Abstract:T hrough investigating the main species of different communities in the wind-sandy grass shoal area of Yulin Region, 5 representative areas were selected according to vegetation, site factor, and soil water content.Species richness, species diversity, and the evenness of community were comprehensively calculated by using richness index ( R1) , Shannon - Weiner index ( H ) , Simpson index ( D) , and evenness index ( E 1) .Meanwhile, the relations of the important value of the main species and soil water content to species diversity were studied.The communities in the wind -sandy grass shoal area of Yulin Region, in terms of the species diversity, rank in the descendent order of Amorphaf raticosa community, Caragana intermedia community, H edysarum scop arium community, Salix cheilop hila community, and A rtemisia arenaria community.However, they, in terms of the evenness of community, rank in the descendent order of Salix cheilophila community, A morp ha f raticosa community, Caraganaintermedia community, Hedysarum scop arium community, and A rtemisia arenaria community.They, in terms of soil water content, rank in the descendent order of A morp ha f raticosa community, Artemisia arenaria community, Caragana intermedia community, and H edysarum scoparium community.