based on RS & GIS

      2017, 37(3):279-283,289. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.048

      Abstract (920) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (1229) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] This paper aimed to provide some bases for inner lake landscape planning, low impact development and the protection of such regional landscape through quantitative research of sustainable development way in the process of landscape resource development.[Methods] We chose the Xishan Island and the surrounding lake areas in Taihu Lake as the typical research area. RS & GIS spatial analysis technology and method was used to provide quantitative analysis referring to road landscape, lake view, visual opening degree, visual richness and terrain factors.[Results] Firstly, 30 proposed locations were screened out with respect to indicators as slope gradient, the size of the platform foundation, flood, low impact development and the limited reach of the road landscape. Secondly, the final locations were identified through the analysis of viewing area, waterscape openness and visual richness.[Conclusion] Visual resources development based on quantitative date is a measure of source control. The location of viewing platform is reasonable and valid for visual resources sustainable utilization and regional ecology.

    • ArcGIS-based Analysis of Drivers' Spatial Patterns of Water Use Intensity in Anhui Province

      2017, 37(3):284-289. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.049

      Abstract (976) HTML (0) PDF 989.33 K (1454) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The spatial correlation pattern of water intensity drivers was explored to provide basis for the policy formulation of optimizing water resources allocation and for implementing the most rigorous water resources protection policy.[Methods] Taking Anhui Province as an example, the effects of different drivers on water use intensity were calculated using the complete decomposition model. And then ArcGIS-based Kriging interpolation and calorific value analysis methods were used to investigate the spatial correlation pattern and to find out the hot spots/cold spots of water use intensity.[Results] (1) From 2011 to 2014, the technical effect was valued at 94.09%, and the structural effect was 5.91%; (2) The coefficient nuggets of semi-variogram of the technical effect and structure effect were 1 and 0.843 9. The spatial autocorrelation was weak as the overall structure variance was poor, but the regional differences was obvious. (3) Hot spot plus cold spot areas of technical and structural effects of covered for 31.25% and 37.5% of the total provincial area, and moderate areas of the two effects accounted for 68.75% and 62.50%, mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of Wanhe River, in South Anhui, and in Bengbu City.[Conclusion] The spatial heterogeneity of drivers of water use intensity was significant. Technological innovation and structural adjustment are considered as two important ways to enhance regional water use intensity.

    • Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Hydrogeological Parameter Uncertainty Based on Seepage Well Theory

      2017, 37(3):290-294,301. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.050

      Abstract (1128) HTML (0) PDF 940.35 K (1180) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To establish a reliable groundwater numerical model, and to provide reference for the prediction of coal mine pit water inflow.[Methods] The flow process conduit(CFP) of Modflow-2005 was used to simulate the dewatering test of a coal mine, and the uncertainty analysis of hydrogeological parameters was carried out using local sensitivity analysis method.[Results] A coupling model of seepage and pipe flow was established. After repeated adjustment and analysis of fitting results, the best fitting of the hydrogeological parameters was obtained. Through sensitivity analysis, the maximum sensitivity parameter was obtained.[Conclusion] There are big differences in the permeability of the aquifers in the study area, precautions should be taken in the process of drainage. The sensitivity analysis results showed that the conductance of the pipe has the greatest influence. Vertically, of Lower Jurassic Yan'an group(J2Y)the permeability was higher than that of other aquifer groups.

    • Applicability of Precipitation Data from TRMM in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Region, Hunan Province

      2017, 37(3):295-301. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.051

      Abstract (1133) HTML (0) PDF 1.42 M (1259) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] This study aimed to testify the method of estimating the real precipitation with TRMM data with the aid of the observed precipitation and TRMM precipitation from 2002 to 2011.[Methods] The applicability of TRMM precipitation data in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan region of Hunan Province from 2002 to 2011 was analyzed based on the precipitation data from 12 rainfall observation stations with the methods of correlation coefficient, error analysis, relative deviation analysis and statistical analysis.[Results] The fitting degree of TRMM data and observation station data in these regions were good. The goodness-of-fit of yearly rainfall was 0.69 and the ones of the spring, summer, fall and winter respectively were 0.68, 0.52, 0.66 and 0.34. The goodness-of-fit of monthly rainfall reached to 0.73 and that of the every station was good too. Methods of relative deviation analysis and error analysis indicated that the TRMM rainfall data was generally lower than the observed precipitation, which was mainly for that the area representativeness of the signal observational station was far smaller than that of the TRMM. This was because of that the cities' rainfall extensity was stronger than rural area caused by urbanization and that the rainfall observation stations are all located in the edge of cities. The deviation has some definite relations with typographic relief. The more the topographic relief is, the greater the deviation will be.[Conclusion] The TRMM rainfall data has some definite applicability in the region of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan region. We can adopt it for different uses but we should have some indispensible correction with observational data. The TRMM data can also be a reference for the use of the limited previously rainfall observation data in order to improve the spatial accuracy.

    • Applying Fractal Theory to Estimate Loss of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Danjiangkou Reservoir Catchment

      2017, 37(3):302-306. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.052

      Abstract (1077) HTML (0) PDF 671.28 K (1104) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To grasp the situation of agricultural non-point source pollution in Danjiangkou reservoir catchment areas in He'nan Province, and to prove the reliability of the fractal theory calculation results.[Methods] The fractal theory was applied to estimate the loss of total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) in the Danjiangkou reservoir region of He'nan Province in 2013. The estimated values were compared with the ones from output coefficient method.[Results] Pollutants loss was given priority to with nitrogen in the area, the TN loss was 7.16 times of TP loss. The livestock farming contributed the largest amount of loss, accounting for 69.93% of the total loss. The second was the loss from farmland fertilizer, taking up 21.99% of the total one. The pollutant yield of Guanhe River was the most, followed by Danjiang River, Qihe River and Taohe River. The pollutant erosion intensity had a rank as Taohe River > Guanhe River > Danhe River > Qihe River. The significant paired T test(<0.1) showed that the pollutant total amounts calculated by fractal method was coincided with the ones by output coefficient method, which indicated the former could reflect the actual situation more than that of the latter.[Conclusions] Fractal method is feasible to estimate logical agricultural non-point source pollution. It is time to strengthen management of livestock manure and chemical fertilizer to ensure the water quality of Danjiangkou Reservoir.

    • Framework and Key Technologies of Seawall Prognostic and Health Management System Based on Measured Information

      2017, 37(3):307-313. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.053

      Abstract (1117) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (1198) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To solve the problems of maintenance support inability and easily causing significant loss in the traditional maintenance mode of seawall, in order to establish a scientific health management system of seawall.[Methods] The advanced prognostic and health management(PHM) technology was applied to the seawall project. The PHM system of seawall was set up, and the prediction model and health assessment model of seawall PHM system were studied. Combining with the characteristics of seawall and the massive high frequency-measured information, the prediction model of seawall state was put forward based on the water cycle algorithm with strong searching ability combined with the neural network. On the premise of the seawall health factors were considered comprehensively, the system health assessment model was set up based on fuzzy mathematics.[Results] The example analysis showed that the prediction model could predict seawall condition effectively and the health assessment model could assess seawall health in real-time and can pre-estimate seawall health accurately for present and future.[Conclusion] The seawall PHM system framework established meet the characteristics of seawall project. The prediction model and health assessment model are scientific and effective.

    • Influence of Slope Classification Method on Slope Mapping

      2017, 37(3):314-320. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.054

      Abstract (1046) HTML (0) PDF 2.16 M (1335) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] A variety of slope classification methods was applied for slope mapping to explore the influence of different methods on them.[Methods] We selected three sites that are in Suide County of Shaanxi Province, Qinling Mountains in Meixian County of Shaanxi Province and Baiquan County of Heilongjiang Province as the case study areas. A variety of slope classification methods were applied to classify slope. Using the quantitative indicators, we analyzed the spatial pattern and statistical distribution characteristics of slope map.[Results] (1) For specific site mapping, quantile or Evans classification method is better; while for comparison of different sites, unified classification scheme is better; (2) Spatial variation decreased dramatically after slope was classified; (3) All slope classification methods lose some slope information; (4) All slope classification schemes were difficult to represent statistical distribution law of slope accurately.[Conclusion] (1) The slope surface and natural breakpoint methods are better; (2) With the increase of grading space, slope information declines rapidly in a power function; (3) Statistical distribution of slope is better to be mapped with slope surface and natural breakpoint methods.

    • Application of SCS Model to Simulate Runoff in Slope Field at Shiqiao Small Watershed in Bijie City of Guizhou Province

      2017, 37(3):321-328,333. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.055

      Abstract (1163) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (1273) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The rule of runoff formation in karst area was studied to get the parameters of space cooperation system(SCS) model and to test whether it is applicable in the study area.[Methods] Based on field observations of runoff and rainfall characteristics, rainfall events in the study area were classified. Runoff generated on the slopes was simulated by using the SCS model.[Results] (1) Rainfall events in the study area can be divided into four types according to event-based rainfall concentration, namely the pre-type(typeⅠ), medium-type(typeⅡ), back-type(typeⅢ) and even-type(typeⅣ). (2) The value of the initial loss coefficient(λ) was 0.01 or 0.05, much less than 0.2, when simulating runoff on the slopes in the study area by using the SCS model. (3) The curve number(CN) values of typeⅠ, typeⅡ and typeⅢ rainfall showed small changes as slop length increased, while the CN value of typeⅣrainfall tended to increase. The CN values of typeⅠand typeⅡrainfalls tended to reduce with the increase of slope gradient, the CN values of typeⅢ and typeⅣ rainfall did not increased obviously with the increase in slope gradient.[Conclusion] Based on SCS model, the correlation coefficient and model efficiency coefficient of simulated runoff and observed runoff are both high, which indicates the model performed well.

    • Analysis and Improvement of Mixed Particle Swarm Percolation Process in Biofiltration System

      2017, 37(3):329-333. DOI: 10.13961/j.cnki.stbctb.2017.03.056

      Abstract (932) HTML (0) PDF 818.10 K (1141) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] To accurately master the variation law of the filtration flow field, and to provide a theoretical reference for the deeper understanding of the change in the flow in the biofiltration system.[Methods] Based on the particle swarm pressure expansion theory, characteristics of the infiltration were studied mainly in consideration of the fluid-solid coupling effect.[Results] A four stage hypothesis in the percolation process of the biofiltration system was put forward and verified by the experiment.[Conclusion] Either for the process of water seepage or sewage seepage, the permeability coefficients changed from falling to rising and then decreasing, which is caused by the particle swarm pressure expansion.

    • >Expert Forum
    • Soil and Water Conservation Implications on Soil Security and Civilizations Decline-Commented by José Luis Rubio, An International Famous Expert of Soil and Water Conservation Research

      2017, 37(3):334-336.

      Abstract (710) HTML (0) PDF 7.45 M (1181) Comment (0) Favorites
